Featured Friday: Interview with The Ghost Attic’s Ghost Boy

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I recently made a new friend: the Ghost Boy. He’s the restless spirit who haunts The Ghost Attic.

He used the Contact Us page to reach out and say he liked my site, and to ask if I’d like to add my link to his directory. Flattery. I’m always a sucker for that. Of course I would!

After checking out his site, not only was I flattered but humbled. He’s created a really nice experience for any paranormal enthusiast.

I asked if he’d be interested in being interviewed. I thought it’d be a fun way not only for me to get to know him better, but to give other restless spirits a chance to know him too. He said sure, so I emailed him a few questions. Here’s the results of our Q&A:

Q: When did you launch the Ghost Attic?

I launched The Ghost Attic website in 2015. I had to learn how to build websites first so it’s taken a while to get underway!

Side note: He didn’t know how to build websites before this? Holy crap. He’s a prodigy! 

Q: Why the Ghost Attic? What made you create it?

I named the website The Ghost Attic as I wanted it to be like a spooky room full of paranormal information. A place that people go to get their creepy fix. I created it because I have always been fascinated in ghosts and haunted houses. The paranormal has some good nostalgia about it.

Another side note: #NailedIt

Q: What all can people find on the Ghost Attic? 

The main paranormal information I like to supply is profiles on haunted places people can visit and stay. At the moment the countries consist of America, England and New Zealand (where I am from). Over time I will include more countries. Other articles you can find is true ghost stories, horror movie reviews and trailers, directory database for other paranormal based businesses and websites (please feel free to add yours) and other creepy news articles including ghost photos and videos. You will find most of this in the ‘Secret Room’ aka blog part of the website.

Q: Where do you share the real paranormal stories people submit?

I have only just started adding Real Ghost Stories to The Ghost Attic. Everyone loves ghost stories so I thought it would be a good idea! They are shared on the website and also social media for people to read. Please submit yours here if you have one!

Q: Is the Ghost Attic social? Where else can people interact with you?

Yes I have a Facebook page with a small following. I’m really keen to get more people included so if you want to keep updated with the paranormal and haunted locations around the world please like our Facebook page here.

Q: Do you have a favorite haunted place or ghost story? 

My favourite ghost story is one I listened to on Jim Harold’s Campfire. I think it was called ‘The Roadhouse’. I wont go too far into it but it was about a lady that visited a bar in the middle of nowhere, which ended up being some kind of time slip. She spent the night socialising with people that weren’t actually present and only realised after seeing a historic photo on the wall that  resembled the people in the bar. Please try and find it! It was on one of Jim’s favourite stories episodes.

Side note: Thanks for that tip. I’ll be looking that up!

EXPLORE MORE:  Delving into Dreams with Deedee, the Dreams Interpreter

Q: What’s the most haunted place you’ve jaunted to?

The most haunted place I have been would be the Edinburgh Vaults. I didn’t experience anything unfortunately, but my wife did. We were asked to close our eyes and to try and feel a presence. Not many people did, but my wife mentioned and little boy and named him. The guide then confirmed that she was spot on. Also down the road at Greyfriars Graveyard is pretty creepy at night!

In case you missed any of the links to The Ghost Attic above, here’s one you can’t miss: https://www.theghostattic.com/.

Be sure to check it out and let me know if you love it as much as I do.

Better yet, let the Ghost Boy know. Like The Ghost Attic’s Facebook page or use their Contact Us page to drop him a note. Be sure to tell him Court from Haunt Jaunts sent you!


  1. Awesome Interview! The questions were fun! Thanks Court!

  2. Author

    Thank YOU for reaching out and being so para-friendly!


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