First submissions in for articles

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I am so excited about receiving my very first submissions for travel articles at

I contacted Hope Clark at Funds for Writers to let her know about my call for submissions a couple of weeks back, and she included it in this week’s Small Markets listings. But I also got a little bonus: advice from my hero, Hope. (I’m dazzled by all the successes and progress she’s made with her different ventures and hope one day to be the same kind of success story!)

Anyway, in addition to some neat marketing tips, she also advised me to cut down some of my wording. She suggested I keep it around 300 words.

At first I didn’t know where she meant. My Home page is pretty lean, and it’s also “chunky.” (Uses headers to make it more easily “digestible” by the Web reading eye.) But what I had forgotten was how long I’d made the guidelines…

I did that because I wasn’t sure if people would understand what I was looking for. Turns out I needn’t have worried. I didn’t know what to expect (at worst an empty inbox), but no sooner did her list go out then I had 3 queries in my inbox. I was over the moon! And all of them understood exactly what it was I was after.

So I went back and edited the Submissions Guidelines page. Pretty soon I’ll have specific articles to refer to for examples of what I’m looking for.

If you think you have something I’d be interested in reading, I’ve posted a condensed version of the guidelines below:


Looking for travel articles, short stories, and other articles relating to ghosts, paranormal activity, or haunted places up to 2,500 words.

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Pays $5 up to 1,000 words. $10 over 1,000 words.

Submit IN THE BODY OF YOUR EMAIL (No attachments please) to


Two submitters brought up an interesting dilemma for me. They had photos, which do have to be accepted via attachment. I told them I’ll consider publishing those as well if I accept their articles.

Which I think will be my policy. If you have photos, let me know but don’t send. If I accept your article I’ll ask for them then.

If you have any questions, post them as a comment here of feel free to use the email above.

Anyway, I was pretty excited. Even more excited because when I logged on this afternoon there was yet another query!


  1. It’s SUPER exciting! There are so many people who are passionate about exploring like me in this way and the articles are really reflecting that. THANKS for your support, Lisa!!!


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