Five Signs Your House Could be Haunted

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This is a guest contribution from H. Davis.

It’s true, not everyone believes in ghost, spirits, or the afterlife. But what if there are strange things going on in your home that you can’t explain? As if buying a house wasn’t terrifying enough, things can get a lot scarier to hear your child hold full conversations and dress in turn of the century clothing with their imaginary friend.

Is that enough evidence to believe that your home might be haunted? The answer is no, but it definitely raises suspension. Before diving into the symptoms of what makes a home haunted, it’s always best to learn about the history of the property. This is perhaps the place to start since it can help homeowners uncover and confirm paranormal activity. Property records can also show if your home is located on troubled land. This might include ancient burial grounds, battlefields, cursed land, or areas where witchcraft was practiced.

That said, if you’re experiencing any unexplained phenomena, then it might be worth investigating your home for answers. Remember, it’s important for you to try and debunk as much as possible before concluding that your home might be housing entities as well. So, without further ado, here are five ways you can tell if your home is haunted:

Cold Spots or Feeling A Breeze: Individuals who spend time investigating hauntings, believe that cold spots and random cold breezes are linked to spirits who are trying to make their presence known. This is especially true if the cold spots or breezes occur suddenly on a hot day, or without warning. Before jumping the gun, keep in mind that cold spots are usually easy for investigators to debunk. Sometimes windows are not sealed properly, or air conditioning vents are in hidden compartments of the home you and the real-estate agent never noticed. That’s why it’s important to pay close attention to your environment next time you feel a cold draft. Aside from having your vents and windows inspected, you should also have your doors, floorboards, ceiling, and anything else that can cause cold spots as well.

Evidence From Energy Audits: Unless you’re a paranormal investigator, this is something you definitely don’t want to do alone. Instead, consider reaching out to a professional for help when you decide to confront the supernatural head on. If you ever wanted to perform an energy audit in your home, then a possible haunting is a perfect time to do so. Do-it-yourself energy audits are also fine ––as long as you’re comfortable doing it yourself and have the right equipment available. Conducting investigations yourself, however, should always be a last resort since it can stir up more problems and open more doors within the spiritual world. Doors you wish you never experimented with. That’s why dealing with professionals might be the way to go. For one, they can tell you if your home is really haunted by spirits. They also have more reliable equipment like the YoloBox, for example, that cannot only record and capture cold spots using thermals images, it can also live stream what the cameras recording to prevent evidence from being lost or tampered with; and since evidence is so vital in the spiritual world, having devices like this is key.

With that in mind, when reaching out to energy auditing teams, it’s best not to mention that your home might be haunted. Instead, you ask them to spend extra time in a particular area of the house like in the kid’s bedroom, or near the laundry room with their fancy camera. If the spirit, however, prefers to mess with the lights located throughout the house, then also consider reaching out to an electrician.

Feeling Like You’re Being Watched: The mind truly is a wonderful thing that doesn’t have to play tricks on you. That said, if you’re constantly looking over your shoulder expecting someone to be there, but no one is, it doesn’t mean that you’re being paranoid. The various nerves throughout your body can oftentimes tell you when you’re not alone, even if you’re home alone physically in a house, apartment, or car.

Similarly – and even more terrifyingly – the feeling of someone touching you or brushing up against your shoulder can also point to supernatural activity. The experiences may vary. Some people, for instance, get poked, touched, hit, scratched, and in some cases, punched. Other people, however, might experience being pulled, tugged, or getting their hand grabbed. The feeling of being watched should never overlook since being touched or watched can indicate something beyond this world is trying to contact you and get your attention.

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Powered Objects Lose Battery Life: There’s a common belief within the paranormal world that spirits are able to both manipulate and drain battery powered devices. If you’ve ever watched a paranormal show, then you might have witnessed investigators equipment and cameras dying with a full battery. Every wonder why? Well, the thought is that entities like ghost pull energy from these devices to help them communicate with investigators, homeowners, and anyone else willing to listen.

This isn’t the only way electricity and paranormal activity go hand-in-hand. Electromagnetic field (EMF) readings– from loose or aged wiring – can actually cause homeowners to feel as if they’re being watched and cause a shortage in appliances. The best thing to do in this case is to find a home inspector. Before choosing anyone, make sure you do a bit of research to find someone with the right amount of experience. That way, they’re sure of their findings and give you the best answers.

Things Disappear: Depending on who or what is trying to spook you, objects throughout the house may go missing without a trace. This means that clothing items might get moved, keys might be hidden, and small items like jewelry could disappear. It can also mean objects like cups, glass, and plates could go flying off the shelves if the spirit haunting your living environment has an attitude. In some cases, however, a door – or two – might get slammed and locked shut. Simply put: When objects begin to move around the house, you know that you’re dealing with something that has the ability to interact with the physical world around you.

Depending on the spirit’s intentions, this may or may not be a major problem. If the ghost is trying to play tricks on you and just want to be noticed, then you shouldn’t have much to worry about. What are some things you can do moving forward? Get in contact with a local paranormal group if you want to get more information about your home and see if the entity in your home is positive or negative.

Thanks for the read! Did I miss anything important? If so please leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to get back to you.

About the Contributor

H. Davis enjoys being active and finds any excuse to go read up on spooky stories. If you can’t catch him online, you might be able to catch him working out at the gym, or cheering on the Boise State Broncos. Follow him on Twitter at @Davis241. Thanks!


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