Friday Follow List: Psychics

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Last week’s Follow Friday list went pretty well so I decided to do it again this week. Yes, I realize it’s Saturday. Yes, I’m a day late and already blowing the rhythm I’d hoped to get into. What can I say? I’m rhythmically challenged!

At any rate, I wanted to make sure I did my Follow Friday list because I have some VIP psychics I follow on Twitter who also follow me back and I want to make sure it stays that way!

So here it is, a special shout out to the special psychics in my life.

@AStateofMind – Nathan has been a Twitter ally since I first took the plunge and put @HauntJaunts out in Twitterland. If you want to learn psychic powers he’s interested in teaching you. In fact, he just wrote a book A Librarian’s Guide to Psychic Development. Oh, and you may also recognize him from guest blogs he’s posted here. He’s HJ’s Polish Paranormal Tour Guide. (His most recent guest post was about a possible chupacabra in Poland. Interesting stuff!)

@DeniseLescano – Psychic medium Denise Lescano also has a new book out, The Messenger. I don’t know how she found me, or why she ever #FF’d me, but I know in the beginning (meaning when I first started Tweeting), there she’d be in my “@” folder on Fridays. It made me stand up and take notice. FYI, for any Coast to Coast AM with George Noory fans, Denise will be on the show May 26.

@AGHUlmer – Jeff Ulmer is both a psychic and paranormal investigator. It’s not always easy being taken seriously as either, and when you put the two together? Talk about a quick way to make people suspicious of you! I, however, have never been anything but awed by this man. He’s a gem. Knowledgeable, respectful, funny, and in general good people all around.

@sethanikeem – I consider Michelle Belanger one of the “Kennedys of the paranormal”. She’s a paranormal phenomenon in her own right. In addition to being a skilled energy worker, she’s also a prolific author, musician and artist. Her newest book, The Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned, is set to be released later this year. If you’re into Tarot cards, she has a deck coming out called Watcher Angel Tarot cards from SpiralFire Studio.

@hrtcntrdpsychic – Brenda Hooser is a new to me psychic, but I took to her right away. The first thing I noticed about her is how compassionate and empathetic she is. I wasn’t surprised when I went to her About page and saw she describes herself as an intuitive medium. Talk about being tuned in. It comes through loud and clear in her posts, Tweets and comments. The Internet isn’t exactly always a great forum for allowing emotions and such to be conveyed, but it doesn’t stop Brenda’s warmth from coming through loud and clear.

EXPLORE MORE:  7 Hidden Dangers of Being Psychic

@PsychicRevolutn – Rosemary Breen takes a pragmatic approach to the psychic realms of the paranormal. She’s conducting an interesting experiment (for lack of a better word) about parapsychological phenomena and she’s given it the overall general catchall title of Physic Revolution. It’s an extension of academic research she did at Monash University in Australia where she collected over 4,000 surveys from people in 59 countries about their paranormal experiences. If someone’s destined to find some answers or draw conclusions, I have high hopes Rosemary will.

@PsychicPIcom – I love Shellee and what she does. She’s a licensed and certified psychic private investigator. (Well, she’s licensed in the state of Washington to be a PI…no one knows how to license psychics yet. Besides which, if they were going to start licensing people I can think of a whole bunch of others who should be licensed first –like some people who want to have kids!) She’s also got a site you can check out if you’re interested: Psychic Detective News.


  1. Great finds! I have to admit, I never intended to bring up the psychic thing with my blog, but once I found people are okay with it, I felt more safe to talk about it. I’d love to do more with it on the blog. The mass experiments have been fun, but I want to stretch my skills in new directions, so this inspires me to think about pursuing that part of my life more.

  2. Thanks Courtney for inlcuding me in your list :).

  3. You should totally explore it more, Autumnforest. You’ll definitely find you’re not alone and that you could bring value to other people’s lives!

    Nathan, you’re welcome. Good luck with your neat looking book!


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