Friday Fun: A Game of “What Are Your Paranormal Preferences” Tag

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A couple weeks back (or possibly even longer than that) I saw a funny Tweet saying something about “swimming, ghost hunting, fried eggs?” (or some such) with a link attached.

All I know is it piqued my interest enough to click the link. I was taken to a blog with a post of a girl who had videoed herself answering random questions. She’d then posted it on YouTube.

The blog’s owner had found it and included it, along with the list of questions she’d answered, in the blog. (I wish I could just link to it, which I had fully intended to do, but ding dong me apparently didn’t note the blog or the link like I thought I had. Sheesh!)

Anyway, you know the type of list I’m talking about? The ones your friends send via emails or Facebook? There’s a list of questions asking various things like what’s your favorite color, what color underwear are you wearing, and when was the last time you cried.

Some of the questions are kookie, but I happen to love those lists. Not so much because I like answering the questions, but because I love reading the funny answers people come up with.

It gave me the bright idea to have a little fun this Friday and try my hand at creating my own list. One for those of us interested in the paranormal, the Internet, horror, etc.

I had even toyed with the idea of creating a video response of my answers like the girl I mentioned above had done, but I chickened out. Instead, my answers follow the questions below.

*PLEASE NOTE:* If you’ve read this far, consider yourself TAGGED!

If you don’t in turn answer the questions by leaving a comment or posting them on your own blog, I’m not responsible for the misfortune that will follow. (i.e. Bigfoot will steal your identity, tap your credit and drain your life savings for plastic surgery which will allow it to fully assume all facets of your life…or something equally awful and weird.)

However, if you respond within the next 24 hours, fairies will sprinkle you with magic dust that guarantees you a charmed life the rest of your days.

(Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Another thing so many of those other lists have in common are silly disclaimers about what will happen if you do or don’t respond. I couldn’t resist the temptation of trying my hand at concocting something equally ridiculous for my list.)


  1. Day person or night? Used to be a night owl, but my husband has slowly managed to convert me to his day person ways.
  2. Email or phone? EMAIL! (Hate talking on the phone. Self-conscious of my voice.)
  3. Facebook or Twitter? A little of both, but I lean more towards Twitter these days. (It’s a hip, happening place and I’ve met so many net new people!)
  4. Carnivore or veggievore? BOTH
  5. Cold, dark & stormy or bright, warm, & sunny? Well, when I get too much cold, dark & stormy like we’ve had this winter, I crave bright, warm, & sunny. (Bring on spring!) However, there comes a point near the end of summer when I’m tired of hot and start craving cold, dark & stormy, so…it varies seasonally.
  6. What was your favorite part about last Halloween? TIE: my wigs/costumes and my Halloween Blog Party!
  7. GPS, map, or wing it? If we have my husband’s Blackberry we use his GPS on that. Sometimes we use a map if one’s handy. Mostly we wing it. (And as a result we spend a lot of time being lost!)
  8. Cryptids or ghosts? GHOSTS! (I do not want to take a chance being mauled, mamed, eaten or carried off by some winged thing while out on a cryptid quest! Ghosts are tame.)
  9. Ghost tour or ghost hunting? Ghost tour (only because I like walking around hearing ghost stories, learning about a place’s history and admiring the architecture.)
  10. Ghost hunting TV shows or movies about ghosts? Movies. (And, I know I keep talking about it, but it bears repeating…one movie I’m SUPER jazzed for is Phasma Ex Machina. That looks like it has all the potential to be a flipping ROCKING ghost movie!)
  11. Planes, trains or automobiles? I used to love to fly…before it became such a hassle. Cars mostly (because then I can also take along our pooch). Trains as applicable.
  12. Does your car have a name? Nissy
  13. What’s something you’ve learned to do in real life from watching horror movies? Check the backseat of my car before getting in to make sure no maniacs are lurking there to get me!
  14. If they actually existed and you could take a safari to see them in their natural habitats, which would you go see: werewolves, vampires, Bigfoot, Nessie, or winged creatures like the Mothman or Thunderbird? (Note: This question was sparked via a post on Ask Doc Paranormal’s blog about werewolf tours in Romania.) Um, referring back to answer #8, I don’t want anything sucking my blood or to be something’s lunch or dinner, so I’m not sure I’d do any of these safaris. If I could see Nessie from afar, like on land, okay. Maybe werewolves. (If I had complete assurance they couldn’t gobble me up.)
  15. What’s the scariest place you’ve ever been? Besides my mind? Hands down Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando. Flipped me out. Most frightening experience ever. (Aside from being told I had cancer, that is. I guess that’ll always be the reigning champ of terrifying experiences.) But as far as actual scary places I’ve been, most definitely Halloween Horror Nights.


  1. I answered this meme on my LJ, but you have to be “friended” in order to read it. Shall I send you my answers in e-mail?

  2. Okay, Okay… I given in. Just the thought of BF getting laser hair removal with my credit card number is horrifying!

    1. I’m really both–super peppy in the am and daytime but also very creative and start projects at night.
    2. Email–I’m much better in written form. I hate my voice!
    3. Don’t like either FB or Twitter–use MySpace. I refuse to budge.
    4. Veggievore
    5. Cold/dark/stormy/foggy/dreary-absolutely!
    6. Last Halloween was amazing because I had the best party ever!
    7. I like to use maps, but not under stress. If I need to look it up right away–I’m screwed and I wing it by my own internal GPS system that tells me which way is right.
    8. Even though I’m a ghost hunter, I’ve experienced them a lot. I’m more excited about cryptids because I want to see a glimpse of BF!
    9. Ghost hunt–that’s what I do, what I love to do.
    10. Movies about ghosts–if someone would make some good ones–dangit!
    11. Trains–I hate flying so much I can’t even describe how much I hate it. I hate long car rides too.
    12. My car has no name. It doesn’t deserve one. It was not my choice when hubby got it for me, he forgot how tall I am–when I go over bumps, my head hits the ceiling.
    13. I always think when I watched stuff like “Halloween” that I would handle Michael Meyers a lot better than those characters did, but it has made me think about what I would do in any given room if my house were invaded all of a sudden, so it has made me look at weapons in everyday objects.
    14. Safari of Bigfoot, but I’d really hate to see him penned in.
    15. Scariest place…I’ve been in a lot of them, but there was one that so freaked me out by its vibes that I had to go there and experience it for a while to figure out what was so unsettling about it. Oregon City, Oregon. It has this bizarre feel like those movies where a couple moves into a new town and finds something “off” about the inhabitants. The river churns, the hills are deeply cut, the hydroelectric plant on the river is churning it up, and the water is filled with huge sturgeon that look like sharks. It’s just very freaky-deeky. I hope to write a horror novel that takes place there.
  3. You went to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios??!????!!?!? Do you have any idea the amount of jealousy you’ve just evoked in me! If that place was a real town I would live there forever.

  4. Well, since you asked….

    1. Day person or night? Night. Always the night. Give me 2nd shift and coffee. Give me dark alleys and city nights. Give me paranormal shows and horror stories. But above all give me a corner alone somewhere where I can write!!!

    2. Email or phone? Email. Or honestly any mobile web device I can bug people on.

    3. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter. Facebook scares me. I know people who’ve joined and had people they haven’t seen since kindergarten suddenly appear and want to talk.

    4. Carnivore or veggievore? Anything as long as it’s healthy and isn’t red meat.

    5. Cold, dark & stormy or bright, warm, & sunny? Cold, dark and stormy always. I can wear my favorite jackets and comfy hoodies as often as possible. Besides, Bermuda shorts and flip-flops just aren’t my thing and hot weather sucks if it isn’t nighttime.

    6. What was your favorite part about last Halloween? Last Halloween was hell. The only thing I remember enjoying about it was I finally got to watch the much anticipated movie “Trick r’ Treat”.

    7. GPS, map, or wing it? Anything as long as I can avoid asking for directions. I’m good at this so often times I wing it. If not, I memorize a map.

    8. Cryptids or ghosts? Both. If its paranormal and absolutely terrifying I’m there. Ghosts, Mothman, and werewolves always win out in my book.

    9. Ghost tour or ghost hunting? Ghost tour! But only if it’s not corny or crowded. I only go ghost hunting if I can do it alone (yeah, a big no-no but I feel more focused and alert by myself).

    10. Ghost hunting TV shows or movies about ghosts? TV shows since there’s so many variables that can happen with the people and places on them. Plus my attention span is about as long as you can hold your breath. If there’s no commercial breaks where I can get up and nom on something or stretch, I fade fast.

    11. Planes, trains or automobiles? Automobiles since I can stop and go when I want. I HATE flying (though I’ve never done it) and on trains the food sucks and is so expensive it’s ridiculous. Plus did I mention I can’t sit still for more than an hour?

    12. Does your car have a name? Yup, Bessie. She’s like an old, dependable farm animal. Okay, more like a dying cow.
    13. What’s something you’ve learned to do in real life from watching horror movies? ALWAYS make sure they’re dead!

    14. If they actually existed and you could take a safari to see them in their natural habitats, which would you go see: werewolves, vampires, Bigfoot, Nessie, or winged creatures like the Mothman or Thunderbird? Werewolves. Then I’d try and get bit by one. Or maybe Mothman, just so I can prove to myself monsters are real.

    15. What’s the scariest place you’ve ever been? Detroit. At night.

  5. OK. Here it Goes…. I certailnly don’t want big foot stealing my identity.

    Day person or night? Night Person. I hate mornings

    Email or phone? Email or Text.

    Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. More of my friends are there.

    Carnivore or veggievore? Carnivore. I don’t eat vegtables at all.

    Cold, dark & stormy or bright, warm, & sunny? I lcan appreciate storms and I love basking in the sun. I just take it as it comes..

    What was your favorite part about last Halloween? I made a haunted house for my boy’s halloween party and we scared their friends. It was wonderful

    GPS, map, or wing it? GPS. I could get lost going to the bathroom

    Cryptids or ghosts? GHOSTS!

    Ghost tour or ghost hunting? Ghost Hunting.

    Planes, trains or automobiles? I like the trains in Europe, but not here. Planes and subways here.

    Does your car have a name? No, sadly.

    What’s something you’ve learned to do in real life from watching horror movies? Kill zombies.

    If they actually existed and you could take a safari to see them in their natural habitats, which would you go see: werewolves, vampires, Bigfoot, Nessie, or winged creatures like the Mothman or Thunderbird? Winged Creatures.

    What’s the scariest place you’ve ever been? Downtown Detroit on Devil’s Night.

  6. Here I go….I just couldn’t see BF with a bra, wig and pumps!

    1.Day person or night? Day, I am lucky if I can make it past 9:00 pm these days.
    2.Email or phone? Email as well or texting
    3.Facebook or Twitter? both, I have lots of family of Facebook and new friends on Twitter
    4.Carnivore or veggievore? BOTH
    5.Cold, dark & stormy or bright, warm, & sunny? the dark stormy night would be perfect for ghost hunting or a scary movie but I’m a sunshine girl.
    6.What was your favorite part about last Halloween? the TV shows…didn’t go anywhere
    7.GPS, map, or wing it? GPS if I’m with my hubby but usually I’ll mapquest it
    8.Cryptids or ghosts? ghosts, first and foremost, and then maybe Bigfoot (with a bra, wig and pumps if they have them in gigantic sizes)
    9.Ghost tour or ghost hunting? ghost tours are fun and then ghost hunting with someone who knows what they are doing
    10.Ghost hunting TV shows or movies about ghosts? the way the ghost hunting shows have been lately, give me a good ghost movie
    11.Planes, trains or automobiles? automobiles because you can see more of our country that way
    12.Does your car have a name? Scooby Doo
    13.What’s something you’ve learned to do in real life from watching horror movies? don’t run upstairs if being chased…..go out the front door for heaven sakes!
    14.If they actually existed and you could take a safari to see them in their natural habitats, which would you go see: werewolves, vampires, Bigfoot, Nessie, or winged creatures like the Mothman or Thunderbird? yes if Josh Gates came with me
    15.What’s the scariest place you’ve ever been? Haunted Mansion in Disneyland

  7. 14.If they actually existed and you could take a safari to see them in their natural habitats, which would you go see: werewolves, vampires, Bigfoot, Nessie, or winged creatures like the Mothman or Thunderbird? I meant to say “ANY if Josh Gates was with me”. I need to proof read, lol.

  8. Jessica! You stole my Detroit joke!

  9. Author


    I have been cracking up like crazy driving my husband nuts as I’ve read all your answers/comments. He’s getting so annoyed. He keeps saying, “What the hell is so funny now?”

    I don’t know what’s funnier…BF getting laser hair removal or dressed in wigs, pump and bra!

    And then Jessica with the “kill zombies.” WISH I HAD SAID THAT ONE! Good answer! Or Grim with his “ALWAYS make sure they’re dead!”

    And speaking of Grim…HAHAHAHA. Typical man to #7 GREAT answer.

    Oh man, THANKS everybody! These answers were great! No sit ups today. Got my belly workout laughing at all these great answers!

  10. I always like coming by and reading your posts, you manage to offer such personality in your writing, it makes me feel like I know you.

    Anyway, my comment is more of a complaint, and it’s not of you…it’s of the silly people who constructed that list of questions. Some were poignant, and I was happy to read your answers, but the cat question in particular…wtf?

    “Does your cat have a name?” First off, quite an assumption to take for granted that you own a cat, and second, have you ever seen a pet cat without a name?

    What if you have three cats? Or maybe 46? What if your cat is known as € (The cat formerly known as buttons)? And to top it all off, they want to know IF your cat has a name, but they don’t want to know what it is?

    I’m gonna have to boycott this whole list/question/interrogation thing and ultimately just thank you for contributing to my phobia of questions about planes, trains and automobiles. It’s ok, you didn’t know. and really, it only set my therapy back a year of so.

    Cheers, and watch out for Bigfoot, he’s hungry this time of year!

  11. Author

    Martin…I thought @AGHUlmer on Twitter had me laughing this morning with his “I’m just a big hairy American winning machine.” Tweet, but your comment???

    Reread #12 again. Not “cat.” CAR!!!!

    I’d never be so presumptuous to assume everyone owned a cat. I’m well aware not everyone even likes them!

    But holy cow did (still does actually) have me cracking up.

    So does your plane therapy…that’s not funny. (Well, how you worded it, but not the subject.) Still, you made me laugh. SORRY! I did not know about your plane phobia. Duly noted.

    Oh man…thanks for this comment. Stomach workout today? CHECK!

  12. Author

    Martin, now that you’ve told me via Twitter you made this comment while on cold meds it’s even funnier! Thanks for stopping by my blog even when you’re under the weather. Hope you feel better soon!


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