Friday Fun: Planning HJ’s 1 Year Anniversary Bash

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Okay, normally I wouldn’t go all out on a party for my blog. After all, whoopie. I’ve been at it almost a year now. Big deal. Join the blogging crowd with all those who have accomplished the same thing.

I appreciate that. The thing is, I’m grateful just to be alive. And Haunt Jaunts has EVERYTHING to do with that. Celebrating HJ’s anniversary is celebrating my New Life Birthday.

So…I’m going to do it up BIG!

Or as big as I can on a very small budget…

But here’s some of the festivities I have in mind so far:

  1. Without organizations doing work like the Lymphoma Research Foundation, I wouldn’t be here. They find new treatments, offer education, and provide support (to both patients and their loved ones). I literally owe my life to the people that dedicate theirs to finding cures for cancer. Therefore, first and foremost, it’s very important to me that any kind of celebration involves giving back. Which is why I decided that I’m going to donate .05¢ to the Lymphoma Research Foundation for every Twitter follower Haunt Jaunts (@HauntJaunts if you want to start following now to help the cause) has come March 30, 2010. (I know a nickel isn’t much. If I were to donate today it’d only be about $50. But I plan to try and get as many Twitter followers between now and then as I can. Just in case I’m super successful, I want to make sure I can afford to put my money where my mouth is! A nickel is affordable enough I could do that without being on the line for tens of thousands of dollars.)
  2. Speaking of Twitter, I’d also like to do a “guess the number of jelly beans in the jar” kind of game. Closest guess wins. Except, I’ll do a guess how many Twitter followers I’ll have come March 30, 2010. Closest guess wins. Same with Facebook. (But I have to double check and make sure that’s not against FB’s policies. They’ve gotten a little funny about stuff lately.)
  3. Show me your paranormal hot spots. I’ll have people either send me pics of Haunt Jaunts where they live or have visited to post here on the blog, or, if they’re Facebook fans, they can post them there themselves. Then I’ll pick posters at random and give them a prize.
  4. Speaking of prizes, I’ll also give out random prizes to people who RT on Twitter, leave comments on various posts, etc.

I still don’t know what kind of prizes I’ll have. However, I’m looking for sponsors. If you are an artist, author, travel or tour related company, etc and have promo items you’d like to donate, I’ll be happy to work with you to give you as much exposure as possible.

And for those of you interested in playing along and trying to win prizes, stay tuned. More info to follow about how to enter…


  1. I retweeted for you . I am guessing you will have 2,050 followers

  2. Hmmm…. I COULD donate a can of mace, all in the name of personal safety and security of course, LoL. Don’t think anyone would be interested in anything else I have. I mean, you can only give away so many pens!

    I’ll try and guess your Twitter number in a few (days). Need to get the psychic powers going.

    Your charitable gesture is quite endearing (really). Makes me wish we could all have a real party to celebrate. I’d be the one behind the bar (or on the floor in front of it)!

    And you DID write a story for autumnforest’s contest, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU???

  3. I will link this post to our twitter page. I don’t have as many followers, 50 as of today, but it is worth bringing it to their attention. I am ready to party with Haunt Jaunts.

  4. Patty…THANKS! I appreciate it. (And your guess…let’s hope! That’d be super exciting. And a nicer check to write than just $50 something bucks.;)

    Grim: HAHAHAHA! MACE! I love it! That is so you. I might take you up on that as a joke if nothing else. (Actually, I think you should make a ghost mace spray and sell it to paranormal groups. Even as a joke. That’d be funny!)

    Oh, and yes, thanks to Autumnforest explaining to me when midnight is…I luckily got my submission in!

    Julie: You bring a party ALL the time. For which I’m happy and grateful. And speaking of grateful…THANKS for the RT! Every 1 helps!

  5. Happy HJ Anniversary! I don’t really twitter so I have no idea there, but I love your blog and I’m glad I found it. 🙂

  6. THANKS Jessica! That’s how I feel about yours…even though I’m again behind reading it. I will do one of my famous catch ups this week. No tennis or vball like I have had so I’ll have time to catch up.

    Oh, and Twitter won’t be necessary to enjoy the party. The main things will all happen right here on the blog! WOOHOOO!


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