Ghost Rescue Agency Helps Spirits Plagued by the Living

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Entrance to grand old abandoned house would make perfect ghost rescue agency
The courtyard entrance of the Ghost Rescue Agency.

We all know the answer to the question, “Who ya gonna call?” But what about ghosts? Who do they call when they’re troubled by strange noises in the night or when they experience feelings of dread in their basement or attic? What do restless spirits do with all the people incessantly hunting them these days?

Before the Ghost Rescue Agency (GRA) came along, many just used to have to grimace and bear it.

Well, those who dwelled in abandoned places felt safe. Sure, live humans came around every once in a while to check things out. But mostly the ghosts were free to roam at will without being harrassed to manifest, interact or “perform.”

Then shows like Ghost Adventures and Destination Fear with its Trail to Terror made certain abandoned haunted places very attractive to ghost hunting thrill-seekers and shattered their formerly mainly peaceful afterlives.

But what about ghosts in private homes? Shows like Kindred Spirits and Ghost Hunters have been a little kinder to domestic spirits. The stars on those shows often try to help the living figure out how to coexist with the dead.

Except there are still plenty of horror stories where humans made less than stellar roommates, proving very selfish and wanting the ghosts gone. These spirits had to endure housemates who subjected them to a variety of people and methods attempting to expel them.

Sometimes it became too unbearable and they had to leave, even though they really had nowhere to go. That was the case of Bea Guiled.

Bea Guiled’s Story

This former Southern Belle remained as genteel in her afterlife as she had been when she was alive. For decades she peacefully coexisted with the humans who came to live in her antebellum home, which her father had built in the early 1800s.

But almost two centuries later the new owners became so insufferable she found herself forced out. They had turned her home into a haunted bed and breakfast, often gave ghost tours, and sometimes even held special paranormal events.

None of which would’ve been so bad. In life, Bea had been the personification of a perfect hostess. However, the owners insisted demons and darkness dwelled in the home, which was not true. Not at first.

It attracted troubling humans who demonstrated even more troubling behaviors and eventually did attract dark energy. Bea neither knew how to interact with it nor wanted any part of it.

Suddenly she found herself cast out from the only home she’d ever known, alone and unsure how to navigate her new world. Some spirits find roaming untethered freeing. At first, Bea did too. But she missed having a home —her home— and all the comforts that came with it.

Then something happened. Bea stumbled across a new home and a new friend, Crystal Cleery, who had found herself in the same position as Bea. They decided there were probably more like them, wayward ghosts in need or want of a new home. And thus the Ghost Rescue Agency was born.

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The Ghost Rescue Agency

ghosts of southern ladies outside an old possibly antebellum home
Bea Guiled crossing in front of the door while Crystal Cleery experiments with taking both a selfie and photobombing at the same time.

Bea and Crystal aren’t sure when the last time humans crossed the threshold of their magnificent abandoned home. They don’t know why it was forgotten deep in the woods of an undisclosed location, but it makes the perfect haven to welcome unwanted spirits. Unwanted by humans at least.

“We welcome ghosts of all kinds, but no. We don’t want any living humans finding us,” Bea said.

Crystal explained they take “precautions” to maintain their location’s anonymity, but she didn’t elaborate on what those were.

“We’ve had enough of being ‘hunted,'” Crystal said. “All of those who find us don’t want to be a novelty or an attraction anymore. We just want a place where we can roam undisturbed.”

And that’s what the Ghost Rescue Agency offers. Acres of pristine forests surround their haven for restless spirits who they find in a plethora of ways.

However, that’s why they agreed to talk with me. They’ve picked a select few platforms they feel are sympathetic to ghosts to try and help spread the word about the Agency’s mission.

“Just like living humans, spirits consume media in all of its forms, too,” Bea said. “The more we can reach, the more we can let them know that they don’t have to stay in homes or places where they’re not respected and their peace is constantly disrupted. We’re here for them.”

“Especially the children ghosts,” Crystal added.

Bea had been looking forward to starting a family with her husband, but she died of yellow fever shortly after she was married. Crystal also died before she had any children.

They’ve put their natural maternal instincts to good use at the Ghost Rescue Agency, whose name is misleading. It’s less of an institution and more of a home for spirits of all shapes, ages, and sizes where family gathers.

Black and White ghost on bed
Ghosts no longer need to hide or feel lonely with the Ghost Rescue Agency to go to.
2 ghosts climbing or escaping over a fence
Ghosts have a safe place they can now escape to when they want peace.
3 ghosts on stairs
There are new friends to make.
Three ghosts in a backyard by a fence
And plenty of space to roam around outside.
Ghosts on lawnchairs
But most of the ghosts at the Agency just prefer to hang around.

For More Info

You can follow @GhostRescueAgency on social media using the hashtag #AprilFoolsDay.


When did you suspect this might be an April Fool’s Day joke?


  1. I was voted “most gullible” in h.s. So I didn’t figure this out until the end. But do I get a point for thinking it was a movie summary instead of real life?

  2. Author

    LOL Priscilla! “Voted Nost Gullible” You crack me up. That sounds like an April Fool’s joke right there! But I loved that this sounded like a movie summary to you! I’m taking that as a compliment! lol


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