Ghosts and the Afterlife: The Definitive Documentary

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Ghosts and The Afterlife Documentary Movie Poster

Ghosts and the Afterlife: A Scientific Investigation claims to be the first truly scientific investigation into ghosts and the hereafter. It uses research from the world’s leading physicians, philosophers, and scientists to explore the truth about ghosts and the afterlife. That’s why it calls itself “the definitive documentary on the subject of the afterlife.”

The feature-length film compiled all currently available scientific and historical evidence. It took 12 years of in-depth research and investigation to complete. Various religious and scientific perspectives are examined through interviews. Some of the preeminent experts in their fields assert that “death is not the end.”

Who’s Featured In Ghosts and the Afterlife

The film features James Van Praagh (creator and executive producer of Ghost Whisperer), Dr. Vernon Sylvest, M.D. (pathologist), Dr. Kenneth Rose (Harvard Ph.D. in philosophy and world religions), Psychics Eddie Conner, Justin Terry and Reverend F. Reed Brown, Dr. Jeffrey Rediger, M.D. (Harvard Professor and researcher into the phenomena of life-after-death experiences and spiritual healing), Dr. Norm Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., Raymond A. Moody Jr. (author of the best-selling book Life After Life), Captain Frederick “Skip” Atwater (the Operations Officer in charge of the top-secret military Star Gate program that investigated consciousness beyond the physical mind) and many others.

The program is narrated on-camera by Kelsey Bohlen with special guest appearances by the late Emmy® award-winning Jay Thomas (Murphy Brown, Cheers, Mr. Holland’s Opus). (This was Thomas’ last film project.)


Lise Romanoff, Managing Director/CEO of Vision Films, says, “This is a fascinating look at the consistently reported encounters people have experienced with near, after-death and ghost encounters throughout time. Whether one believes in ghosts or not, you will find the research and firsthand stories undeniably mesmerizing.”

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Director Steve Sayre, who has experienced two after-death experiences after suffering serious injury in the military, has this to say about the film’s findings, “After having experienced life after death myself on two occasions, and considering the volumes of scientific and experiential evidence uncovered during the 12 years the film has been in production, there is no doubt that life continues after what we refer to as death.”

Ghosts and the Afterlife Trailer

For More Info

Ghosts and the Afterlife will be available on all major streaming and cable platforms in the U.S. and Canada on December 13, 2022.



Do you believe in life after death?


  1. Yep, I believe in life after death. It’s an interesting topic. Yesterday I finished a book by Fawn Hoener called A Holy Errand. (Despite the title, it’s not a religious book.) It’s a memoir by a Hospice nurse. There are a few convincing stories in there!

  2. I will be checking it out,Courtney. Thank you for the info as usual!

    Jim aka Wizz

  3. I’ll pass that on to a family member, Priscilla (and this post)…they’re really interested in life after death…

  4. Author

    Hospice nurses are special breeds and I can only imagine all the stories they have to tell. Talk about seeing it all –from the living and the dead! Putting that book on my list. Thanks, as always, for the comment but also for sharing what you’re reading.

  5. Author

    Sure, Jim! Hope you like it. You’ll have to let me know.

  6. I was a respiratory therapist for my entire career, and in case you didn’t know it, we are the ones who “pull the plug” when the doctor makes the order. We are also the life savers during the resuscitation period in a code blue. We stand at the head of the bed and administer air, oxygen, monitor blood/oxygen saturations, provide CPR, draw and analyze arterial blood gases and determine life saving therapeutics for the patient based upon CO2, HCO3, and O2 blood serum levels. I have watched many, many, many people die, and I have watched many people die and have, myself, brought them back to the world of the living, so I have got some stories to tell about my own firsthand experiences. Additionally, like the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, I am a Christian man, which goes a long way when you talk to someone who had died and returned. 99% of the time, if they remember it, (very, very rarely they don’t, probably because of the level of trauma they experienced), the Christian doctrine falls in line with exactly what they had experienced during their short time being dead. I always found that aspect quite interesting, and it’s part of what made me follow that religious path.

  7. Author

    Wow, Troy. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences in your working career like this. That is very interesting on multiple levels, including how it helped you decide on a religious path to follow. Thank you again for taking the time to leave this comment!


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