Ghosts of Storms Past: The Nashville Flood

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When the rivers raged…

A year ago, starting on May 1 and continuing into May 2, Nashville was assaulted with unrelenting rain. The result was too many inches of water in too little time. The rivers swelled, unable to hold it, and spilled over. Land, homes, and people who weren’t expecting the waters to rise like they did (fast, furious and in overwhelming volume) were caught unawares.

Billions of dollars in property was damaged and destroyed. Lives were lost. Disbelief reigned supreme.

I put together a then vs. now video of the flooding I witnessed right by our home. As I shot the now videos, I thought of all those in the recently devastated tornado areas. I know many are taking videos of the damage they’ve witnessed. I hope in a year they’ll be able to take now videos, too. Ones that show how much rebuilding and healing has occurred in a year.

[Video has been removed]


  1. I remember seeing your videos. I have thought of you and others living in the areas where all those tornados have landed and destroyed everything is their path. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  2. Is it just me or are there more disasters than there used to be? I don’t remember there being this much chaos when I was a child. There have been so many tragedies since the Nashville flood it seems much further away than one year. It was such a nightmare. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Thank you Julie! Both for remembering something I did AND for keeping everyone in your prayers. So sad all this destruction!

  4. I’m with you, Jessica. Sure seems like there’s more destruction than there used to be due to weather. Hope all is going okay down there for you all. So sorry that happened.

  5. the green chanal is going to show lemp house a gan. this friday the 13th.going to be on goastlab.

  6. @ courtney mroch. the green chanal is going to show lemp house. this friday the 13th.

  7. the green chanal is going to show lemp house. on friday the 13th.

  8. when I am studying 12th,
    I saw like this storm. It is very worst storm. Most of the people lost their home and children. It is too bad.

  9. this is very sad , these people have been through alots, but lets not forget , we are destroying mother earth, an this is just a small warning on whats to come we have all taken advantage of our mother earth, she is tired an we are weakening her power to fight. open our eyes, mother earth has provided us a place to live an grow , ahe has nothing but given to us but we are taken away from her. its just not fare.

  10. HI ANDY! How have you been? I am SO relieved you’re okay I can’t even begin to tell you!!!! I tried to send you an email to ask if you were okay from the tornadoes you had in St. Lousi but it kept getting returned. So glad to hear from you. THANKS for the tip about Lemp. I’ll DVR it.


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