The Great Horror Campout

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The other night I learned about a very novel and awesome sounding haunt jaunty attraction while watching TV with my husband: the Great Horror Campout.

It was on Shark Tank of all things. Wayne was watching it. I was  half-paying attention as I played Angry Birds Friends. Until this lady walked in with a zombie in tow. (Followed later by a few other scary characters.) That piqued my interest.

She went on to explain that her company was Ten Thirty One Productions, the creators of the Los Angeles Haunted Hayride. She was looking for $2 million dollars for 10 percent of her company. The money would go to help expand her company, which was to include adding a New York Haunted Hayride and 10 more “horror camps.”

The horror camps is what particularly caught my ear. (Well that and she was a haunted attraction on Shark Tank.) She explained they did a horror camp in 2013, the Great Horror Campout. It was a way for them to try and have their business not just be seasonal (ie. Halloween) but also to make money at other times of the year too.


What an amazing idea! Of course it was a sell out for the short time it was offered. (Which was only like 2 dates in July 2013.) Who wouldn’t want to pay good money to spend the night in the woods trying to survive as if they were starring in their very own horror movie?

But it gave them the idea to do more than one and more than in just the Los Angeles area.

So they’re going to.

They don’t have dates, cities or ticket info up yet, but they encourage interested campers to check back frequently as they promise more details are coming soon.

From the Great Horror Campout About page:

This ISN’T your 9-year old son or daughters’ camp, and “Happy Trails” will be a figment of your imagination. This camps only desire is to ruin you! CAMP AT YOUR OWN RISK.

The Great Horror Campout (GHC) is a “choose your own adventure” overnight, interactive camping experience.

Campers can decide how extreme of an experience they get by their choice of activities. Certain tent sections or activity zones labeled as “Chicken Zones” will be milder while everything else keeps campers “FAIR GAME.” However, whether it’s to participate in the “Hell Hunt,” use the restrooms, or walk to a movie screening, even campers whom want to sleep or hang in their tent with friends will find themselves having to go into the dark sooner or later. Should you find that you just can’t take anymore or feel a little dribble of urine heading down your inner thigh, you can always shout the safe phrase “I WANT MY MOMMY” and we promise the nightmare will end. Although we can’t understand why anyone would want it to.

Lasting 12 hours (8pm-8am), campers will find themselves confronting every fear that haunted them as children. Campers will have the opportunity to meet a plethora of species that were only thought to have existed in legend.

GHC is suitable for adults 18 and over. The experience begins at 8pm. There will be suitable time for sleeping, however the residents of the woods never sleep. Survivors leave the site at 8am. It is a high scare, high startle content experience. There will be no refunds after a ticket is purchased and a patron has entered the campsite.


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This was the map of the event. Doesn’t it make you want summer to get here and the horror camps to open?

But I did notice something missing…the proverbial pond. I mean, what’s camp without a place to skinny dip? (Or a great horror movie without an obligatory swimming in a lake at night scene?)

Although I’m thinking from a liability perspective this probably would be a hard sell with insurance companies.

Oh well. That’s what waivers are for, right?

Great Horror Campout Map


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