Halloween Blog Party Giveaway #6: $10 Starbucks Gift Card

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image from stock.xchng

Okay, I know we have to have some coffee drinkers out there, so the next treat up for grabs in the fiberdoodles-inspired Halloween Blog Party Giveaway is the $10 Starbucks gift card!

Whether you want a free cup of Joe on me to enjoy during a commute into work, or you plan to use this to keep you awake on your next Haunt Jaunt, this is the giveaway for you!


Leave a comment telling me what your favorite hot beverage is. Either pick from the list below or add your own!

  1. Coffee…black, strong, no sugar or milk!
  2. Coffee…sugar and/or milk, please!
  3. Latte
  4. Cappuccino
  5. Frappacino
  6. Mocha
  7. Espresso
  8. Whatever the seasonal flavor is
  9. Tea
  10. Coffee and/or tea, but can you make mine decaf?
  11. Hot chocolate
  12. Apple cider


  1. Tell me how old you were when you tried your first cup of coffee. (If you even remember…I was around 5 and it was instant coffee!) = 1 more entry
  2. Tell me how many cups of coffee you drink a day. (Don’t drink coffee? 0 cups counts as an answer too!) = 1 more entry
  3. Follow me on Twitter* = 1 more entry
  4. Become a Haunt Jaunts fan on Facebook* = 1 more entry

*If you already follow on Twitter or Facebook, just let me know and you’ll automatically get those two extra entries.


You have until Midnight central time on Friday October 30th to enter.

I’ll hold the drawing on Halloween. (And hopefully post the video and announce the winner then too.)


  1. favorite: Green tea frappacino with whipped (of course)
    2nd: hot chocolate, but who can drink that in AZ??

    I was about 5 or 6 when i had my first cup too; but it had so much milk and sugar (I was at grandmas)

    I don’t drink coffee, so zero cups per day, but I do have at least 3-4 frapps a week, kinda kills the budget…

  2. I love the way coffee smells but don’t like the taste of it alone… I like my coffee with accessories! At this time of year, though, my favorite hot drink is a pumpkin spice latte with a bit of vanilla and milk (or a vanilla flavored creamer) it’s like drinking pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top!

    (Of course, I write this while drinking a mug of green tea with ginseng… I tend to pick tea or hot chocolate over coffee most times.)

    Also — I’m a facebook fan, which is how I found out about the Halloween Blog Party!! 🙂

  3. Hot chocolate!
    1. I first tried coffee from my parent’s coffee pot (they drank 8-10 cups a day) when I was 10. I hated it.
    2. I drink 1 cup decaf every morning when I start work.
    3. I’m a fan on Facebook!

  4. 1) Keeping with the Starbucks theme I love their Caramel Apple Spice. I could drink that every day.
    2) I think my first cup of coffee would have been in college and I hated it. I do love a good cup of coffee now though.
    3) I usually drink 1-2 cups of coffee each day except Sunday when I usually have tea.
    3) I follow on Twitter.
    4) I’m a fan on Facebook.

  5. 1. At Starbucks: Caramel Frappacino
    2. I had to be at least 18 because I didn’t seriously try drinking coffee until I was working at Sparton Electronics.
    3. 1-2 cups a day during the cooler months; maybe 1 a day during summer.
    4. Twitter – never in a million years.
    5. Done.
    6. Did I win?

  6. I love a grande caramel macchiatto with sugar free vanilla, fat free milk and extra caramel syrup!

  7. i was probably around…..oh 7 years old? it was my grandma’s and it was black and gross. and she freaked 🙂

  8. i drink 1 coffee per day if that. about 2-4 times a week

  9. facebook fan facebook.com/brianswifey05

  10. My favorite drink is a Non-fat easy whip mocha!

  11. I tried my first cup of coffee around age 10. I hated it. I am still not a big fan unless it is majorly doctored up!

  12. I drink about 3 cups of coffee a week, so it averages out to 3/7ths of a cup a day. 😉

  13. i was older when I first tried coffee, I’d say like 15…I like ice coffee though.


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