Haunt Jaunts in the Big Apple: Let the Trip Begin!

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Tomorrow starts Day 1 of our vacation. We’re starting out in New York City. (Where I was hoping to meet up with Jason from The Occult Section and Brooke from SCARED! over in Staten Island, but my hub ixnayed that plan. It’s his birthday weekend, you see, and he wanted to do some stuff in the city. Since I was a bad Birthday Fairy last year, I figured I better try and make amends this year by letting him do whatever he wants.)

Anyway, so we’re in New York until Monday, then we board Holland America’s Eurodam and set out up the Atlantic for the New England states before making our way into Canada, where we’ll ultimately end up in Quebec City.

I’m going to be gone a while. Therefore, I figured I’d better tend to some blog business.

First off, if anybody signs up between now and September 17 for the Halloween Blog Party, don’t worry if I don’t get your name added to the guest list right away. I’ll do it when I get back. Same goes for if you request to be on the Halloween Blog Express. I’ll get you worked into the schedule upon my return.

Second, many of the posts that’ll go live during my absence were ones I wrote ahead of time. I didn’t want to abandon my blog entirely! However, that was a lot of days to try and provide totally fresh and original material for, so here’s what I did:

  1. In some cases I used it as an opportunity to direct you to some of my other favorite sites and blogs.
  2. I had a little fun and featured some Halloween stuff. (Neat costumes and such I’ve come across for 2010.)
  3. There may be a “reprint” or two of sorts I threw in. (Favorite posts of mine that I haven’t referred to in a while or what not.)
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I may still try to keep up with Tweets and some FB postings, but I’ll also most likely be MIA from emails and comment replies. (Hey, I’m hopefully going to be gathering some great new material for the blog and taking a bit of a break before the crazy Halloween madness starts!) But I’ll be sure to catch up when I get back.

So for now it’s adios, au revoir, arrivederci, c ya! until I get back.

P.S. Hope you have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!

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