Aaand…I’ve realized my system for labeling the dates of these Haunted Headlines isn’t perfect.
Stories hit my feed sometimes a day or two after they’ve been published. So, there will be some overlap.
I avoided it with the Haunted Headlines for 3/3/18-3/9/18 and 3/10/18-3/16/18, but this week stories from Friday came in so it won’t be 3/17/18-3/23/18 as I’d planned.
Ah, growing pains. Still figuring this all out…
Besides, the dates don’t matter as much as highlighting the best stories though, right? That’s what the purpose of these posts are really all about. (Plus, it makes it easier for me to decide what headlines to use for the Fake News or Not Game on the radio show!)
Friday, March 16, 2018
Paranormal Experiences Come From Another Dimension, Claims Scientist – Source: Outer Places
Professor Bernard Carr is a professor of mathematics and astronomy at the Queen Mary University of London. He studied under Stephen Hawking and earned his doctorate at Cambridge. This is not a man to make up mumbo-jumbo to gain attention, nor is he in the habit of spouting half-baked theories about ghosts and aliens fabricated from baseless speculation.
So when Professor Carr says that paranormal activity is real and that it’s actually happening in another dimension, it’s important not to dismiss him as yet another conspiracy theorist trying to become internet famous.
In a talk at the Euro-PA Conference, Carr explained why we shouldn’t be too quick to dismiss so-called paranormal events.
Windsor bomb squad called in after ghost-hunting device forgotten at cultural centre – Source: CBCNews
It turns out a small black box with a dangling red wire and little blue light investigated by Windsor’s bomb squad Tuesday isn’t actually dangerous — at least to the living.
People Called The Bomb Squad After Paranormal Investigators Forgot A Ghost Hunting Device Inside A Building – Source: BuzzFeed News (Yes, same story as above but the headlines are just too funny not to share!)
Paranormal investigators in Windsor, Ontario, say they’re sorry for getting the bomb squad involved after leaving a ghost-hunting device lying around.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Ghost Adventures’ Zak Bagans Says New Film, Demon House, Was One of His “Most Traumatic Cases” – Source: People
“What attracted me to it in the first place was the reports of a little boy walking backwards up a wall,” Bagans, 40, tells PEOPLE. “A Child Protective Services caseworker, a psychiatrist and a nurse all witnessed it. Those things you just don’t hear too often.”
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Wollongong City Ghost Tours to host the ‘Haunted Mystery Bus Tour’ – Source: Illawarra Mercury
Wollongong City Ghost Tours will launch the ‘Haunted Mystery Bus Tour’ on Friday, April 13 and Saturday, April 14.
This is what happened when we explored one of the most haunted buildings in the UK – Gresley Old Hall – Source: BurtonMail
Tales of grisly deaths surround the hall including children who were abused and abandoned and a man who was stabbed to death on the first floor landing. It is said the blood stains are still visible today, despite several attempts to cover them up.
‘A Journey into the Haunted’ Visits ‘Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary’ Part 1 – Source: FanFest
Welcome dear readers to a new adventure with ‘A Journey into the Haunted‘. Near the end of March, we here at ‘A Journey into the Haunted’ will be doing our first official investigation since starting this series….
In less than a week, I will travel to Petros, Tennessee to do my first official ‘A Journey into the Haunted’paranormal investigation at the Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary.
‘Demon House’ Deemed Zak Bagans Most Traumatic Investigation, Warns Viewers To Watch At Own Risk – Source: Inquisitr
Fans have waited a long time to see the evil that is said to dwell in the infamous Demon House in Gary, Indiana. Ghost Adventures host and lead investigator Zak Bagans purchased the dwelling in 2014 after being intrigued by tales of hauntings that were occurring at the house. Bagans knows there will be skeptics of his findings, but those who believe will be shocked and terrified at what Zak has said was a true portal to hell.
Father Suggests It’s Time to Move After 2-Year-Old Allegedly Sees ‘Spooky’ Ghost – Source: Popculture
After capturing footage of his 2-year-old daughter saying she saw something “spooky” in the corner of their family home, an Alabama dad believes it’s time for his family to now move.
Supernatural Staffordshire: Did this special police officer travel back in time? – Source: The Sentinel
I would ask you all to look up Bold Street in Liverpool where through the years numerous people have claimed to have gone back in time, mostly to the 50s and 60s.
Not only have they gone back and witnessed the past but have interacted and spoken with people who look just as puzzled.
This phenomena isn’t just local to Bond Street, in fact it is a worldwide phenomena, and one that would seem has also been encountered here to in our very own Stoke-on-Trent.
ESP: Inside the government’s secret program of psychic spies – Source: CBS News
It sounds incredible, but it’s true. Relying on now-declassified documents, Jacobsen has written about the U.S. government’s decades-long to attempts to use Uri Geller, and others like him, for psychic espionage.
Monday, March 19, 2018
For Sale: Zombie-Free Lakefront Home in Canada – Source: The Haunted Librarian
Travel agent and real estate owner Matthew Swan is offering a 30-day guarantee that his 3,100 square foot island getaway is free of zombies. Swan secured the domain name for the purpose of selling the 5 bedroom/2 bath cottage.
Netflix reveals horror movies people are too terrified to finish – Source: Daily Mail
Netflix has released a list of movies that viewers found too scary to complete
The site included a list of movies that people had watched at least 70% of before deciding to turn it off once and for all
By using this metric, they were able to differentiate between viewers who simply didn’t like a movie and those who were too scared to continue
Popular movie The Conjuring made the list along with gruesome slasher flick Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
Oh, you boo-ti-ful doll! – Source: Seaside Signal
Delving into the phenomenon of haunted toys is one way the seventh-annual Oregon Ghost Conference is encouraging more kids to participate in the paranormal. About 1,000 people are expected to attend the conference Friday, March 23, to Sunday, March 25 at the Seaside Convention Center, which features dozens of classes related to the paranormal, ghost walks and spooky ghost investigations.
UNBELIEVABLE: Whole ‘ghost train’ caught on CCTV pulling into platform – Source:
STAGGERING alleged CCTV footage which appears to show a “ghostly train” pulling into a platform has gone viral online. The “historic” footage was said to have been recorded this month at Baotou Railway Station in China.
New webseries Ghost BFF tackles mental health through the paranormal – Source: The Varsity
Ghost BFF is a new webseries about mental illness and the paranormal hosted on WhoHaHa. The show chronicles the journey of 20-something Amy, who is haunted by the ghost of her deceased friend, Tara. After committing suicide a couple of years prior, Tara returns from the dead to critique Amy’s life choices.
The show offers a spirited reinterpretation of what it means to be a ‘best friend forever.’ It’s a combination of 13 Reasons Why meets Hamlet, or A Beautiful Mind meets The Sixth Sense. The webseries is a ghastly comedy, dealing with the sensitive topics of anxiety and suicide with an unworldly sense of humour.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Tinker’s Shadow Coming Soon – Source: Mysterious Heartland
My first documentary, Tinker’s Shadow: The Hidden History of Tinker Swiss Cottage, will be released on Amazon Video Direct on March 26! Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum and Gardens in Rockford, Illinois has long been rumored to be haunted, but what do its ghosts teach us about the past? Join host Amelia Cotter as she takes you inside and reveals the hidden history of this beautiful museum. Featuring interviews with museum staff, visitors, volunteers, and researchers.
HAUNTED WIRRAL: The Hamilton Square doppelganger – Source: WirralGlobe
Give me a ghost, poltergeist, even a witch, any day – but X is the bane of many an investigator of the paranormal.
X is the variable I assign to those things that are truly unknown; entities that swan into our mundane sphere and vex us.
They are weird beings that are as inexplicable as the origin of the universe and they make a mockery of our common sense view of reality.
The following story is just one example of X among us.
Pennsylvania UFO researcher 99 percent sure aliens exist – Source: Reading Eagle
Case 57,000 is the most mysterious that Dan Medleycott, a researcher for the Pennsylvania Mutual UFO Network, has ever dealt with. A man claimed to see multiple blue orbs in the sky, along with an airplane. FAA radar data of the event was later sent to an aviation expert in Colorado, who said that the pilot narrowly avoided a collision with the orbs.
“If I could say they were extraterrestrial, I’d be out of business,” Medleycott said. “I have data that convinces me that a lot of what we have is extraterrestrial.”
Medleycott says that he’s 99 percent sure that aliens exist. The other 1 percent, he says, is because they could be interdimensional beings. He joined MUFON after seeing a UFO in 2005, one of “four or five” he’s seen in person.
‘Demon Doll’ Video Goes Viral – Source: Coast to Coast AM
A bizarre video circulating online has become something of a viral sensation by way of its eerie star: a creepy demonic-looking doll.
The nearly-two-minute-long piece of footage features the nightmarish toy propped atop a grave with a baby bottle filled with red liquid, ostensibly meant to be blood, sitting next to it.
And, chillingly, the doll’s eyes seem to follow the camera in a rather unsettling fashion as the view circles around it to the tune of some spooky horror music as a soundtrack.
George R.R. Martin’s ‘Nightflyers’ Trailer Is For ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fans With A Strong Stomach (VIDEO) – Source: Bustle
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Tony Ferguson claims to have encountered two spirits on board a WWII plane – Source: DailyMail
Spine-tingling footage captures the moment a ‘poltergeist throws’ ghost hunter’s camera across the cabin of a WWII plane before the spirit of the female co-pilot appears as a ‘white angel feather
Phillip Schofield’s leg appears to have been amputated after sitting in ‘haunted wheelchair’ on This Morning – Source: The Irish Sun
A paranormal guest on the show claimed sitting in the chair made him feel like his leg was missing
On yesterday’s show, Phil, 55, and co-host Holly Willoughby chatted to paranormal investigator Neil Packer about a series of items including the wheelchair.
Haunted and in high demand – Source: Arizona Sonora News
Gunfighter and Ghost Tours is the longest running ghost tour in Southeastern Arizona.
Some believe that haunted tourism is actually the best way to see a city. It can allow a tourist to learn about the history of a place and what tragedies hit the community.
PROOF OF AN AFTERLIFE? ‘Ghost of young boy’ filmed under stairway in creepy footage – Source:
PARANORMAL experts have been left gobsmacked by CCTV footage that some claim appears to have captured the spirit of a young boy. An eerie video released on YouTube shows a white form moving about underneath a staircase.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Ghost Adventures Host Zak Bagans To Produce New Charles Manson Doc – Source: We Got This Covered
Despite dying last year, it looks as if 2018 is set to be a big one for Charles Manson.
Grabbing the most attention is Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, which apparently revolves around the neighbours to the house in which the notorious Manson murders took place. Following shortly on that film’s heels will be the biopic Charlie Says, to be directed by American Psycho‘s Mary Harron. And now, on top of all that, it’s just been announced that we’re to get Manson’s Bloodline as well, a documentary about his life and death.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Google Maps ‘ghost of young boy’ image has viewers CONVINCED it’s proof of afterlife – Source:
GOOGLE Maps may have captured proof of the afterlife, after an image was captured showing what some believe to be the “ghost of a young boy” crouching next to a house. The supposed apparition was captured at a house which was up for sale in the city of Asheville in North Carolina, in the US.

Yes, I realize this isn’t exactly “haunted” news, but as beloved as Bozo was, he still scared some. And perhaps inspired Stephen King’s Pennywise? (I’m not the only one who sees a similarity, right?)
Bozo the Clown entertainer and television personality Frank Avruch has died at age 89.
Avruch’s family said in a statement to WCVB-TV that Avruch passed away Tuesday from heart disease at his Boston home. Avruch played Bozo the Clown from 1959 to 1970 and was the first nationally-syndicated Bozo the Clown. Bozo is a clown character who was especially popular in the 1960s.
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
Thank you for these. Some awesome links.
HI Bast!! Oh my goodness I’m so excited to see a comment on this! THANK YOU!
Hi Court! I really LOVED the links. Thank you for doing it. You’re welcome!