HauntJaunts.net Discovers Twitter’s Spooky Side

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By TwitterIcon.com

I mentioned that as part of the official launch of HauntJaunts.net, I set up a Twitter account. I had been really reluctant to get involved on Twitter because I just couldn’t understand how it all worked.

However, my defenses were worn down. I kept hearing about it and hearing about it and if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life it’s this: if you keep encountering something over and over, there’s a reason and you need to pay attention, proceed with caution, check it out, or all of the above. I opted to finally pay attention and check it out.

For me personally Twitter would be wasted, but for HauntJaunts.net? Well, suffice it to say now I get what all the hubbub is about.

I haven’t even been Tweeting a full 48 hours but I’m already following nearly 80 Tweeters, and 12 are following me. (I was stunned to see how fast that happened. I wasn’t expecting anyone to follow me yet, so to have 12 just tickles me pink!)

But what I’m super excited about is all the paranormal stuff I’ve already found.  (Stuff I hadn’t formerly known about.) Who knew Twitter had such a spooky side? Here’s some of the Tweeters I was pleasantly surprised to discover for:


  1. hauntedtravel – I keep thinking I’d like to do something like this guy. Who is this guy? Jim, as in Haunted Travels with Jim. He leads groups to spooky destinations.
  2. ParaeventsUK – I plan on expanding HauntJaunts.net to cover International Haunts one day. That, and because one day I hope to Haunt Jaunt across the pond myself, is why this one caught my eye. They use it to promote their website and services, which is Paranormal Events UK. They conduct paranormal events and tours in the United Kingdom. Very cool!
  3. UKhaunted – Haunted Happenings is also a UK company that books ghost hunting excursions in various Haunt Jaunts.


  1. YvetteFielding – I couldn’t figure out why this name sounded so familiar to me when I saw a comment on Shiela Stewart’s interviewthat the post had been Twitted by YvetteFielding. It was only when I clicked to see about following her that I realized, “OH! She’s from Most Haunted!” Cool!
  2. CPDtv – Through this one I learned about a new TV show coming to A&E, Chicago Paranormal Detectives aka Paranormal Cops.


  1. hauntmagazine- Haunted Attraction Magazine is, as per it’s Twitter bio, “THE magazine for Haunters! We provide you the news and information you need to help you haunt!” It kind of focuses on the industry side of haunted houses and such. Very interesting find I didn’t know about pre-Twitter!
  2. ParanormalZine – This is the Twitter account for Paranormal Magazine, which is based out of the UK but features paranormal news, experiences, and reviews just to name a little bit. Kind of like a Haunted Times, except on the Net. (Paranormal Magazine is available as a digital download.)
  3. ParanormalUGParanormal Undergroundis another paranormal e-magazine I didn’t know about pre-Twitter. Another place to get neat info about all things paranormal. (And unlike Paranormal Magazine, which charges $19.99 for 12 issues, Paranormal Underground is free!)
  4. LoveParaRomance – I like the non-fiction ghost books as much as the fiction ones, especially the paranormal romance variety. This Tweeter reviews and recommends paranormal romance books.
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  1. Paranormalnw – I think the Paranormal Networkis a really cool find. Again, didn’t know about it pre-Twitter, but it’s exactly what its name says: a network of paranormal sites. They also have links to ghost videos, UFO videos, ghost stories…it’s really a neat concept. Definitely a site for anyone interested in the paranormal or supernatural to check out.
  2. HauntedHill – A while back I wrote about haunted dolls for sale on eBay. HauntedHill kind of keeps up with all things haunted being sold on eBay.

Do you follow any of these Tweeters? Who are some of your favorites? Inquiring minds (especially mine) would love to know!


  1. I am also on Twitter and following Syfy, NPI_Ghosthunter, chipcoffey, Jchawes, and grantwilson. I will add you to my followers list and some of the others you listed. Thanks…..

  2. Author

    Thanks Autumnforest! Are you on Twitter? For sure I would follow you! (Also, FYI, I figured out how to use the RSS Feed in my email so that’s how come I’ve been super speedy about keeping up with your posts!)

    Julie: Cool! Thanks for the info about who you’re following. I’m going to add them, and I’d like to add you too. What’s your Twitter ID? (or I can get it when you add me and I’ll just be sure to click to follow you too. =)

  3. Courtney, my Twitter ID is ArizonaJulie and I am now following you. Looking forward to reading your posts.
    Above the Norm

  4. Author

    Oh WOW! You ARE that Julie!!! I was wondering! I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! I saw your follow on Twitter and am now following you too. And I’ve also put your blog in my RSS feeds in my email, which I just learned to do recently (like this week), so you’ll be seeing more of my comments on your blog as I’ll be better able to keep up with it now. How exciting! Like I said, I’m a fan of yours so this is very exciting for me to find out you’re THAT Julie!!!!! =)

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