Is Haunt Jaunts closing up shop?

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My apologies. Lately I’ve neglected my duties as the Director of Paranormal Tourism for Haunt Jaunts. My poor blog has suffered the past few months thanks to my other passion: tennis.

I play on a couple of leagues, including a USTA one. That team won our local level here in Nashville back in May. That clinched us a ticket to State, which was played in Memphis in June.

Guess what we did there? (If you follow HJ’s Facebook page, you might already know.) Yep, we won. We’re now State Champs, which means our season is still going.

The Fab Five (as we called ourselves en route to State), but now we just call ourselves Champs.

This weekend we head to Mobile for Sectionals. We have spent the past several weeks preparing ourselves. That has entailed hours out on the court in the heat. By the time the day is done and I’ve gotten to everything else I need to accomplish, I’ve not had the time nor energy to write. (What’s made matters worse is I’m not just on the team, I’m the captain of the team, which means administrative duties galore.)

I’ve had the desire to write, don’t get me wrong. I’m never lacking for ideas. But I am only human and there are only so many hours in the day.

Because I’ve been so quiet, someone asked me if I was abandoning the blog. Absolutely not! Haunt Jaunts is NOT closing. It’s just experienced a little unexpected hiccup in frequency of postings this year.

I’ve always played sports, and I’ve always had some athletic propensity, but I’ve never won like this or had the chance to be a part of something like this. It was a big deal to get to go to State. Winning that and heading to the Southern Section Championships, which is the “world’s largest tennis tournament” (last year they had 1,800 players participate from nine states), was an experience I didn’t want to miss. I decided to put the time into that, knowing my poor blog would suffer a bit.

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However, all this tennis has given me the chance to do a little jaunting as well. I have a whole slew of posts I’ll be making once I have the time to write again.

For now, I’ll leave you with a few pics I’ve taken the past couple of months from the travels I’ve been able to do this summer. (One was not tennis related. We had the chance to bounce down to our old stomping grounds in Jacksonville, Florida for a little vacation too.)

Hoping to have more photos after this weekend, including of the haunted USS Alabama, where the players party for the tournament will be held.

Palace Saloon – Fernandina Beach, FL
Creepy monkey statue on piano in the Lightner Museum
Looking down from the balcony on the Ballroom level of the Lightner Museum at the stairs.
These figurines behind glass on display in the Lightner Museum intrigued me.
Part of the doll collection in the Lightner Museum.
King Kong ain’t got nothing on me…or maybe he does? Looks like he made me wet myself doesn’t it? Actually, we had just come from the beach. (That’s why the soggy bottom.) We stopped at Larry’s Giant Subs for some grub and saw this King Kong. Couldn’t resist hamming it up some.


  1. Congratulations with the state championship. I’ll hang on to hear more about that creepy monkey;) And good luck with the sectionals.

  2. Author

    Thanks so much, Mette! (And SO glad someone else was intrigued by that creepy monkey too. Funky little critter!)

  3. Congrats! Now, get back to jaunting! Good luck in the next rounds….

  4. Author

    THX Lon! Back in town. Now I gotta get back to work. Didn’t win, but came in 3rd overall out of 10 teams so…I’m totally thrilled! Never expected to get to Sectionals anyway so…for me it was all icing. YUM!


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