Travel Channel’s favorite adventurer and explorer Josh Gates (“Expedition Unknown”) pursues the unexpected stories behind fabled places around the globe on a new season of “Legendary Locations,” premiering Tuesday, April 2 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Thirteen new episodes will be expanded into an hour-long format for the show’s second season. Josh Gates will showcase the surprising stories behind locations packed with mythic histories, their surprising backstories and newly uncovered secrets. Calling on the help of historians and local experts, he provides new discoveries from the places you thought you knew and sheds light on those you may not of known existed.
Says Josh:
“As I continue my travels and adventures, it never ceases to amaze me how many incredible and surprising stories are tucked away in every corner of the globe,” said Gates. “Whether it’s the myth of underground tunnels beneath the city of Portland, Oregon, or Henry Ford’s lost city in the Amazon rainforest, I’m excited to bring our viewers around the world to explore these truly legendary locations.”
In the season premiere, Josh Gates will explore both the natural –and the supernatural. He will explore an ancient cathedral made entirely of salt, buried 20 stories beneath the streets of Wieliczka, Poland. He also uncovers a mysterious symbol in Sicily thought to be written by a nun under demonic possession. Other topics include a haunted asylum in upstate New York, the captivating tale of Brazil’s booming coffee industry and more.
Upcoming episodes:
“End of the World” – Premieres Tuesday, April 9 at 10 p.m. ET/PT
From West Virginia’s secret underground government bunker to a Japanese town that survived a massive tsunami, Josh Gates highlights legendary locations where the end of the world is just the beginning.
“Rock and a Hard Place” – Premieres Tuesday, April 16 at 10 p.m. ET/PT
Josh Gates takes us to places where perseverance paid off – from a New England town where the wrongfully accused stood their ground to a Japanese mountain where self-starvation for the common good was an honored tradition.
“Man vs. Nature” – Premieres Tuesday, April 23 at 10 p.m. ET/PT
From an abandoned American dream in the Amazon jungle to an abbey in France where countless souls lost their lives, Josh Gates reveals legendary locations where man has battled the forces of nature.
“Vocation, Vocation, Vocation” – Premieres Tuesday, April 30 at 10 p.m. ET/PT
From a samurai smackdown in Japan to a writer finding inspiration at a Boston fort, Josh Gates shares locations where people’s vocations compelled them to act in the name of passion and dedication.
For More
Be sure and check “Legendary Locations” on TravelChannel.com for show extras and travel tips from Josh Gates.
Follow @TravelChannel and #LegendaryLocations for more exclusive content and updates.
Follow host Josh Gates on Twitter: @joshuagates and on Instagram: @gatesygram.
Debe Branning has been the director of the MVD Ghostchasers–a Mesa/Bisbee, AZ based paranormal team since 1994. The team conducts investigations of haunted, historical locations throughout Arizona and has offered paranormal workshop/investigations since 2002. Debe has been a guest lecturer at Ottawa University, Central Arizona College, Arizona State University, Scottsdale Community College, and South Mountain Community College. She has been a speaker at science fiction conventions such as Phoenix ComiCon, CopperCon, FiestaCon, HauntedCon and AZParacon. Debe has been the guest speaker at many historical societies and libraries talking about historic/haunted Arizona.
She has appeared in an episode of “Streets of Fear” for FearNet.com which aired October 2009 and on an episode of TRAVEL CHANNEL’S “Ghost Stories” about haunted Jerome, Arizona in July 2010. She recently appeared as an extra in the 2017 horror movie “The Covenant”. She enjoys assisting in the research field for various Travel Channel TV shows such as ‘Ghost Stories’, ‘Haunted Highway’, and ‘Deadly Possessions’ and MTV’s ‘Fear’. She has traveled, toured and investigated at haunted locations across the United States, England, Scotland, Ireland and Mexico.
Debe is the author of “Sleeping With Ghosts-A Ghost Hunter’s Guide to AZ’s Haunted Hotels and Inns” (2004), “Grand Canyon Ghost Stories” (2012), “The Graveyard Shift–Arizona’s Historic and Haunted Cemeteries” (2012), “Dining With the Dead–Arizona’s Historic and Haunted Restaurants and Cafes” (2017) and a series of three children’s books, “The Adventures of Chickolet Pigolet: 1. “The Bribe of Frankenbeans” —-2. “Murmur on the Oink Express” —-3. “You Ought to be in Pig-tures”. For 7 years Debe penned 3 columns for Examiner.com titled: “Phoenix Travel Adventures,” “Arizona Haunted Sites” and “Haunted Places” so travelers could know where they might find a ghost or two when they visited Arizona and the United States. She was the Managing Editor of “Paranormal Investigator Magazine.” As a paranormal travel writer, Debe traveled to Europe to cover haunted castles, jails, ships, inns, cemeteries and ghost walking tours. She has been the guest of several US tourism departments such as Carlsbad, Historic Hotels of the Rockies, Salem, and Biloxi.
Debe is a preservation activist with a special interest in preserving historic cemeteries. She is on the board of directors of the Pioneers’ Cemetery Association and the Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board. She is also one of the co-hosts of the Association of Gravestones Studies in Arizona.