Learn How to Make Your Yard Its Spooktacular Best This Halloween

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Earlier this year Davis Graveyard conducted a survey trying to assess what kinds of things people would be most interested in learning about home haunting. I filled it out because (a) For as long as I’ve kept it (which has been a couple decades now), I’ve always had “Do my yard up BIG one Halloween” on my Bucket List, and (b) the Davis Graveyard is partly operated by The Frog Queen. You know, from Frog on the Pumpkin, a blog I’ve learned so much from about home haunting (not to mention been inspired by).

To have the chance to learn in person from her? You bet I was filling out a survey with what I’d most like to learn!

They recently sent out a list of the workshops they’re putting on. If you’d like to school your inner Halloweenie and get a degree in Home Haunting (or at least a couple of certificates), below are the classes the Davis Graveyard University is offering.

For course description and to register visit their Events page.


A one day pass is $10 and a three day pass is $25.  There is no additional charge to attend their seminar.  Just register with the convention and attend.

Graveyard Design Overview

Saturday May 22nd

Time TBD

Video Projection Effects

Sunday May 23rd

Time TBD


Skeleton Corpsing Workshops

Saturday July 10th

Session 1  9am-12pm

Session 2  2pm-5pm

$70 prepaid materials fee and $30 per person for the session.

Tombstone Workshops

Saturday July 31th

Session 1  9am-1pm

Session 2  2pm-6pm

EXPLORE MORE:  MGM+ Halloween Marathon Includes 5 of Their Spookiest Shows

Saturday August 28nd

Session 1  9am-1pm

Session 2  2pm-6pm

$40 per person for 1 session. Space is limited to 12 people per session.

Molding and Casting Weekend

Saturday & Sunday   August 14th and 15th

Day 1 – 9am to 3pm

Day 2 – 9am to 2pm

Both days will include a 1hr lunch break.

$100 prepaid materials and $50 per person for the weekend.  Space is limited to 15 people.



  1. Now that’s cool! Most of us fools just stumble and make a zillion mistakes trying to rig things. Of course, if you go to Season of Shadows–John knows it all! He’s my idol in the Halloween department!

  2. Author

    He’s also got an excellent site for helping the Halloween challenged. Which you are not. I saw pics of your house from last year. You did a great job! (And for very cheap I might add.)

  3. I would love to go this Halloween crazy,,, but our evil HOA would never allow it. I’ll wait excitedly for you alls pictures, however. I have gotten pretty good at creating an indoor haunted house for my boys’ anual party, however. I think I’ve traumatized all their little friends.

  4. LOL, Jessica! WOW! Your HOA sounds even worse than ours! I didn’t think that was possible! I bet you do it up inside good, though. That’s the way to take care of business! Those mean ol’ HOA’s can’t dictate how we decorate IN our homes. (Thank goodness!)

  5. Thanks for the mention…..HOA are one of the scariest things on the planet to us home haunters 😀 We love showing people how to make things…it is a lot of fun and you get to meet other people in the area that are also crazy about Halloween and all the ghosty goodness!


  6. I would really need your classes. I have all sorts of big ideas but not any kind of brilliance for how to make them come to pass. I really admire people who DO it. Both create, make, and then take the time to set it all up for others to enjoy. It’s really neat and VERY fun for me to have discovered you online! =)


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