Making Merry: Celebrating the Yuletide Tradition of Scary Storytelling

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Making Merry Inflatable Snowman on Roof of house decorated for Christmas

December is often called the most wonderful time of the year. But did you know that the Winter Solstice, which happens during December, is also the second most haunted time of the year? Samhain, or Halloween, is the first.

The hauntings that happen during Halloween aren’t the same as the ghosts that come to visit during the Christmas season/Winter Solstice, though. 

Samhain ghosts are more the dead in general coming back, whereas Yule hauntings are much more Dickens-esque. Like Marley and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, Winter Solstice hauntings have a purpose and some link to the season’s death/rebirth theme.

And while sharing scary stories is a popular activity commonly associated with Halloween, it’s also an ancient Yuletide tradition. Which makes Christmas a great time for ghost stories too. 

Which is why I deviated a little on the podcast this season. At least for episode 3. Since it was due to drop the week of the Winter Solstice, the day before to be exact, I decide to share an original haunting tale, “Making Merry: Night of the Living Christmas Decorations.”

It’s one I wrote upon a Christmas long, long ago. Here’s a little bit more about it. I’ve embedded the whole episode below too but you can also listen on whatever podcast platform you prefer.

Listener Discretion Advised Warning/Santa Spoiler Alert: A couple of caveats though. There’s not a lot of bad language in it, but there is some. Santa’s true identity is also discussed, so this might not be appropriate listening for younger audiences.

Making Merry Storyline

Teenagers Kyle and Justin come to regret their decision to get into some spirited mischief by vandalizing and sabotaging all of the Christmas decorations in their neighborhood. Especially when the decorations seek retaliation and retribution –and not even Santa can help them.

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Making Merry Podcast Episode


Do any Christmas decorations freak you out?


If you do listen, listen all the way to the end. The very, very end. Santa has a little message for you at the end of the outro music.


  1. No modern Christmas decorations freak me out. They’re too cutesy. But some of the vintage ones do, like when I Googled “these vintage Christmas decorations are more terrifying than Halloween.” Yikes.
    Your story is fantastic, Courtney!

  2. Valancourt publishes a series of books of old Christmas time spooky stories. They just released Vol. 5. I’m planning on getting my hands on them eventually.

  3. Author

    Oh I SO agree with you! Some of the vintage ones…AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Terrifying! And now I’m going to have to go Google what you did. My FOMO is showing again… lol

    Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving my story a listen. I very, very, very much appreciate that!!!!

  4. Author

    Ooooh! THANKS for this tip! I didn’t know about that and now will check that out.


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