May 2016 Caption This Contest

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This month’s Caption This photo comes to us courtesy of one of HJ’s FB followers, James Maxwell. (Thanks again, James, for letting us borrow this fun pic!)

How to Play

  1. Look at the photo below. (Did you know May is Mystery Month? We thought this photo was a fun choice for that.)
  2. Use the comment section to caption it.
  3. Be sure to let us know what prize you’d like if you win. (Yes! There are not only prizes, but you get to pick which one appeals to you most!)
  4. Newsletter subscribers: be sure to identify yourself. (If you’re not one, read on to find out why you might like to become one.)


  1. $10 Amazon card
  2. $10 Starbucks card
  3. $15 iTunes card
  4. $15 Target card

How to Double Your Prize

Newsletter subscribers will be allowed to choose two prizes. If their caption is chosen, they’ll get both!

That means they have a chance to put between $20-$30 extra spending money in their pockets.

Not a subscriber? Become one here. (Super fast and easy. You just need to submit your email address.)


  1. Open to U.S. residents only. (Sorry out-of-country readers!)
  2. If two or more caption submissions are very similar, we’ll draw names from the Boo Bucket to determine a winner.
  3. Multiple entries accepted. (If you’re gifted enough to come up with more than one caption, feel free to submit both. Just be sure we know it’s two distinct entries and not one giant run-on one.)
  4. Newsletter Subscribers: You can pick two of the same card, or two different ones. Entirely up to you.
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Are multiple submissions accepted?

Yes. See #3 above under Rules.

Does my caption have to be a quote?

Nope. You can give the photo a title, write a poem, make it a quote as if someone’s saying something, write a flash story…anything goes. Whatever the photo inspires from you, we’ll take!



Cat on Ouija by James Maxwell
Photo: James Maxwell


  1. Are you the mouse I caught last week??

  2. Yeah I’m black cat don’t ‘eff with me!

  3. Now let’s see .. is ‘meow’ spelt with one ‘e’ or two?

  4. It came as little surprise to Midnight’s owners that their most adored feline would suddenly one day be possessed by an interest in the family Ouija Board. Right from the earliest weeks of his life the curious kitten had regularly busied himself with games of scrabble. This latest development then, though somewhat more mystical in nuance, was in their minds a mere logical progression from earlier formed habits and certainly no cause for alarm. Only the fullness of time and a highly intuitive RSPCA worker named Aura Eadon, who would eventually give her life in the battle against the forces of darkness, would reveal how eerily wrong they were.

  5. “I wonder if I can ride this thing like I do on the Roomba?”

  6. Give me some of that old black magic!

  7. Darn that Roger! Some friend he turned out to be. Instead of invoking the money-making spirit, I get turned into a cat like some lougarou, and he leaves his drink and hightails it out of here. How I am suppose to work this thing with paws? Oh I know! I’ll just play with it and see what happens.

  8. “This thing says I’m on my seventh life. I wonder if I can contact some of my past incarnations?”

  9. Just having his ninth life officially scared out of him the kitty just figured was good a time as any to check out the board so when it was his time to become a ghost he would be ready!

  10. Just because I am a black cat doesn’t mean I am bewitched with Ouija power!

    NOTE: (any prize will do)

  11. What do you mean , you’re my uncle Rover ??

  12. If curiosity killed the cat, will satisfaction really bring him back?

  13. When is mom getting home with the can opener?

  14. Dejavu…….something about this seems…..FAMILIAR

  15. Oh great and powerful spirits, tell me how to get rid of that pesky dog.

  16. Sabrina?

  17. Emily, are you there? It’s me, your brother….Tacky Binks!

  18. Emily, are you there? It’s me, your brother….Thackery Binks!

  19. Sorry….autocorrect did NOT like the name Thackery…..changed it to
    How do you delete comments?

  20. Can I haz cheezbergr?

  21. Where is the spellchecker on this thing?

  22. Author

    Okay, you all made it VERY hard on me this month with so many great entries. 1st Place goes to Lon Strickler though. That one made me LOL for real.
    However, I also have to note Honorable Mentions this week. Glen’s story comment was super clever. Carol’s Rover entry also made me chuckle. And Lisa gets 2 kudos: (1) for being inspired to come up with so many entries and (2) for the getting rid of Rover one. That one also tickled my funny bone.
    Grand Prize of the gift cards will go to Lon, but I have some nifty HJ pens for the H.M. winners if they want one…I’ll be in touch with you all too about that.
    THANKS for playing and making this month’s Caption This such a success, folks!

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