Movie Monday: “7500” (a.k.a. “Ghosts on a Plane”)

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First there was “Snakes on a Plane.” Then came Zombies on a Plane. (Okay, to be fair, it was actually called “Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane.” Still, the gist was zombies on a plane.) The next inevitable step in mile-high terror had to be Ghosts on a Plane. That’s where the movie “7500” steps in.

I first read about Ghosts on a Plane –er, I mean, “7500”– via /Film’s post: ‘7500’ Teaser – Ghosts Haunt Jason Stackhouse in the Friendly Skies. As much as I wanted to laugh at it, it actually didn’t look too bad.

Then, not too many days later, during the previews for “The Woman in Black,” there it was again. The trailer for “7500.”

I like the music they put with it. Talk about setting the mood.

Have you seen the teaser? What do you think? If not, I’ve embedded it below. Take a look and let me know what you think.





  1. I must have esp or something, cause The Grudge came into my head even before I watched this clip. From the producers of The Grudge (of course!) I hope it’s good, they can’t open the door and leave, lol! ps. I see long blk. hair on this flight!

  2. Author

    I didn’t catch on to the Grudge thing until I saw it pop up, then I was like, “I should’ve known.” Good for you to spot that from the get go!


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