Movie Monday: “Believers” Update

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“Believers” isn’t a movie, but it involves ghosts on a screen of sorts so I figured it’d make a good topic for Movie Monday.

If you’re a fan of the show, you may already follow “Believers” on Facebook.

If you do, then you probably also know their show got picked up by an online outlet, Voice America streams the “Believers” episodes in their entirety with no commercials, no stalls or jitters, and in high resolution. Awesome!

Here’s direct links to three of their episodes:

  • Believers: The Birdcage Theater
  • Believers: The Bayard House Restaurant
  • Believers: Vulture City Mine

And for a special treat, below is a clip of a short interview “Believers” creator Chris Hambright did with NYTVF.

If you’re not familiar with “Believers” and didn’t know any of the above, now you do!

If you go to their Facebook page, you can also watch their promo trailer. (I tried to copy it to share it here, but FB wouldn’t let me do it.) Their promo vid will give you a good taste of what to expect from the “Believers” gang.

And if you start following them on Facebook, be sure to tell them Courtney from Haunt Jaunts sent you. (Chris did me the honor of letting me interview him at the end of last year. I like to show my thanks whenever I can. Sending his show new fans seems like one way to do it!)


  1. Thanks for the introduction to believers. I wasn’t familiar with them at all

  2. Thanks Courtney! FYI-we find out on Aug 9th if we made it to the final selections at the New York Television Festival so keep your fingers crossed! Thanks for all your support it is greatly appreciated! Chris is finalizing our latest episode Jerome AZ-Ghost City Inn. You cannot miss this one….it had the most activity (personal experiences) we have ever encountered! It should be ready in a week or two; we will let you know when we post it.

    Thanks again!
    Shawn Hambright
    Believers-Research Director

  3. Author

    Jessica, after meeting you and getting even more of a feel for your style, I can honestly say you will like the Believers gang. They are right up your alley. They approach things like you do, very methodically.

    Shawn…this is FANTASTIC info. I saw the FB update too about August 15 (or was it 16th?…I’m still trying to recover from being back and getting back to work). I’ll be sure to watch when it’s live. Sounds amazing!


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