Movie Monday: Big News for Little Horror Indie “Ghost From the Machine”

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Yes, I’m writing about the indie horror film Ghost from the Machine again. Yes, I did just hold a contest giving away a couple of DVDs, but today I read some exciting news I thought was shareworthy. Plus, it’s Movie Monday, so what better day to share than today?

Anyway, the news in the newsletter I got from Hodag Films was about a leak to about Universal Pictures acquiring Ghost from the Machine for a big-budget remake. That’s pretty freaking awesome.

You know why I think so? Because the people behind GftM are like so many of the rest of us. Whether you’re a blogger, a novel writer, an artist, a movie maker, a screenplay writer,  musician, etc., we all want the same thing: that big break. Validation. Our dreams to come true.

I love stories where the little guy makes it. It was a small-budget film ($25,000) that’s getting a new script, director, and perhaps home on a silver screen near you.

I just hope the new people don’t botch Matt Osterman’s vision. (The writer and director of what was first titled Phasma Ex Machina, then hit the DVD and VOD market as Ghost from the Machine.) He had a novel idea that’s deserving of care and craftsmanship, not just slip-shod workmanship/let’s throw something together and make it more chilling for chills sake Ka Ka. (There’s already enough of that being made.)

Oh, and also according to the newsletter: if you’re a Netflix user, GftM should be available in your queue soon. Your wait is almost over!

Congrats, Ghost from the Machine, on this exciting news. You proved you’re among the  little little indie films that could!


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