Movie Monday: Foreclosure

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I learned about the upcoming movie “Foreclosure” via Alison’s interview with filmmaker Richard Ledes on Screamstress a couple weeks back. I Tweeted about it then, but didn’t feature it for Movie Monday last week because I already had two set to post. (Plus, I knew I’d just be getting back from vacation. This way in case I was scrambled and out of sorts trying to get back in the swing, I’d have something ready to go up.)

I think from here on out all haunted house movies are inevitably going to be compared to “Paranormal Activity.” This one’s going to be no different.

But since “Foreclosure” is only going to begin to start shooting in March 2010, by the time it’s released the “Paranormal Activity” buzz will have died down some. Hopefully that’ll give this movie a chance to stand on its own merits –which look promising.

Not only have they released a “teaser” trailer to already fire up buzz, they’ve got a website up. And I love the movie’s tagline, “Ghosts don’t move out.” Catchy!

For all you ghost enthusiasts, I have a feeling you’ll be keeping tabs on how this one progresses like I will.


  1. Sounds cool. Hoping if they film in March, they can have it out by summer if it’s as easy to pop together as Paranormal Activity. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. I’ll be curious how fast they get it together and get it out and if it’s as good as PA, which I still haven’t seen. You think they can roll it out by summer if they wrap by March? That would be cool!


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