Movie Monday: The Conjuring Giveaway

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Sometimes it’s super fun to be a blogger. Like around this time of year when company reps contact you about helping to promote a product. In this case, a nice person at Warner Bros. sent me a The Conjuring (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet Combo Pack) to review.

I already saw the movie when it was in the theaters, but why not watch it again? It was one of the better horror movies to come out in a while.

I still didn’t like the religious/church part of the storyline. I already ranted about that in the Forum (see the discussion Does religion really have anything to do with the paranormal?), so I won’t rant about it again.

However, I liked that the movie made me think about whether churches and alleged men of God really have anymore “power” to control, deal with, get rid of, or explain the supernatural anymore than mere mortals (a.k.a. the average Joe –or Jane).

And I have to say the scares were superb. The clapping, the actors talking about the smells, the creaking doors, the pictures getting all busted up…disturbing. And when Lili Taylor’s character gets possessed? Yikes, yikes, yikes! Oh, and let’s not forget about creepy Annabelle. Only the clown in Poltergeist gives me the heebie jeebies more. I’d classify The Conjuring as one of the Top 5 haunted house horror movies ever.


I appreciated all the preparation that went into terrifying audiences even more after watching the special feature on the DVD, Scaring the “@$*%” Out of You. It was neat to hear the actors, the director, the writers, even the production designer explain the behind the scenes making of The Conjuring and all the thought and planning that went into creating the chills. Major kudos to James Wan for his “artistry.” (I liked that word. I think during one of his interview segments, Patrick Wilson used it to describe Wan’s insight, foresight, and expertise. Really sums it up.)

I don’t have a Blu-ray player, so I couldn’t play the special features on that disc. But here’s what comes on it:

· The Conjuring: Face-to-Face with Terror

· A Life in Demonology

· Scaring the “@$*%” Out of You

EXPLORE MORE:  Check Out the Haunting Trailer for Lady in the Lake

Wish I was able to watch the first two. They sound interesting.


The other super neat thing this combo pack come with is Digital HD Ultraviolet. I didn’t know what that was before this video. For anyone who may be reading who also doesn’t know, there’s a code you redeem that allows you to watch movies, in this case The Conjuring, anywhere via other devices (TV, computer, tablet, smartphone) using Cloud technology.

I didn’t redeem the code. It’s still intact and ready for whoever wins this video to use.


Because that’s the other part of this post. I’d love to keep this video but it’s Halloween. For me that’s better than Christmas. Since I did the horror writing contest this year, I didn’t have money to do a giveaway too. But Warner Bros. sending me Blu-ray + DVD combo pack of The Conjuring allows me to have something for a giveaway. Thanks, WB!


  • Leave a comment below saying you want to be entered. (Newsletter subscriber? You’ll be getting details on how to earn bonus entries. Not a subscriber? Sign up to start receiving it on our Newsletter page.)
  • Entries accepted until Thursday October 24, 2013 11:59 p.m. CST.
  • Winner will be drawn and announced on Friday October 25, 2013.


  1. I’d like to be entered in THE CONJURING BLU-RAY + DVD + ULTRAVIOLET COMBO PACK giveaway.

  2. Please enter me in the DVD giveaway!
    CLAP! Grand applause! As always, I love your posts.

  3. Clap

  4. I want to be entered !!! “CLAP”

  5. Do enter me.Swell prize–saw it in theaters too. But this would be good for a Halloween night viewing in a darkened living room.

  6. please enter me in this contest……CLAP

  7. I would love to be entered. Haven’t seen this movie yet but heard it was pretty good. “CLAP”

  8. I haven’t seen this movie, but I hear it’s pretty good, pls. enter me to win the dvd, so I can be scared to death in the comfort of my home, lol!

  9. I would like to be entered in the DVD giveaway! Thank you.

  10. I’d like to enter. Hopefully I will win and can watch it with my girlfriend.

  11. I really wanna win this dvd combo. I love horror movies. I have for about 20 years. I’m 37 now. I have an extensive collection of over 100 scary/horror movies. Including some of the original Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Streets from the 80’s. Please, please, please send it to me. I want fortunate enough to be able to watch it in the theaters. Thank you!

  12. I would like to be entered please, thanks!

  13. I’m not into that Blu-ray crap – if I wait long enough, I can get the regular DVD for $5 at my video store –

  14. I would like to be entered please

  15. I would like to be entered into the contest please. Thanks!

  16. Please enter me in the Conjuring DVD contest…Thx

  17. oops…..CLAP

  18. Enter me please! Thanks!

  19. Clap! (Standing Ovation really)

  20. I saw The Conjuring in the theater and LOVED it!! I would be thrilled to win the blue ray DVD 🙂

  21. I’d love to be entered. I haven’t seen the movie yet but I really want to. Please enter me. Thank you

  22. I’d love to be able to win this! please add my name into the draw

    Also subscribed to your newsletter

  23. Author

    We posted the drawing of the winner on our Facebook page today. Congratulations, Luciana Seymour!!!!

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