Movie Monday: The Message

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It’s another two-fer today for Movie Monday. This second movie trailer, The Message, also came to my attention via a follow on Twitter (by @TheMessageMovie).

I don’t know what to make of it. Here’s the tagline: “Does God really want you?” I’m not usually a big fan of movies with strong religious-themed plots. (Like Stigmata or the Seventh Sign. They were okay, but…I’m more Pagan-oriented. Christian-based fears of God and the devil don’t really stimulate my fear center like they do for others with stronger religious affiliations.)

So why am I featuring The Message? Because I’m a sucker for underdogs. @TheMessageMovie put out a call for help on Twitter to help them spread the word about their independent, low budget movie. Having found myself in need of promo help every now and then…well, I figured what can it hurt? (Then again, seeing as how I’m just a humble little blog, it’s not likely to help a whole lot either!)

Still, it was a decent trailer. It actually gave me the impression it might be a decent movie. Check it out and see what you think.

And if you want to learn more about the movie, check out their IMDB page.


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