My FLIP the INK! Interview

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Do you remember Elizabeth Eagan Cox, author of the Shannon Delaney paranormal mysteries? Her name might ring a bell because either you’re already familiar with her novels or because she also:

  1. Wrote a guest blog here about Colonial Williamsburg
  2. Helped HJ celebrate its one year anniversary by donating a copy of her first book, A Ghost of a Chance, for the Book and Coffee Lovers Prize Pack
  3. Was one of my interview victims –er, I mean subjects

Well, she surprised me and asked if I’d like to be interviewed for her FLIP the INK! series.

Sure! I’m always game for an interview.

It went live today. In case you missed my Tweets or post on FB about it, here’s the link to “Interview with Courtney Mroch, Director of Paranormal Tourism and creator/operator of Haunt Jaunts travel site.” (I just love seeing my name in “lights”!)


  1. Very nice interview Courtney. I was pleased to see why you got started and learn about your first ghostly experience. I want to haunt jaunt to many of the places you had listed as dream places to go.


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