New Digs for Haunted Doll: Haunted “Frozen” Elsa Doll Update

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Alleged haunted Frozen Elsa doll propped against side of house
Alleged haunted Frozen Elsa doll propped against side of house. Source: Click2Houston and Facebook/Emily Madonia.

Have you heard about the haunted Frozen Elsa doll that supposedly “terrorized” a family? Talk about a story going viral…wow! The media could not “let it go!”

So what’s the doll’s story and why does its original owners believe its haunted?

Haunted Elsa’s Story

Apparently a Houston mom said her daughter received the doll in 2013. She said it worked fine the first couple of years, meaning if you pressed a button it would say lines from the movie as well as sing “Let It Go.”

Then something went wonky. It became bilingual, speaking in both English and Spanish. It also started working even when the power switch was off.

Which, to the skeptic in me, is no cause for alarm. I’d think “malfunction” or “crossed wires” before I thought “haunted.”

I would think if new batteries didn’t help, perhaps the toy had passed its prime. I would’ve donated it to Goodwill, but this mom decided to throw it out altogether.

But a few days after she did, the doll was back in the house –in a wooden bench in the living room.

Did the kids do it? The mom insists, “No way.”

So they tried throwing it away again. As reported in a Vice article about the doll

 “We […] tightly wrapped it in its own garbage bag and put that garbage bag INSIDE another garbage bag filled with other garbage and put it in the bottom of our garbage can underneath a bunch of other bags of garbage and wheeled it to the curb and it was collected on garbage day,” she wrote on Facebook.

They went out of town for a few days, returning to find Elsa leaning against the side of their house.

Okay, at this point I might start to wonder, “WTF…?!”

How Do You Solve a Problem Like a Haunted Elsa Doll?

You can’t throw her away. She’ll come back.

Other than being a bit creepy, she hasn’t done any harm. Still, giving her away might not be responsible right? As far as to the Goodwill or something similar. Just in case there’s darker, maybe even demonic, forces at work. Again, there’s no reason to believe that. It could just be a lost spirit decided to attach itself to this doll –or the family.

But what about giving her to a friend? Especially if the friend asks for her?

Gets her out of their hair. So that’s what they did. Shipped her off to a man in Minnesota –who taped her to the front of his Jeep. (Seems nuts, but hey. It’s cold in MN, right? Maybe having a chance to truly be frozen is exactly what she needs.)

Haunted Elsa Tweets

Today Deedee, my Illusions from the Other Side of the Road pal (and one of my A Haunt Mess co-hosts), shared this Tweet with me and our other co-host, Sara:

That’s how I found out the podcast talked to the doll’s original owner:

Gonna have to give this Haunted AF episode a listen. I’m also now following Chris –and this story. If there’s any further developments, I’ll be sure to post them. Or if you see any, feel free to email to let me know.

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More Tweets

These actually came first from Chris Hogan, first announcing he was now the haunted Frozen Elsa’s proud new owner and then showing her Gorilla-tapped to the front of his Jeep.

Fake News?

Like I said in the start of this post, media outlets took this story and ran. I came across this Facebook post from the doll’s owner:

She’s trying to keep it in perspective and laugh off the haters and misinformation, but I also ran across this in a Today Parents article: “Madonia, who did not respond to a request from TODAY Parents…”

The article had a lot of info for not having talked to her. So Madonia’s point –and frustrations– are valid.

Hopefully the Today writer really did try to reach out. And hopefully the reason Madonia didn’t respond was because it was a case of one woman can only talk to so many people. Because clearly she is willing to talk, as evidenced by her appearance on the Haunted AF podcast.

Very strange story on multiple levels, right?



  1. That is so freaky. Haunted or not, I hope there’s a happy ending for everyone involved.

  2. Not convinced here. Seems like a 10 minutes cry for fame.

  3. Author

    Agreed. I kind of feel sorry for the doll. What if she just loved that family so much and didn’t want to leave them?


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