Nick Groff has always tried to rise above the Zak Bagans/Ghost Adventures controversy. To this day, however, fans still want to know what really happened. Why did he leave? Did Bagans have anything to do with it? Why are Groff’s shows, like Paranormal Lockdown and Death Walker, not on Travel Channel and/or discovery+? (At least in the U.S.) Again, does Bagans have anything to do with it? Well, Nick Groff has finally broken his silence about all that and then some.
I mean, he’s always answered questions about Ghost Adventures, like he did in 2020 during an interview on Dead Air Resurrected. He admitted he was angry about his break from the show but had since moved on. What was the point of wasting energy stewing about it?
However, if you’ve ever experienced a toxic relationship that resulted in an unexpected breakup, you know how deep it cuts. Pardon my French, but that shit just doesn’t go away. And sometimes, things happen that can re-open old wounds. In this case, something Dakota Laden insinuated about Bagans looks to be what triggered Groff to break his science.
Destination Fear’s Part in Nick Groff Breaking His Silence
As I mentioned in the post about the cancelation of Destination Fear, Groff made a mic-drop video where he finally addressed many things, including Bagans, Ghost Adventures, and even rumors of an affair. But what does Destination Fear have to do with any of it?
Well, it has to do with a loaded statement Laden made when asked if Bagans was behind DF‘s cancelation. SK Pop reported that Dakota denied any involvement on Bagans’ part. However, Laden did say:
“But I have to tell you guys, in this industry these decisions are business… and has nothing to do with someone’s ego or whatever. However, does that mean that Zak and me are friends and that he has been supporting the show and everything has been chipper and great? No, it doesn’t and I have a lot to say and more to come on that front.”
But Groff also reveals something else Dakota Laden personally shared with him, which we’ll get to.
Never Did He Ever
The video Groff made is just shy of seven minutes long, but he wastes no time laying down the facts. It begins with him declaring things that never happened, including that he never:
- Had an NDA
- Was fired from Ghost Adventures
- Did a “bad thing”
- Cheated in a relationship he was in.
He also never uses Zak Bagans’ name. He refers to him as “the/this/that host.” But it’s very clear who he means.
Nick Groff’s Battle Against Career Killers
So what did Groff do? He tried to keep his head down, push forward and create new hit shows. But as he put it, “The previous hosts that I used to work with keep trying to stop my career.”
Nick Groff Breaks Silence about Zak Bagans’ Ego
After Nick briefly speaks his peace, snapshots of tweets pop up on the screen while a woman’s voice reads them. Then Nick answers each one, starting with one that wanted to know what it was like after the fame hit. What was it like to work with Bagans? Are the rumors true? Does he really have an ego, and does he truly treat his co-workers badly?
Groff says this rumor is true. He personally experienced it and saw how poorly Bagans treated others.
“It was an extremely hostile environment to work in,” Groff said. “And also Dakota can speak on his experience with him too.”
Will Dakota Laden ever break his silence about it? Time will tell. He’s grounded and classy like Groff is, though, so I imagine he might take his time before he does…if he does.
Wasn’t Fired
The next question was about how Aaron Goodwin had said Groff was fired because he went behind Bagans’ back and secretly started a new show.
Groff again affirms he did not get fired. Nor did he go behind anyone’s back.
“My contract allowed me to produce other shows, just like the other host who I was working with, who produced several other shows.” (“The other host” being Bagans.)
Bagans’ Ultimatum Blackballed Groff from Travel Channel
Groff most definitely believes Bagans has influenced why his shows aren’t on any Waner Bros. Discovery platforms in the U.S.:
In my opinion, I do believe I was blocked from the network and continuing my shows. Specifically because of one host who I used to work with. And the reason I know this is because several executives I spoke to at the network said I can’t come to the network as long as he’s there. And also, years later, speaking to Dakota, who finally spoke out about it and confirmed it for me, that, yes. When he was filming with this one host at a location, this host came into the room, bragging, laughing, saying, ‘Ha ha ha, Nick’s never going to work in America again because I gave the network an ultimatum to choose him or me.
There’s the other Dakota Laden connection. And it also answers why Death Walker was only on discovery+ UK.
He also praised Laden for finally having the guts to talk about it publicly.
Move On
Groff addressed a tweet that read, “I’m sorry, this was like 10 years ago, move on with your life. Stay out of the drama.”
That person has clearly never encountered real drama. The life-altering, life-shattering, kind of drama that can take decades to heal from.
But Groff summed it up best:
It’s not drama when it directly impacts my life, my career, and my family. I wouldn’t have to get involved in this conversation if this individual didn’t continue interfering with my life.
Why Nick Groff Really Left Ghost Adventures
Here’s exactly what Groff had to say about his departure from Ghost Adventures:
In my opinion, based on what I was told, a certain individual that I worked with called up the network and said he would not show up at the next location if I showed up. I was dragged along for two months, and I kept being told, ‘We don’t need you at this next location.’ Then another week would go by. ‘We don’t need you at that location.’ It got to the point where I was dragged along for so long that my lawyer finally stepped in. He gave me a choice. I could either move on and make something better, create something new, or just be a sitting duck and just wait.
And that’s why he moved on and created Paranormal Lockdown.
Speaking of Paranormal Lockdown…
Groff said it was the highest-rated show on the network it premiered on (Destination America). The show was on a hiatus and was all set to continue filming more episodes, but then guess what happened? It was bought out by Discovery.
Groff again refers to the information Dakota Laden shared with him about a certain host laughing about how Groff would never work in America again. Laden would’ve been on the Ghost Adventures crew around that time (2017-2018). The puzzle pieces definitely fit. Sadly.
Way Happier Now
Fans also wanted to know whether Groff is happier now that he has full control and is producing what he wants. He confirmed he is “way happier” because he’s away from toxic people and able to pursue his passion of “real paranormal investigations with credible evidence.”
But he also commented on what a tough industry it really is:
As you’re seeing now, people in the industry are talking how difficult it is to move away from a network that’s fully producing their project. I took matters into my own hands, gained full control over my project Death Walker so that this would not happen again.
Never Cheated on His Wife
I had no idea he’d ever been accused of cheating on his wife.
He addressed those rumors, too, assuring viewers that he’s been faithful. “In my opinion,” he said, “these rumors and allegations were put out in the media purposely by a very hateful and jealous woman.”
Watch Nick Groff Break His Silence
How do you feel about Nick Groff finally breaking his silence and everything he had to say?
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.
There have been mutterings about a certain host for some time, so this isn’t entirely surprising, but I am frustrated that one person has interfered with the public having access to more interesting programs. Deeply frustrated. I think I’m going to boycott a certain show led by a certain host. Frankly, it was my least favorite to begin with.
Fortunately, Ghost Hunters is about to start its run.
If Nick Groff was treated so poorly, I can totally understand why he left and why he wanted full control of whatever shows he does from now on. Makes me want to watch his work even more now.
Loved how you put this, Maria, “I am frustrated that one person has interfered with the public having access to more interesting programs.” There really is a problem there because, for all his faults, Zak is a consummate showman…who makes money. So the networks want to keep that trend going, which means more of him…but also more of the same style of show. Although, “style” might not be the right word. Not that the format is identical, but there is a bit of a formula in respect to what viewers gravitate toward. And that doesn’t mean true evidence or investigation methods, but sensational ones and claims. Which, sure, is good entertainment, but when it’s passed off as legit knowledge…well, there’s an issue. BUT until your comment, I didn’t put that altogether.
Agreed. It’s a shame he’s been squelched. He’s likable and clever with his style too. I think people definitely want to see more of him. Not everybody takes the time to watch YouTube though. It would be nice if he could have access to a larger platform. Here’s hoping one day he will.
I have to say I stopped watching GA when Nick Groff left so abruptly. Being in the UK, we see the shows at different times, so for a while I didn’t have any decent ghost hunting shows available. I think I will see what’s on YouTube, I’m not a big user of it at the moment.
I don’t watch a lot of the YouTube shows myself but I know there are several that have huge followings, like Amy’s Crypt, Moe Sargi, or even something like The Paranormal Scholar. And then if you like Dakota Laden, he’ll be pumping out new content on YouTube with Project Fear. And FilmRise has Nck Groff’s Death Walker…but maybe you’ve seen that, since it was available in the UK?
Also, I agree with you. I actually stopped regularly watching GA even before Nick left, BUT I’d watch some here and there (both before he left and after). but after he left I was really turned off with the direction it headed. It felt wrong…and mean. If that makes sense. It started out more lighthearted, and I liked the dynamic between the 3 but it was easy to see the success went to Zak’s head and morphed him. So then it just wasn’t as fun to watch. I feel for Nick. What a hell of a thing to have happen.
As always, sure do appreciate your comments!
Here’s what I feel about that. The only thing about GA I appreciate is that they never hesitate to give the spirits a medium to communicate through, unlike so many other investigators who just talk to the air and ask questions, expecting disembodied voices, which is the MOST DIFFICULT way for a spirit to communicate. And 9 times out of 10, the only communication they receive, if any, are knocks or footsteps. It is rare that you will see a GA team member without an SB7, Paranormal Puck, Ovilus, EVP Recorder, or something through which a spirit can communicate. THAT, I admire. No one, I mean NO ONE, (besides the now defunct Tennessee Wraith Chasers), not even The Ghost Hunters, do it that consistently. For 1/2 of an episode, Paranormal Nightmare just walk around and ask questions, with no responses except a few knocks, because they don’t provide a communication medium for spirits. It’s ridiculous! But GA’s method is bulletproof, and that, to me, is high quality ghost hunting, no matter how pompous and mean the host is! Frankly, I just try to ignore his arrogance, even though, admittedly, it IS hard sometimes. And that is how my team does it, as well, and we get constant results. Lately, Nick has been using the GeoPort exclusively, which is an EXTREMELY difficult device to hear spirit voices through, especially over a TV camera, and I know he knows that. When using the device, you can’t even tell if the spirit is male, female, adult, or child (or perhaps, a demon pretending to be a child). Why he does it instead of using an SB-11 or SB-7, I don’t know, but he does, and so does Katrina, sometimes, on her YouTube channel. Ghost Boxes (Ghost Ports) just aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
Truly, I really do abhor the narcissism of the host of that particular GA show. He’s very, VERY hard to watch, but he does know what he’s doing, and so does his team. They are exceptionally good at what they do. There is no denying it, and that is why I will continue to watch them. Not for the personality of one particular individual, but for their methods and their results. There are some good shows coming back soon, though, like Holzer Files and another season of The Ghost Hunters. I think if Dakota gets rid of the whole goofy part of his shows that made up the first 30 minutes of them going on Go-Kart rides and eating hotdogs, and he focuses on the actual ghost hunting aspect (you know, what he’s supposed to be doing), then his YouTube show might be worthwhile. I really don’t understand the price tag he threw at us, though, when he was asking for donations. I can take my team and travel across the U.S., ghost hunt in one location for three days, film it with four people, and upload two or three episodes, loaded with evidence from that location (depending on how active, of course) to YouTube the following week, all for about $700 – $1,000 … if that. How they justify asking for $65,000 dollars for two episodes doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. Very strange and off-putting, those numbers. Sounds like they are trying to steal from people, which doesn’t sound like something Dakota would do. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it.
I was surprised I hadn’t heard from you sooner about Destination Fear being canceled, Troy, since I knew you weren’t a fan. lol
As far how much they were fundraising for…in one of my conversations with Dakota, I think it was about when they produced Trail to Terror, the price tag for one week renting the RV and paying camera people, gas, lodging, and even the haunted places themselves came out to be like $50k. The price of equipment may have been included in there too. They have a lot of the equipment already so I’m not sure what all the money would go to, but if they’re trying to create a TV-qwuality production like what they had, and make sure to feed and pay themselves a little something still? That’s gonna cost some bucks. But I can see how it’s off-putting. Then again, they’ve raised well over that so…between that and what they make in YT ad revenue, they’ll be doing pretty good.
As far as Zach…he’s many things, including a great showman. I’m not convinced how much of what he gets is real, based on a lot of accusations from people who have worked with him and have stories about how much of the show is fabricated. BUT it all goes back to the showmanship, and I can’t fault him for being a master of that.
He does people dirty, though, which is harder to ignore. Not just Nick either. Here are but two additional examples of his treachery:
Basically, he’s powerful and uses it abusively and that’s not good. Even if he had an actual ghost in captivity, I wouldn’t give him a pass for his bad behavior.
Well, especially if he had a ghost in captivity I’d take exception, but hopefully you know what I mean. If he had actual real scientific proof of a ghost is what I mean. A lot of the equipment is just the equivalent of high-tech hocus pocus akin to the tricks spirituaists used around the turn of the 20th century to con and deceive believers so it doesn’t count as proof in the scientific form. Someone will catch verifiable evidence one day though. I have faith in that. Who remains to be determined, however…
As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Oh, and Holzer Files is canceled so it’s not coming back. But Ghost Hunters is back. I know a lot of folks would like to see the return of the Holzer Files though.
Zac Bagans is a moron and those that work for him have no self respect. Those that watch him and think he is legitimate are even BIGGER MORONS. If thats even possible.
I’m on the outside. Yes his ego is a bit much. But they get results. GA is a good show with good results. They do it all. And I’m sorry I can’t watch Ghost Hunters. I’ve tried many times. They are so boring. Their voices are so blah. As far as Destination Fear, I liked it when it first came out but the Dakota started to annoy me and the episodes started too not catch much activity. And the way they are always so surprised at the location when they pull up or read the location script. Too me Zak is a showman. He knows what he’s doing. Dakota just rubs me the wrong way. Just my opinion
When is Ghost Adventurers going to stop being the Zak Bagans show?
Oh, Del, I may have laughed a little too hard at this comment. lol
Hello, I watch GA and honestly love Aaron, he seems to be a nice and genuine guy, but Zak seems an assh*le. Reading your comment about the show being fabricated, I’m curious if is there some article or anything from people who worked on the show talking about it. Thank you.
Hey Carol! Aaron is so lovable. And he does seem to be nice and genuine. As far as the accusations of being fabricated, I don’t have any links. People didn’t put it in writing, but I did hear it from people familiar with the show. (Either having been on it or knowing someone who was.) And now that I’m re-visiting my statement, maybe “editing” would be better than “fabricating.” But of course they have to edit it for entertainment purposes. But if I do ever come across something in writing, I’ll be sure to come back here and share it.
I really like Nick and miss him on American cable shows. I could tell in the final episodes of GA that there was tension between he and Zak. I was speculating that Zak’s ego had no room to share any limelight even though they equally seemed to have created the show. I also loved him in Paranormal Lockdown and think he and Katrina made a much better pair than she and Ozborne. He was brilliant in Ghost of Shepherdstown! I don’t understand why those making the decisions about his current or future rolls would let someone with an inflated ego and possessive nature influence such. I understand he’s on a program in the UK. Why can’t his American fans see it??? The whole situation is discusting!
I’m not sure what the deal is with icing Nick out on American cable, Rebecca, or just how much sway Zak really had in any of that (or how much of a legal leg he had to stand on if he was behind crafting any deals like that). But at least Death Walker is now on YouTube for Americans to stream. Curious to see if Nick ever makes a comeback to an American network or not with a new series, though. It’s all very interesting.
I just got into the paranormal shows with Kindred Spirits. I TRIED watching a few episodes but Bagans is just too much, too over dramatic and now EVERYTHING is a demon. He has to be the most possessed person at this point. Is it ego or is there something dark taking up permanent space in Bagans brain. Nope, I’ll watch anyone but him! Love to see more of Jack Osborne though. He’s really genuine.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA,Dawn!!! OMG, your assessment of Bagans made my day. THANK YOU for taking the time to leave this comment and share your thoughts. And Jack Osbourne really does seem genuine and way more down to earth than Bagans even. He’s not all into himself it doesn’t seem like. Thanks again for the comment!
I really admire Nick, because he seems genuine and someone who really goes beyond just investigating. He poses alot of thought-provoking theories about life after death, parallel realities, etc.
Being someone who was once on a hit paranormal show, I can tell you that this genre is very difficult to tread while filming. On one hand, you are aware that you are working for producers who want that drama to make a hit show. Exciting and spooky locations with the depth of the history backstory and experiencers, interpersonal drama between investigators, strong personalities, the fear factor, dangerous tactics, etc. are part of the mix that will maintain and grow the audience viewership.
On the other hand, if you genuinely want to stay authentic because you are a true researcher & investigator, and you don’t succumb to the pressure of “producing” to be part of the mix- then eventually – it wears you down, inauthentic behavior becomes intolerable- and so you leave. I can relate to Nick’s ordeal and I was happy to see him do his own thing.
Nick really shined when he was working with Katrina on Paranormal Lockdown – they made a great team and thus, a great show. Both had a lot of experience under their belt, presented honest reactions, and brought their best to the table working with each other. It is disheartening to hear someone had the selfish intent to shut that show for him and Katrina. That show could have easily had at least 10 seasons because of the quality of the show. Katrina presented a real grounding presence to Nick’s very curious nature. Each show was very exciting because you could tell there were no antics going on, just a great team who made a great authentic show, and I always learned something new from each episode.
Not to digress, but this must be said: For the record, filming for episodes is hard work for both the investigative team and the film crew. It requires very long hours, dealing with sleep deprivation, working with personality clashes, and the ability to ignore the cameras and stay in the mindset of investigating when you have 20 film crew people around you. So for every ghost hunting show out there, despite if you like it or not, a 45 minute episode takes many hours of filming and filming under all sorts of conditions, and that in itself merits respect.
Also the reality is, there are so many ghost hunting shows out there and you have to understand that some are focused on high-octane entertainment, some seem “boring” because they are more reality-in-the-moment-based, and then there are several flavors in between those two extremes. The perfect blend for myself personally to watch is “Paranormal Lockdown”, “The Dead Files”, and the ones featuring new technologies and their creators integrated into the show so viewers like myself could evaluate the theories behind these inventions.
As far as Nick, I am a huge fan because I am not trying to figure out if he is trying to be a rock star or a real paranormal investigator. He is the real deal, presents high creativity with sound investigative practices & I wish him the very best in all his projects.
Hi, Lady Rowhan! Thanks so much for taking the time to share these insights. Very helpful and informative. Not that I’ve ever been on a show, but I’ve spoken with enough who were, including Dakota Laden, who all said what you did. Balancing act getting the filming right, and in Dakota’s case he did a lot of the editing too. SO much work behind the scenes.
And I think so many people feel the same way you do about Nick (and Katrina). Both seem really genuine, authentic and smart. Nick is one I’ve never had the pleasure of speaking with, but he really does exude just a real interest in making quality content but not as the expense of his values.
I really appreciate you taking the time to leave this comment. Thanks again so much!