Now Accepting #ShortStorySaturday Submissions

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In addition to collecting stories for the Haunted Playthings anthology, the Skeleton Crew and I decided to venture down another fiction avenue in 2019. That’s why I’m excited to announce we’re now also accepting short story submissions. Short Story Saturday submissions to be exact.


The goal is to publish a new, original short story every Saturday. Whether it’s one of mine (which isn’t very likely, seeing as how I rarely have time to write short stories anymore), or one that comes to us through a submission.

It’ll all depend on how many stories we receive and how often.


Here’s the general details of what we’re looking for:

  • Word length: up to 2,500 words
  • Genres: Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy or any combo/sub-genre thereof. (Basically, spooky and/or weird.)
  • Not wanted: Gratuitous violence or sex. Some gore and sex is fine, but make sure it serves a purpose.

How to Submit

Include your submission in the body of your email, or as a .doc or .rtf attachment.

Also include a 100 word or less bio with a link to your website, blog or both (as applicable).

Subject line: Short Story Sat / Your Story Title

Send submissions to:  submissions [at] – remove the [] and spaces and change “at” to an “@” before sending. (Trying to dodge spambots. Thanks for understanding.) 

For More Info

Basically all the info you need is above, but you can also find it on our Writers Wanted page here:

If you have any questions after that, you can either use the email noted above for submissions, or there’s always the Contact Us page. Because we’re approachable like that.


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