Off Topic: Please Vote for Ethan Zohn

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Lymphoma Awareness
Lymphoma Awareness

Today I noticed something new on Twitter. One of the Trending Topics on Tuesdays are usually Travel Tuesday (aka #traveltuesday), but this afternoon I noticed one I hadn’t before: Charity Tuesday (aka #charitytuesday).


Sometimes life is just Providential. I ended up discovering that besides the Lymphoma Foundation (@lymphoma) , two of the other charities I recently made the decision to support were also on Twitter: the LUNGevity Foundation (@LUNGevity) and the Alzheimer’s Association (@alzassociation).

Well, then I decided to check out the Lymphoma Foundation’s Tweets and see what news they were sharing for Charity Tuesday. That’s how I came across The Gentlemen’s Fund Better Men Better World Search and that Ethan Zohn was one of the men nominated.


If you’re a fan of Survivor, you may recognize Ethan Zohn‘s name. He was the winner of Survivor: Africa. (You might have also seen him on an episode of Celebrity Paranormal Project.)

Besides Ozzy from Survivor: Cook Islands, Ethan’s one of my favorite Survivors. Why? Because he demonstrated not only a winning spirit, but a giver’s heart. He came across as one cool dude. Kind, compassionate, and caring. In today’s world (heck, maybe in any world) those are rare qualities to find. The world would have no choice but to be a better place if there were more Ethan Zohns in it!

However, I was shocked to learn from the Lymphoma Foundation’s Tweet that he’d been stricken with cancer –lymphoma too, like me! (Except he has stage 2 Hodgkins lymphoma. Mine was non-Hodgkins.)

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I was fully prepared to give him my vote anyway, but this really cinched it.

There are four other worthy candidates who’ve also been nominated for The Gentleman’s Fund Better Men Better World Search, but if you’d like to cast your vote for Ethan Zohn too click here.

But you have to hurry. Voting ends tomorrow. (Sorry. I definitely would have given you more warning if  I had found out about it before today!)

Learn more about Ethan’s lymphoma in this People article.

Follow Ethan Zohn on Twitter.


  1. I saw your tweet about Ethan. I am now following him and voted for him as well. He, along with Rupert, were my favorite survivors. I stopped watching the show after the all-star show where Rupert won a million for being the fan favorite. Thanks for making me aware of his foundation. He is such a good person.

  2. Author

    AWESOME! Thanks Julie! You just made my day. To know at least one person saw this and took action too…GROOVY!

    Oh, and Rupert! How could I have forgotten about him? He was another one of my faves. Thanks for reminding me!!!!


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