I just read “Does Your Pet See Ghosts?” on KYPost.com. It wasn’t a very big article, but it caught my eye because (a) it had to do with ghosts, and (b) it mentioned pets. Turns out Bobby Mackey’s Music World is opening it’s doors to pets to try their pawsContinue Reading

Earlier today I announced how I’m ceasing work on HauntJaunts.net the website (not the blog, just the website), but what I failed to do was mention some other haunted travel sites that I’d like to aspire to one day be like. (Well, some are not specifically travel oriented, but theyContinue Reading

We’re fast approaching the Haunt Jaunting high season. Yes, I’m talking about that month of October when ghost tours, ghost hunting tours/classes, and haunted houses (of the variety that crop up around this time of year) move to the top of everyone’s To Do list. But something you don’t seeContinue Reading

There are lots of ways to find blogs to follow isn’t there? A friend suggests one, a Google Alert leads you to another, following someone on Twitter leads to some, and of course there are the other blogs you already follow. Recently I’ve come across some pretty cool blogs. IContinue Reading

I was very saddened to hear the news late last night that Patrick Swayze had finally succumbed to his cancer. Normally I wouldn’t write about a celebrity’s death, but he was in Ghost. I figured if nothing else I could tie that in with the usual theme of blog. ButContinue Reading

My husband had a host of travel troubles last week. “Damn Mercury retrograde!” he cussed on the phone to me while he waited to hear when his delayed flight might be allowed to take-off. (This after troubles just getting to the airport, then fearing his flight might be canceled, butContinue Reading

I’ve got a confession to make regarding Halloween Haunted Houses. I’m making it because starting this week, then over the coming weeks, I’ll be writing extensively about all things Halloween. But especially about haunted houses. (They’re among the perfect Haunt Jaunts to make at this time of year, aren’t they?)Continue Reading

This morning my Google Alerts held two stories that are good examples of the very real dangers of ghost hunting.  Specifically, why so many ghost tours, ghost hunting teams, and haunted places websites, including HauntJaunts.net, do not condone trespassing. For the veteran and novice ghost hunters alike, let these storiesContinue Reading

HauntJaunts.net extends its sympathies to all those affected by the events that transpired on September 11, 2001, now forever known as simply 9/11. But there’s nothing simple about what happened on that day, or about all the lives lost and families and friends forever haunted by the loss of theirContinue Reading

The other day JW Schnarr, an editor from Northern Frights Publishing, contacted me about reviewing Shadows of the Emerald City, an anthology set for release on October 15, 2009. While the book isn’t a ghost travel guide or anything of that nature, here’s the tagline: “Tales of Terror inspired byContinue Reading

I first came across Debe Branning, author of Sleeping with Ghosts: A Ghost Hunter’s Guide to Arizona’s Haunted Hotels and Inns, when I was adding ghost guides and regional ghost books to HauntJaunts.net’s Emporium. Later I learned she’s also the leader and founder of MVD Ghost Chasers Mesa Arizona and the Arizona Haunted SitesContinue Reading

I’ve been on a bit of an interviewing binge lately and my next victim –er, I mean subject— is Michael J. Varhola, author of Ghosthunting Virginia and, his latest release, Ghosthunting Maryland. Both books are part of America’s Haunted Road Trip’s series of travel guides. I knew of Mr. Varhola andContinue Reading