Promo Video for Haunt Jaunts

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Once upon a time, back when I first started blogging, I created a promo video for Haunt Jaunts. I’d never really been happy with it, though. I knew it could be improved, that I could do better.

So, I put it on my To Do list: “revise HJ promo vid.” Then, like I do with so many of the items on my To Do list, I just let it sit there.

When Chad from Chateau Grrr gave me HJ’s anniversary present (a.k.a. cool new animated banners), the itch to revise the promo video resurfaced.

This week was the week I couldn’t take it any more. I felt both a need to get it off my list and to play a little. (Both things help prime the ol’ creative well, which was feeling a bit neglected and abused as of late.)

I’m no movie maker and I know it, but I must admit I’m really pleased with this new Haunt Jaunts promo video effort. Chad’s awesome logo banner (the one at the end with the moving feet) hands down is absolutely my favorite part of it. (Chad, if you read this, thank you so very much again for creating that for me! Bet you didn’t think I’d use it like this, did you?)

If you have a sec check it out and let me know your thoughts. Thanks!


  1. Hey, thanks Frog Queen! That was nice of you to leave a comment. I always get a kick out of hearing from you, and when you stop by with compliments? EVEN BETTER! =)

  2. Nice job Courtney, I loved it.

  3. Thank you, Julie, for humoring me and watching it!!!!!!!!!! Very much appreciated!!!!!!!

  4. Oh, Brenda, you’re so good to me. Thanks for taking the time to watch my latest crazy creation. Much obliged!

  5. THANKS Jessica! I appreciate you taking the time to view it. 😉


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