This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Sally Writes.
Three in four Americans believe in the paranormal, according to a Gallup survey. With Halloween just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get the ultimate night of ghostly terror put together.
There are so many great ideas that you can utilize to make sure that everybody has a night to remember, such as:
Ensure that the ambiance is perfect
When putting together a paranormal-themed night, it is essential that the ambience is on point. Well-lit rooms are not the ideal setting. Instead, it is a better idea to make sure that you have the room as dark as possible. One great touch is to add some scented candles. This not only adds a spooky feel to the room through dim lighting, but by purchasing certain scents you can accentuate the atmosphere even further. Herbal scents can be great, when it comes to creating a spooky atmosphere. Musky scents are also a great option. However, try not to get any scent that will be too overpowering.
Plan your activities wisely
It is easy to put together a spooky night based on novelties like spooky party games, but if you want the atmosphere to be taken more seriously by your guests, then there are plenty of other things that you can do which will allow you to achieve this. Holding a séance can be a great activity, especially for those who believe in the paranormal. If this is not to your taste, then a classic horror movie may be a better option. You could even entertain your guests with local ghost stories. The best idea is to research online. If you cannot find any local tales online, then perhaps consider taking a trip to your local library.
Offer spookily themed food and drink to your guests
The great thing about holidays like Halloween is that they allow you to really get creative. You can create food and drink to offer to your guests based around spooky themes. Whether this is Halloween themed cocktails or gory-looking food, your guests will love this special touch. There are some great recipe ideas online. Sites like Pinterest can be a fantastic tool when it comes to finding recipes like this. Keep in mind the ages of the people who you will be serving, though.
Remember who is on your guest list
It is always a good idea to keep in mind who will be attending your night of terror. For example, if there are going to be children attending, then it would be wise not to make things too scary. However, if your evening is only for adults, then you can really get creative with your spooky ideas. 61% of American adults plan to celebrate Halloween this year, according to Statista, so you should have no trouble in finding guests for your ghostly night.
Planning a night of terror can be great fun, especially if you are one of the many millions who believe in the paranormal. With a little research, your guests can have a great time.
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