Searching for a Halloween Costume

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One of the girls I play volleyball with is throwing a Halloween bash and invited Wayne and I. GREAT! I love parties, I love Halloween, and put them both together? That’s my kind of party!

But to actually go to a party also gives me the excuse to buy a new costume.

“But you already have one, Courtney. That one you wore for the giveaway drawing.”

True. I do have my Maverick Saloon Girl costume. But there was a reason you could only see me from the neck up. It doesn’t quite fit in all the right places.

“So make one.”

I’d love to. There’s just this tiny problem of no patience for all that.

Although, there are some ready made pieces at Pyramid Collection I sort of have my eye on that could be manipulated into some kind of costume. Buckled skirt, ruffled bustier top, maybe even the black suede weskit, with the steampunk buckle jacket and the polar explorer sun goggles. Add on a white scarf and voila…Steampunk Aeronatress!

Trouble is, all those pieces add up to one hefty costume pricetag!

So I started looking at all the online Halloween stores after I went to some local ones and didn’t find what I was looking for. (I’m thinking something Victorian/Edwardian or Moulin Rouge-ish.)

Of course, what catches my eye? The most expensive ones!

Like the Burlesque Babe costume. It’s pink, cute and sassy! And that hat? I want that hat!

Then there’s the Carnival Queen costume. A beautiful black and white dress with a beautiful price tag to match. Same with the Viking Princess costume. (Sans the beautiful black and white dress part.)


But you know, I have found some possibilities that are more in my price range.

For instance, the Masquerade Queen costume. It’s kind of a dark costume. (I either go for the racy saloon girl/cancan girl costumes, or funny ones. I’ve never been anything like a witch or ghost before. The change might be fun!)

The Lady in Waiting ensemble appealed to my dark side too . Waiting to suck your blood…

Another costume I could sink my teeth into if I’m willing to go slightly above my price point (but not all the way up to Outrageousville like I would for some of the first costumes I mentioned) is the Tales of Old London Harlot costume.

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(If you’ve noticed a theme…that I gravitate towards saloon girl/prostitute/ladies of the evening type costumes, you’re right! Apparently beneath my cute exterior and innocent voice lies the heart of a whore! One who feels the need to strut her stuff on Halloween when all the other freaks come out to play!)

Although, I have to admit I’m kind of partial to the Charleston Charlie getup. (Which is weird, because (a) it’s not all that racy, (b) the 20s and 30s are my least favorite decades,  and (c) I’m usually turned off by anything flapper/prohibition-ish. But I kind of like this one for some reason.)

What will I end up choosing? I’ll have to mull it over with the man. (Read that as “which ever one turns him on enough that’s it’s questionable that we’ll make it out of the house, but has the promise of getting ripped off when we come home” wins!)

But you know what got me kind of down looking at all the various costumes? All the 80s ones! Oh man, you know you’re getting old when the decade you grew up in gets it’s own Halloween costumes! (Madonnas, hair band getups, 80s groupies…I saw way too many!)


  1. Steampunk. Not hard to do at Saver’s or Goodwill. I’d look for a black nightgown with a ruffly bottom. Put a white high neck blouse over it and a man’s dress coat using a big gaudy broach to close it and make it fit at the waist. We just got some pieces like that the other day there for my son and his girlfriend’s costumes–total was $17. Not bad. I agree about the sex goddess costumes. I enjoy it too. I don’t get to dress up sexy normally in public, so it’s really kind of fun to do it. I tried to sex up my costume this year, but it’s hard when you’re going safari style. I think if I weren’t doing a post-apocalyptic ghost hunter, I’d definitely do steampunk. It’s so me, it’s crazy. In fact, we were just discussing that the other night. I was complaining about wearing a non-scary costume on Halloween and my son told me I should just do steampunk since I’m insane about it. It’s kind of late to be re-designing my costume, but I’m sooooo tempted! I just got the welding goggles for the costume and I have huge hair, so I could do something victorian-looking with my hair. Oh, you’re making me want to do it! My party has been planned out perfectly, except for the part I love most about Halloween–the costume. I’m not excited at all about the ghost hunter one. I can’t really dance in it either because of all the equipment. Hmmm. Well, if I change my mind, I’ll let you know about it. Oh boy, I was here to help you out and now you helped me out.

  2. oooooo! Burlesque Babe! My vote. And, yes the hat totally makes the outfit.

  3. I don’t know how I missed your comments. Thanks for your thoughts. And Autumnforest, I’m glad I ended up helping you out! What did you decide to do? I’ll be curious to see the pics from your party and what you ended up doing with your costume!


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