Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Images of Chacchoben

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Map of the grounds

One of the places we went to in search of haunted Mayan ruins was Chacchoben, “the place of the red corn.” We didn’t find any ghosts there, nor did our guide share any ghost stories with us (in fact, he thought I was nuts for asking him if he knew of any), but we saw some beautiful scenery and the remnants of a way of life long since abandoned.

It’s not the largest of the Mayan ruins, but it was nonetheless impressive. There were three primary types of structures within: Sacred, Residential, City.

The first ruin we actually laid eyes on was as we were still on the tour bus. Our guide warned us it would be coming into view after we rounded the next bend.

And there it was, an ancient monolith rising out of the jungle. The driver stopped so we could take pictures. (Or try to. We weren’t allowed off the bus so I did the best I could given I had to take it through the window.)

Very first glimpse of a ruin from the tour bus

After allowing time for restroom visits and to shop the ruin’s version of a gift shop, our guide started our tour of Chacchoben. He led us down a dirt path that took us to the first ruin, a sacred structure that was likely used as a temple.

And the tour begins...
The first of the ruins we came to

I found it interesting that it was solid inside, not hollow. However they used it, they utilized it on the outside only.

The next stop was to another area with a temple (the one we spied from the road on the bus, actually) and another structure that was also likely used for some kind of sacred ceremonies. To view them we had to scale a set of steep stone steps.

Stone steps leading to another level of ruins
Quite the climb. I had paused halfway up to take this pic.


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Almost there...One of our fellow tourists atop the stone steps with the temple in the background.

The slight hike was worth the view. Towering amidst the jungle flora and fauna was the highest structure within Chacchoben.

Chacchoben's tallest sacred structure
A view from a different angle of Chacchoben's tallest structure

There was also a curious little building across the clearing from the tall temple.

This mysterious little building fascinated me

If you looked close enough at the back of the structure under the straw awning, you could see red on the wall. Our guide assured us it was a type of paint the former of inhabitants of Chacchoben had used, not blood.

The place with red on the walls

However, you had to watch your footing very carefully in order to get a glimpse of the red-stained walls. The path behind the structure was very narrow, without hand rails, and the drop off was very steep. I actually refused to walk the path and get a closer look at the red walls because it was so crowded and I was afraid I’d be the klutz who took the plunge.

Narrow path plus lots of people equalled too crowded for me
One wrong step off that narrow path would spell a very big fall.

My favorite part was walking through the trees to the next set of structures on the tour, the ruins of the city and the residential palace.

The trees provided great shade.
A view of the canopy above.

We came to an avenue of ruins. We were told this is where the every day city life was conducted. The ruins in this section comprised both city buildings and residential dwellings.

Who were the Mayans who lived and worked here?
Roots and rubble
The residential palace was where the royalty slept


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