Skeptical Analysis of New Paranormal Caught on Camera Trailer

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Screenshot of Paranormal Caught on Camera poster from YouTube trailer

Today, Travel Channel announced that the new season of Paranormal Caught on Camera premieres on Sunday, July 9. But they also released a trailer for the show and it’s a doozie.

As always, experts break down the videos in each hour-long episode, attempting to analyze what was captured. But one thing Travel Channel shows in general, and Paranormal Caught on Camera in particular, lack is skeptical analysis.

Which isn’t surprising. For some reason, they’re always on a mission to convert skeptics to believers. Sadly.

{Insert deep sigh here.}

Skeptics are so misunderstood. They’re not disbelievers. They’re seekers, or as Sarah Ban Breathnach so poetically put it, “Skeptics make the best seekers.”

It’s not that they don’t want to believe. They do. But they also want the truth, and that’s more important than confirming some bias they might have. (Whether that be they lean more believer or not.)

I thought I’d have fun letting my inner skeptic out to play analyzing the clips in the trailer for the new season of Paranormal Caught on Camera. After all, why should the experts have all the fun? Feel free to join me and leave your analysis in the comments after you’ve watched the trailer, too.

However, before we get to that, let’s talk briefly about the show, starting with the experts.

Paranormal Caught on Camera Experts

This season, new experts will join ones who have appeared in previous seasons. As in seasons past, many are familiar faces from other Travel Channel shows and specials.

A few of the celebs we see in the trailer for the new season include Steve Shippy (Haunting in the Heartland; Scream: The True Story), Dalen Spratt and Juwann Mass (both from The Ghost Brothers), Katrina Weidman (Portals to Hell), and Ben Hansen (Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files and Fifth Kind).

Paranormal Caught on Camera Footage

As always, the footage is a compilation of the weirdest, most bizarre, sometimes disturbing, and often downright terrifying footage circulating on the Internet. We’re talking Bigfoot sightings, glitches in the matrix, shape-shifting extraterrestrials, headless apparitions, monsters under the bed, mysterious lights in the sky, possessed dolls, UFOs, and more.

However, as impressive as the footage often is, it’s also sometimes blown out of proportion. (Like the case of the Nashville mermaid.) Or downright hokey and very fake-looking. Like the first footage in the trailer for the new season, which allegedly shows a little ghost kid.

Paranormal Caught on Camera Trailer Clips

Little Boy Apparition

Child apparition screenshot from Paranormal Caught on Camera trailer
The new season of Paranormal Caught on Camera features more jaw-dropping footage of unexplained
phenomena, like this apparition captured inside a party store in Mexico. | Credit: Travel Channel

Sure. At first glance, it’s interesting —and even rewind-provoking. “Holy cow, did they really capture a little ghost boy running away?”

But upon repeated viewings, I don’t know. Something about it looks a little staged, faked, and maybe even computer-generated.

Scary Mirror Face

I don’t even know what’s happening here. I thought what I saw every morning when I look in the mirror was scary enough, but this clip proved me wrong.

Moving  Chair

Apparently, someone wants to have a seat at that table too. A gimmick that’s easily created with a little fishing line and someone off-screen pulling on it.

Haunted Kitchen

The next two clips show the same kitchen. At first a cabinet opens by itself. Then a drawer opens and a utensil flies out.

That’d be my luck. Some nights I’m just too lazy to do dishes. I go to bed hoping fairies or ghosts or some other otherworldly being will decide to help, and when I wake up in the morning, my chores will already be done.

It’s never happened. But neither has anything like what’s going on in the kitchen in the trailer. Maybe my subpar housekeeping scares the ghosts away? If so, maybe it’s not such a bad thing I’m not a neatnik.

Haunted Nightstand

I hate the videos of people sleeping and something happens, like in this clip where the nightstand doesn’t just move. Sleeping should be a sacred time. Like, one of the laws of the universe should be: “Spirits shalt not disturb the shut-eye of the living.”

Which, if such a law existed, was technically not violated in this video, which shows a nightstand forcefully being pushed away from the wall. Then the one on the other side falls over completely.

But it’s okay. The dude in the bed sleeps through it all.

Disappearing Basement Apparition

This one is actually pretty impressive. Grainy, yes, but I thought it was just a person walking in front of the camera —until they completely vanished.

Glowing Eyes

This one is also pretty creepy and makes for a potentially good jump scare. However, it also strikes me as fake as f–k. It seems too staged. But props on the special effects for pulling it off.

Standard Shadow Person

Eh. This one was just meh. Does that mean I’d want to see it lurking in my hallway? Well, I have. It’s very similar to the shadow person I sometimes saw in the hall outside my childhood bedroom. Like this clip, it was startling but not exactly scary.

Plus, we’ve pretty much seen something similar to it on most of the paranormal investigation shows over the years.

Peek-a-Boo Rock Star

What is that moving behind the rocks? Is it green? Or glowing? An alien? Ghost? Monster? This was one of the better head-scratching clips.

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Tree Shadow Person

Sure, the figure peeking out of the tree is spooky as shit. But this is another one that looks faked.

Intriguing Icicle

This clip shows an icicle hanging off a set of steps. Except, it’s broken in two separate places. So how is it still suspended as if it’s intact in one piece?

I have no idea, but it feels like this one might have an explanation. Like, maybe it’s either it’s a magic trick or an optical illusion of some sort.

Ball of Light

As far as balls of light videos go, the one in the Paranormal Caught on Camera trailer is pretty good. It hovers, pulsates, and glows.

However, could it be that it just looks like a ball of light on video but is really something mundane, such as a drone with lights on it? If the lights were on spinning blades, it could explain why it looked like a ball of light. Theyd blend in together at high speed.

Psychotic Blinds

Okay, this one I have no explanation for. If someone figured out a way to remote-control the wand that controls the blinds to spin as if a person was there, bravo. But if not?

To whoever lives there I only have one thing to say: Move! If not for your sake, do it for the poor cat’s peace of mind.

Case Opened (and closed)

The case on the end of the bed opening and closing by itself is impressive. But what’s up with that camera angle? The area of the room it’s focused on is a little suspish. Almost like it was set up knowing something was going to happen…


Toward the end of the Paranormal Caught on Camera trailer, there are a few videos of unidentified objects in the sky. Some are glowing. Some aren’t. All appear in groups of three. They’re all very compelling. Sure. It could be a case of a group of drones caught on camera, but they’d have to be some pretty big drones…

The Haunted Green Room

Near the end of the trailer, the scary videos ramp up. It starts out with a wooden chair shaking on its own in a green room. Then the focus shifts to the windows in what looks like the same green room. But WTF is that walking past the window?

It could easily be someone in makeup and a wig. Easily. That’d be a super simple scare to stage.

Or it could be a ghost, demon, or even a demonic ghost. Whatever it really is, it makes for a super terrifying visual!

Going for Gold Goblin

What the hell is that little thing sprinting across the floor? Goblin? Elf? Leprechaun or some other little creature? Or just someone having big fun with some tricky FX?

Stop Pulling My Leg

I haven’t seen any episodes for the new season of Paranormal Caught on Camera. But when it comes to the clips in the trailer? The last one was the exact perfect one to end with.

I was focused on the doll or pinata or whatever it was on the wall in the top right of the screen. In the lower left, a woman is bent over looking for something in a box.

“It’s totally going to move,” I thought to myself. (Meaning the doll.) “It’s gonna fall off that wall, land with a thud and scare the crap out of that lady.”

Nope. Not even close. Like the lady in the video, I didn’t see what was coming next.

Suddenly her left leg slides back. She grabs onto the box as her weight shifts forward, then she turns and lands on her butt. Next thing you know, her leg’s in the air as she’s dragged across the floor by some invisible force.

F you, Travel Channel. That should’ve had a trigger warning before it. Now I’m reliving all the trauma I endured after the first time I saw The Entity. (The only movie that, to this day, I still can’t watch by myself at night.)

Paranormal Caught on Camera Trailer

For More Info

The new season of Paranormal Caught on Camera premieres on Travel Channel on Sunday, July 9 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. It also streams the same day on discovery+.

Follow @TravelChannel and #ParanormalCaughtonCamera on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for additional content. Or visit


Which clip(s) in the trailer for the new season of Paranormal Caught on Camera gave you the most goosebumps? Or raised your inner skeptic’s red flags?


  1. The dark figure in the corridor didn’t look friendly to me. I think the UFOs are fascinating. Hard to debunk that one. I think since UFOs have become okay to talk about in the media and in Congress that we’re going to see a lot more clips and hear about a lot more encounters.

  2. I’ve seen several episodes of the show, and even I can find logical explanations for the camera tricks in the serires. However, it might be a case of trying to pad the episodes. Not all of them seem to be faked.

  3. Author

    You raise an intriguing point, Vera, about the UFOs. It really has become so much more acceptable to speak about. Some people still snicker about it all, but really it’s been taken more seriously and the government’s been more open about it so…maybe people will feel even more comfortable to share their recordings of incidents. Which would be very interesting. Curious to see if you’re right. As always, I sure do love your thoughtful (and thought-provoking!) comments.

  4. Author

    As you often do, I think you pinpointed my issue with this show, William.

    Some of the clips are usually just too outrageous and fake-y, BUT…you’re right. “Not all of them seem to be faked.”

    They do seem to have at least one per episode that’s harder to debunk or disbelieve and likely leans more legit. I think I’d enjoy the show more with (a) less “expert” commentary and (b) leaving it up to the viewers to decide which one they think is the most legit. Or if they’re going to have people commenting, have them discuss which one they think is likely real and why, rather than trying to draw conclusions about why the videos are real.

    Thanks for your great comment!

  5. Some of them definitely could use examination by scientists and such who understand physics and weather and so forth. There have been a few clips over the years that I felt dubious about because I suspected a meteorologist or astronomer could explain it.
    I have been wondering though how many of those UFO clips need to be reclassified as Chinese spy drones and so forth.

  6. This is one of my favorite paranormal shows.
    It’s fast moving & you are able to judge for yourself.
    Some of the commentators are unbearable I agree with you. I simply record it & fast forward the commentators I cannot bear to listen to. The show is much more enjoyable!
    When the Ghost Brothers first started I enjoyed their show because they were honest & real & sometimes unintentionally funny. Sadly like most regular people with successful shows they start “acting” & going out of their way to be funny or obviously create situations for the show which is a complete turnoff for me no matter what the genre.
    If you are a paranormal investigator & you continually scream, run or leave when you encounter evidence you need to find another gig. You’ve lost me as a viewer forever.
    I cannot bear any of the so called skeptics that they have on some of the paranormal shows. The majority of them are smug & arrogant & bend over backwards to debunk, ridicule & eyeroll. Paranormal enthusiasts that are over the top the other way are unbearable too. That’s why I never watch a show live. I record & watch later to fast forward to not waste my time. Streaming is great but it’s not easy to fast forward unfortunately.
    Anyone who has never had a truly unexplainable experience shouldn’t judge other people who have. Until it happens to you there is NO way to know how that feels. I have & I know others that have including a priest I spoke to about my experience.

  7. Author

    I’m not going to lie, Maria. I laughed a little too hard (and big time out loud) at the Chinese spy drone part. But also…OMG! I wonder how many really are???!!! Thanks for leaving such an amazing comment!

  8. Author

    You’re comment made me feel better, Misty, because I have been known to fast forward through certain spots in a show too. LOVE knowing someone else does it too! (And such a great point too that i some streamers fast forwarding is a pain. Rewinding too. Like Hulu. lol)

    But that just laid the groundwork for the rest of your comment, which I found myself nodding in agreement with too. And I really hate that the skeptics the para shows present to the world are the ones you described. They’re just haters and trolls IMO. I wish they’d find better choices BUT…they need those sorts to prove their point. Sigh.

    And the not judging…I’m a Virgo so I’m naturally inclined to be guilty of judging things right away. I also have a pretty sensitive BS detector so I generally know when someone’s not being truthful. BUT…that said…I still do try to err on the side of giving people the benefit of the doubt. Because you are SO right. If someone hasn’t lived it, they can’t understand.

    Sure do appreciate you taking the time to leave such a great comment.


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