Sleepy Hollow Farm Extends Stranger Things Experience

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Are you a fan of Netflix’s Stranger Things series? If so, then you’ve probably watched Season 2 and know what I’m referring to when I ask, “You know the rotting pumpkin patch?” (If you answered no, there’s really not a plot spoiler ahead so don’t worry. You can keep reading.)

How’d you like to have a Stranger Things Experience at the pumpkin patch where those scenes were filmed? (As well as the cabin scenes. They were filmed at the same place.)

You can! At the Sleepy Hollow Farm in Powder Springs,  Georgia.

Not Just Christmas Trees Anymore

Sleepy Hollow Farm has quite the cool history. According to their About page, it has been family owned and operated since 1980.

It started out as a Christmas tree farm, where people could come to pick and chop their trees. (Which they can still do.) However, it has since evolved into a Fall destination too, with a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, tractor rides and more.

But it’s not just a seasonal destination. One of their newest attractions operates year-round, Escape Woods. (I’ll be writing more about that. It deserves its own post.)

Claim to Fame

It also has a pretty cool claim to pop culture fame. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, it’s where certain Stranger Things 2 scenes were filmed.

In ST 2, Merrill’s Farm is the site of the poisoned pumpkin patch, which is part of the real-life Sleepy Hollow Farm!

So what does a savvy agritainment farm do with such a celebrity connection? Create an experience of course!

The Experience

According to the Facebook Event and Eventbrite descriptions:

You will take a tour around the property where many of the scenes were filmed like our cabin in the woods, our corn maze, and finally the spot where the evil is concentrated… Merrill’s pumpkin patch. Along the way we need you to help solve a series of clues that will ultimately help save our property and keep the evil out of our dimension.

It lasts about an hour and costs $20 per person.

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The final remaining dates for this experience are: 2/3/18, 2/4/18, 2/17/18, and 2/18/18. The hours are 12pm – 7pm.

For more info 


Facebook Page:
Eventbrite to purchase Stranger Things Experience tickets:
Sleepy Hollow Farm
628 Sleepy Hollow Road
Powder Springs, GA 30127




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