Spirit of Cooperation Award

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I’d like to take a break from my regularly scheduled haunted travel type posts to talk about the paranormal community. Something struck me the other day and now I have to get it off my chest.

How many times have you seen competition within the paranormal community? (In an ugly way.) Once in a while I come across it. I think if I was a member of a paranormal investigation team I might see it more. That’s where I tend to notice it happening the most when I do see it.

I’m not here to talk about who’s had spats with who, though. Rather, I’m here to talk about the flip side of the coin. The cooperation side.

Thankfully, that’s the side I’ve seen the most. And benefited from immensely.

It all started on Twitter with people like Chad from Chateau Grrr, Dinell of Mommy D’s Kitchen and the once upon a time Weekly Spectre, Linda Moffitt, Nathan from A State of Mind, and super faithful followers like Syd Southworth, Jen Blaney, stjulia, ravenrequiem13, KY_Mountain_Man, and TonyisonTwtr. (Just to name a very few of the amazing people who follow, RT, and otherwise support HJ on Twitter.)

Lately I’ve seen a new trend on Facebook. Groups stopping by pages, saying hey to show support. The idea is to get themselves noticed in the process. It’s not an entirely selfless act, I realize that. Again, it sort of goes back to the competition thing: It’s all about getting the most numbers possible.

But this is what struck me: whether they realize it or not, they’re fostering cooperation. More often than not, I see one group following another. Heck, if someone is going to take the time and stop by to say hey and follow me, sure I’ll follow them in return.

Because I remember when I first started HJ’s FB page and Twitter account. I remember the day HJ got it’s 100th Twitter follower. 100 followers? Holy smokes! It had happened so fast, much quicker than I ever expected. I was only hoping to get to 100. Now it’s closer to 3,000. (A number I used to not even dream of. That seemed unreachable!)

And the FB page…it was a big deal when I got enough followers (I think 25 was needed) so I could condense HJ’s FB link to read: http://www.facebook.com/HauntJaunts. This past weekend we passed the 950 follower mark.

I could compare myself to other pages that have far, far more numbers. Ones that make mine pale in comparison.

But you know what? It’s not a competition. They’re doing their thing, whatever that may be. They’re adding value in whatever way they’ve been called to do it. Just as I am. (At least. I hope I’m adding value.)

At the end of the day, the only person who needs to be astounded by HJ’s numbers is me. They’ve far exceeded my wildest dreams, so I’m tickled pink!

But I sure as hell didn’t do it on my own. I have had one paranormal angel after the other help me, each in their own, special, unique way.

EXPLORE MORE:  Nick Groff Breaks Silence about Ghost Adventures Departure

It’s those folks I want to thank and acknowledge with a Spirit of Cooperation Award.

In addition to the folks I named above when I ticked off Twitter angels, here’s some others I bestow the award on. In some way, shape or form over the years they’ve shown support I’m super grateful for.

Note to recipients: This is a no obligation award. You don’t have to pass the Spirit of Cooperation Award on. However, if you’ve ever benefited from someone who’s cooperated with you or helped you in some way, feel free to use this award to let them know you both acknowledge and appreciate it.

  • Area51.org: They have consistently ranked in HJ’s analytics among the Top 10 referring sites, usually somewhere in the Top 5.
  • State of Panic Paranormal Investigationsand Rainbow Al: Al stopped by and invited me to send in HJ’s logo to add to SOPPI’s very awesome Para-Logo Activity Album. (There are some wicked cool logos. Inspiring to see all the creative and clever designs and I’m simply WOWed someone thought to collect them. Really awesome idea!)
  • HJ’s super dedicated FB followers (some of who also follow along on Twitter): Kimberley Knox, JoAnne DeSellems, Gayle Chester-Malone, Marilyn Biersdorff Borst, Lisa Baroni and Luciana Seymour. (Gawd, if I missed anyone I’ll feel awful, but these were the ones who sprang first to mind as liking a lot and commenting on a lot.)
  • Great groups and teams like: Steve Fernino’s ParanormalResearchGroups.com, Steve Vaughn and Ghost Eyes, and Philip and Kate of New York Shadow Chasers.
  • Bloggers like: Autumnforest of Ghost Hunting Theories, Andrea of Ghost Stories, Julie from Above the Norm, Jessica of Ghost Stories and Haunted Places, Lewis of Southern Spirit Guide, Chris from Frog on the Pumpkin, Jason and Laura from The Occult Section, and Lon of Phantoms and Monsters.

From the bottom of my spooky little ghost loving heart, please know whether you’re named specifically above or are an anonymous reader who helps to account for the many hits this blog sees each day, THANK YOU for taking a bit of time out of your day and spending that portion with me.


  1. Thanks, Court! Although, I’m not a big fan of awards (they make my ego jumps up while I should be working), I appreciate!

    As for numbers and stats and Facebook etc… After all these years in Social Media business (one way or another) I know one thing – it doesn’t matter how many fans you have. What matters really, is how many people you can really chat with.

  2. Thank you Courtney for the mention. We all work hard on our blogs to make them fun and informative. It is always nice when someone gives you that extra boost. I have enjoyed your blog and tweets and look forward to seeing where you go on your next haunt jaunt.

  3. Thanks sweetie! I made it into a button that’s linked to your site. People that read my blog totally need to read yours. We complement teach other perfectly.

  4. Author

    Nathan, that is an excellent point. I’m super lucky to not only have numbers but loads of interactions. I feel very blessed indeed.

    Adsila, I adore your posts, photos, and warm spirit. I’m very grateful the Blogging Gods saw fit to lead me to your spot on the web.

    Same with you, Autumnforest. I wish Blogger would let me comment, but it’s finicky. Some blogs I can (like Frog Queen’s) but yours, Julie’s and Jessica’s it gives me fits about. Argh! Thanks for the link up. Wasn’t necessary but is sure appreciated and just goes to show the spirit that led to you deserving the award in the first place! 😉

  5. thanks for the link -courtney your just awsome love ya to bits

  6. teary eyed -you always seem to do that to me lol in a good way -love ya to bits -a real big hug hun xxxxx

  7. Author

    Sorry! I don’t mean to get you all teary-eyed. Just wanted to show you some love. 😉

  8. Thank you very much! I have seen some of the competition in the paranormal community, though, so far, it has been more loving: much more fraternal (or sororital, is that a word?) in nature. The support I’ve gotten from you, Jessica, Autumnforest and many, many others really means so much and keeps me working. Certainly when there is love, inspiration flourishes! Thank you again, and I just saw your video on cemeteries in odd places, I’d like to feature it on my new cemetery blog.

  9. Awww, how sweet are you! I don’t usually have much time to read the first week of the month as it’s so busy for me, so here I am catching up on blogs I’ve missed and find I’m even mentioned in one.

    I like autumnforest’s idea of using that graphic as a button linked to your website.

    In my area, for the most part I’ve seen more of the spirit of cooperation than competition among paranormal invetigation groups. People will be people sometimes though. I like that you take time to point out the positive instead of focusing on the negative!

  10. Author

    Hey Lewis! I just saw your new cemetery blog. You feel free to feature whatever you’re inspired to. I’d be much obliged! 😉 And glad you’ve felt the love. You definitely have such a great blog and good vibe. =]

    Same with you, Kimberley. I feel you also take time to point out the positive rather than the negative and it’s refreshing. Like Lewis said, there’s some people who keep you going (at whatever it might be, in my case, like Lewis’s, it’s blogging). You are definitely one of the people who keeps me motivated! 😉

  11. Thanks Courtney it means a lot. Over the last decade we’ve seen the worst the paranormal community has to offer and it just so great to see the shift to the best of what the community has to offer. It’s an outstanding development and it’s because of people like you, like Haunt Jaunts and what you do in the community. Hooray! Hip-Hip-Hooray!

  12. Author

    HAHAHAHAHAH! I love the hip hip hooray. You so funny! I’m glad you’re seeing a shift. Maybe because people like you are consciously and so diligently working at making that happen???

  13. Congratulations, Courtney!! You picked a lovely panel to acknowledge, as well!

  14. Author

    I didn’t do anything, Brenda. I just created the award to give out to show my sugar. But I’ll take the congrats anyway. 😉 LOL


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