“Spirit”tual Connections

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Today I’m feeling deeply humbled and more optimistic about humanity than I’ve felt in a while. It’s easy to get caught up in the news and the politics (especially bozos I disagree with) and feel alone, outnumbered, and misunderstood.

But I’m a big believer in focusing on the positive. It’s funny when I start to fall in a funk, or think people are ruthless, petty and in it for themselves that something inevitably happens to remind me of how good and giving people also are.

What the heck am I talking about?

Well, I had a bad day yesterday. A really bad day. I saw the lesser side of humanity and it kind of bummed me out. No point going into details. What’s done is done.

But today was a new day. It started off good when I saw a Facebook note from Beyond Ghosts wishing me a good week.

Beyond Ghosts has like 5,000 Facebook fans. Yet, at random they just sort of singled me out? I was stunned. (But thinking on it now maybe it had something to do with the fact I Tweeted and posted on HJ’s FB page about their ghost hunt/dinner buffet and lecture at the Historic Eagle House in Williamsville, NY this weekend. See their events page for more info if you’re in that area and want to do it. But be quick. Tickets are almost gone.)

I don’t know why they did it, but their comment prompted me to go check out their site. Which I hadn’t done in-depth yet. And when I did, I decided that’d make a good post. (It’ll come later this week.)

So I wrote asking for a logo. They zapped me one right away.

Once again I was humbled by how amazingly approachable an organization like theirs was.

That’s where I’m really going with all of this. I’ve been making all kinds of “spirit”ual connections lately. You know, with other paranormal enthusiasts?

I’ve contacted all sorts of people about so many different things and for so many different reasons lately. Most have been doing their online paranormal thing much longer than I have.

And what have I found? Generosity galore! I’ve been absolutely blown away by the stellar treatment I’ve received lately from people like:

  • Javier of GhostTheory (a.k.a @GhostTheory)
  • Ash of The ParaFactor (a.k.a. @TheParaFactor) and their guest coordinator Betty (a.k.a. @MermaidTears)
  • “Crypt Kicker” Chad from ChateauGrrr (a.k.a. @Chateaugrrr. FYI CG’s holding a drawing for a framed werewolf woodcut print. If you’ve seen The Wolfman, you might want to check out the contest. As soon as I see the movie I will enter. I WANT THAT PRINT!)
  • Grim of Grimoire of the Hour (a.k.a. @grim_wicked who yesterday blew me away with his tender side when he DM’d me volunteering to donate a prize for HJ’s anniversary bash. Sorry, Grim. Hope that doesn’t taint your rep!)
  • Author Elizabeth Eagan-Cox (a.k.a. @EEaganCox who will be stopping by HJ on her book release blog tour April 2, AND has generously agreed to donate a copy of Book 1 in her series, A Ghost of a Chance, as one of the HJ Anniversary Bash Giveaway prizes)
  • Brian and Brooke from SCARED! (Cannot say enough nice things about how awesome the SCARED! crew is!)
  • And of course there are my blogging and/or Twitter buddies who life would now be empty without like Julie (Above the Norm a.k.a. @above_the_norm), Nathan (A State of Mind a.k.a. @AStateofMind), Jessica (Ghost Stories and Haunted Places a.k.a. @Jessica0223), Syd Southworth (@sydsouthworth), Jen Blaney (@jenblaney), and last but never least Autumnforest (Ghost Hunting Theories).
EXPLORE MORE:  Wait. There's really such a thing as Haunted Beauty Barbie Dolls?

I have to remember from here on out, when Life’s got me feeling cold, all I have to do is hop online. There’s a lot of warmth to be found there!


  1. Just ask, and people around will make you boil like a Sunday dinner 🙂

  2. The blog is a kind of wonderful family–people who think you’re witty and have something interesting to say, cheerlead you on a bad day, want nothing from you but some moments of connection and contemplation, to speak and be heard, to hear and be quiet, to observe and learn…I readly admit that when the day’s been yucky or terribly rewarding, I want to join my blog friends and share it. You have a family you are born into and one you choose. The blog world contains “my people.” The crowd I’ve been looking for forever but never lived in a place where they were in existence. You stick with us, you’ll always be a much adored sister.

  3. Hi Courtney…Just wanted to say I appreciate being able to stop in on April 2nd and answer questions, chat, laugh, giggle…whatever 😉 And, I agree with you about being able finding a smile Online when the mood is all dark and gloomy.

    Elizabeth Eagan-Cox
    author of the Shannon Delaney paranormal mystery novels.

  4. Here’s to all my blogger and facebook friends. We I’m having a bad day, they will either make a sweet comment or post something uplifting on their blog. Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday, I hope things are better now.

  5. You make my day better too. You are always there to encourage. I love your emails and coments. I’ve really appreciated your support and if anything You are a wonderful blogging friend 🙂 I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

  6. It’s really rather funny Courtney, call it fate or maybe karma, but it was honestly just a random act of reaching out to a “friend,” Facebook or otherwise, that led us to connect. Happy Tuesday from your pals at Beyond Ghosts Interactive Paranormal ;)!

  7. No!!! My rep! My rep! I feel it flaking away piece by sordid piece! Why and oh what have you done to MEEE?!!?

    Oh, and BTW, what date do you need your prizes? E-mail me with more info and I’ll see what I can do.

  8. See what I’m talking about??? These comments are EXACTLY the proof of what wonderful mentors, cheerleaders, comedians, sisters, and friends you are!


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