St. Patrick’s Day Horoscopes 2022: Your Sign’s Haunted Pub or Inn

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Friends in a bar with green beer toasting St. Patrick's Day

Her horoscopes have revealed how our signs will give up the ghost and where we’d haunt based on our zodiac sign. This month Willow Croft returns with St. Patrick’s Day horoscopes that guide us to the perfect haunted pubs and inns for our signs.

“Spirited” Away: How Each Sign Will G.H.U.I. this St. Patrick’s Day
(Ghost Hunt Under the Influence)

These spooky St. Patrick’s Day horoscopes find our astrological signs heading off to conduct paranormal investigations at some of the world’s most haunted pubs and bars. Will they find the ghosts they seek this St. Patrick’s Day, or will our intrepid explorers be possessed by spirits of the liquid variety before they can even begin investigating?

Whatever the outcome, here’s a toast to corporeal and non-corporeal beings alike! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

(Note: None of the haunted locations listed here are paid placements and/or sponsored endorsements, and are the result of research conducted through Wikipedia by myself, the horoscope creator. Remember, these horoscopes are for entertainment only—paranormal investigators are professionals that don’t get sloshed while ghost-hunting! Creative license may be wafting about! And, unless specifically credited in the horoscope, all information about these haunted sites came from the above-mentioned Wikipedia entries. Although, since I actually did stay at the Mary Jane Coulter-designed La Posada Hotel in Winslow, Arizona, I relied on my memory from that trip. Sadly, I didn’t get to share a drink with any ghostly residents that might still be stopping over at the hotel.)

Pisces (February 19—March 20)

Pisces zodiac sign 2022

What more fitting place for dreamy Pisces to investigate spirit lore than the Olde Angel Inn in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario? After all, according to the inn’s website, Captain Colin Swayze met his demise for—you guessed it—love! As if that wasn’t romantic enough, the inn itself was renamed in honor of an innkeeper’s wife. In preparation for their investigation, Pisces will also pay tribute these lovelorn spirits by toasting them with one of the pub’s traditional cocktails, the Pimm’s Cup. Or maybe poignantly crying into said Cups.

Too much spirited cheer: After a couple of Pimm’s Cups, Pisces may find themselves channeling another romantic Swayze, who would definitely be having the time of his [after] life in this charming and historic pub and inn. Who says death can prevent one from discovering their soul mate? Definitely not a Pisces, for sure!

Aries (March 20—April 19)

Aries zodiac sign 2022

Unsurprisingly, fearless Aries will be brawling with investigating the troublesome spirits that linger at North Kapunda Hotel in Kapunda, Australia. Maybe during a Ghost Crime Tours of the North Kapunda Hotel. Not only are the spirits here violent and murderous, the pub itself was “read the Riot Act”, according to Wikipedia; well, technically, it was read from the balcony.

Too much spirited cheer: As fearless as Aries is, they’ll still be lucky to actually make it to the hotel to begin their investigation. Especially since they just came off one of Adelaide’s famous brewery tours. And if they haven’t been arrested and thrown into an Australian jail, that is. Or asked to leave the country and never return. When (and if!) the actual ghost-hunting begins, this inebriated Ram may not catch much in the way of EVPs or knocking noises but you can bet they’ll encounter a very angry, full-bodied, apparition. Let the ectoplasm-flinging begin!

Taurus (April 20—May 20)

Taurus zodiac sign 2022

The Taurian investigator yearns to be part of days gone by. And what better location than one reached by train? Yes, Taurus is keen to launch an investigation at a former Harvey Hotel, La Posada in Winslow, Arizona. As if the train trip to La Posada Hotel wasn’t exciting enough, the Taurus is also delighted to discover traditions haunt not only the hotel but also its historic dining area, the Turquoise Room, that dates back to 1930. However, even though the “ghosts” may have only passed through the place’s history instead of from an actual otherworldly dimension, that won’t stop this stubborn goat from trying to make contact with some of the hotel’s more famous guests, as listed on the hotel’s History page.

Too much spirited cheer: The normally tradition-bound Taurus will be lured in by old-world grace of the Turquoise Room’s Martini Bar. There, the Taurus, with the aid of their liquid courage, may find themselves uncharacteristically flirting with one of the Harvey Girl-style waitresses, only to discover later from the evidence that no such waitress was on staff that evening. Which leaves but one remaining mystery: Just how many classic martinis did the Taurus actually imbibe before launching their after-hours paranormal investigation?

Gemini (May 21—June 20)

Gemini zodiac sign 2022

According to Wikipedia, the ghostly legend of the Hotel Cismigiu in Romania dates back to when the building was used as a dormitory for students, and the death of one of the students in the elevator shaft leads to reports of her screams that can apparently still be heard today. At first glance, the Gemini investigator may be disappointed in the hotel’s stylish and contemporary environment that doesn’t seem to have the brooding old-world feel as often depicted in Romanian lore. Still, it’s Romania, so they break out all their equipment in hopes of catching not only the screams of the student, but also a wailing haint straight out of the pages of a Victorian novel.

Too much spirited cheer: The Gemini is not only soon won over by the exciting cosmopolitan vibe of the hotel, their multidimensional self can shift between the chic luxury of a Paris-style café, the Bistro La Etaj, and the more earthy Gambrinus Beer House. Between the beer selections and delightfully airy cocktails with names like “La Vie En Rose,” it’s a wonder they’re able to do any ghost hunting whatsoever. Luckily, the Gemini can fortify itself with smoothies and plenty of coffee drinks in time to hunt down the spirits they originally came for.

Cancer (June 21—July 22)

Cancer zodiac sign 2022

It might be hard to tell the Cancerian ghost-hunter from the actual resident ghosts at the Witchery by the Castle restaurant in Edinburgh, Scotland. They will practically appear to float as they go around and set up their cameras and recorders, and a few times, they will startle even themselves when they catch a glimpse of their reflection in a mirror. But their equipment is mere accessories when it comes to delving into the paranormal mysteries of this restaurant and bar. They are confident they can reach the tormented ghost, who’s said to be one of many executed for witchcraft, by way of a psychic connection, and thereby help the poor soul move on.

Too much spirited cheer: The Cancerian is much too refined to overindulge, especially when it might dampen their intuition they rely on to draw spectral entities out of the woodwork. They’ll be sipping the Witchery’s finest wine in the atmospheric Secret Garden Dining Room, and their cultured elegance may draw out the ghost even before the investigation begins.

Leo (July 23—August 22)

Leo zodiac sign 2022

For the vibrant Leo, it’s less an investigation than the party of the centuries to which all the resident ghosts are invited. And the paranormal party begins at the Hotel Monte Vista (Flagstaff, Arizona) with its not one, but three unique bars: the Rendezvous, the Lotus Lounge, and the Monte V Cocktail Lounge. After all, it was probably a Leo that coined the term “Here’s looking at you, kid.” But the Leo investigator is not just there to see and be seen. They aim to be the best ghost host there is, and they’ve done as much research as they can to make sure their spectral guests have all the luxuries they could want. And, of course, what the Leo wants, too. And the Leo ghost-hunter is rewarded with the most paranormally active event ever recorded. Especially when there are sparkly lights and a great sound system!

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Too much spirited cheer: Keep the festive Tiki-style cocktails coming! One can never have too many Mai Tais, right? Besides, the paper umbrellas make great props for any lingering spirits to interact with…or was that the garnish for the piña coladas?

Virgo (August 23—September 22)

Virgo zodiac sign 2022

A Virgo partying on the job? As if! Any vacation the Virgo consents to take will almost certainly be a working one. And what better way for Virgo’s paranormal investigation team to lure them to a relaxing resort then with a promise of ghosts to hunt? Of which the Crescent Hotel and Spa in Eureka Springs, Arkansas has plenty! And the fact that the investigation just happens to fall on St. Patrick’s Day is pure coincidence. Or is it? If the team is stealthy enough, they’ll be able to set the Virgo up to linger at the resort after the investigation is over. It is a spa resort, after all, and our industrious Virgo could use some much-needed respite, after being a ghost helpmeet for the past several years.

Too much spirited cheer: Did you not read the above? Still, in the spirit of the camaraderie that loyal Virgo treasures, they’ll toast to the resident spirits (for luck, of course!) at the hotel’s Top of the Crest bar with a non-alcoholic Strawberry Margarita. And, even then, the sun won’t set on this industrious sign. Before you can say swizzle stick, Virgos’ll be back in their room, prepping all their equipment for the evening’s ghost hunting adventure.

Libra (September 23—October 22)

Libra zodiac sign 2022

Libras don’t have the same qualms as Virgos do when it comes to combining business with pleasure. And they won’t settle for just one pub—they want to see (and taste) everything! After all, the chance to investigate paranormal activity so close to the ocean is a water-loving Libra’s dream! After a quick dip in the ocean, Libra heads out on GhoSt Augustine’s Haunted Pub Crawl in St. Augustine, Florida. Unfortunately, Libra’s ghost-hunting teammates have to round up the rogue Libra from the last pub on the tour in order to begin the evening’s ghost hunt—starting with the St. Augustine Lighthouse, to the dismay of the less-than-steady Libra. Fortuitously, another quick dip in the ocean under the watchful eye of the team restores the Libra to (almost) full faculties.

Too much spirited cheer: A beer for every step in the St. Augustine Lighthouse. Good thing they were tasting-flight glasses and not full pints, eh? What can be said…Libra loves to paint the town green on St. Patrick’s Day! Let’s hope the ghosts are feeling the “spirit” of the season, too! Cheers, mate!

Scorpio (October 23—November 21)

Scorpio zodiac sign 2022

The mysterious scorpion may seem right at home in the smoky shadows of the reportedly haunted venue, the Viper Room in West Hollywood, California. And the Scorpio might have even been a part of its storied history. It may be Scorpio’s darker side that’s drawn to haunted hotspots but one thing’s for sure, paranormal activity does seem to pick up when the Scorpio is present. No-one knows why, but even Scorpio’s fellow ghost hunters are afraid to ask. Better leave such secrets to Scorpio—and to the ghosts Scorpio seems to attract.

Too much spirited cheer: Anything that resembles the blood of their enemies: Bloody Marys, Jägermeister, red wine, actual blood of their enemies…

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius zodiac sign 2022

Sagittarius is the zodiac sign that’s most likely to become a professional ghost hunter. This sign lives for adventure, and the chills and spooks that come with paranormal investigating keeps this inquisitive archer always on the quest for the truth. And they won’t always pick the most accessible location to seek out the spirits. While they may not be the best person to patiently sit through hours of audio and video recording, they never lose their enthusiasm for the hunt. They may just be the one to make contact with a previously unknown spectre at the Alaskan Hotel and Bar in Juneau, Alaska.

Too much spirited cheer: Typically, this sign won’t be finding adventure in a bottle, not even on St. Patrick’s Day. Sagittarians tend to seek other methods to enhance their state of consciousness. But they may turn to liquid spirits for other needs. In the case of investigations in more chilly climes like Alaska, the archer may request a snifter of brandy to warm up their all-too-corporeal insides.

Capricorn (December 22—January 19)

Capricorn zodiac sign 2022

In contrast to ever-curious Sagittarius, the Capricorn is all about solving mysteries rather than adding to them. They are the paranormal debunkers among the zodiacal ghost-hunting team. Not only do they love to put their logic to the test, Capricorns love to know how things work. So, the best place for them to not only ghost-hunt but see how beer-making works is the Moon River Brewery in Savannah, Georgia. The Capricorn may be so keen on the brewery process that the purportedly angry ghosts that inhabit the brewery won’t even phase this steady and unflappable goat.

Too much spirited cheer: This sign always does everything by the book (or menu!), even on St. Patrick’s Day. They’ll have ordered Moon River Brewery’s (as quoted from the menu) “Irish-style dry stout” The Bomb. While the name may seem a little risqué to this staid sign, the beer will taste just as it’s supposed to. Although it will probably be served cold, by the time Capricorn gets done examining every part of the brewery equipment systematically, the beer will taste as warm as if it was poured in an authentic Irish pub! Cheers!

Aquarius (January 20—February 18)

Aquarius zodiac sign 2022

The Aquarian will need a little more than just some wailing, whispering ghosts to get them jazzed about this St. Patrick’s Day ghost hunt. They’ll want to seek out a potentially paranormal entity with a more mythic vibe. They’ll be heading off to New Forest in England to capture the Stratford Lion on tape. Common lore about this antlered lion claims that it likes to peek in windows, which gives the Aquarian paranormal investigator plenty of time to muse about the deeper meaning of all things within the cozy environs of the Red Lion Pub in Boldre. After all, cameras can capture dimensions that the human can’t see, don’t they?

Too much spirited cheer: Aquarius is fond of elements that seemingly don’t go together, or even make sense, and yet somehow, quixotically, work. Since Aquarians embrace the impossibly possible, St. Patrick’s Day will find them sipping Black Velvet from a champagne flute. Unless they chase the Stratford Lion into another dimension, that is.


So? What’s your sign’s St. Patrick’s Day horoscope?

Guest Contributor Info

Willow Croft is a freelance writer who currently lives out on the prairie but dreams of a home by a tumultuous ocean. She’s had short stories published in Mad Scientist Journal, Speculative 66, Sirens Call eZine, Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine, and in a number of anthologies. When not writing, she cares for a trio of rescued street cats. Visit her at her blog:


  1. Haha, I laughed so hard at mine (Libra). So spot on . . . imbibing past a sip doesn’t work well for me!

  2. Oh Willow I squealed when I read Virgos. I’ve always wanted to visit the Crescent Hotel and vacation? Sure. I get away BUT my mind is always working on how to spin it into something to share on HJ. lol In other words, you once again NAILED IT! Thanks for such fun horoscopes!!!


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