Stampcard Rewards: How to Score an Easy $10 Amazon Credit

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Amazon Prime Stampcard Rewards graphic

Where have I been? Why am I just now learning about Stampcard Rewards? Which I did thanks to Amazon’s upcoming Prime Day. I was pretty much ignoring all the buzz about it, but FOMO finally got the best of me so I decided to check it out. Which I’m kind of glad I did now since I learned about these stamps. As well as other ways of earning Amazon promotional credits.

In case you’re not familiar with them yet either, let’s look at what they are, how you collect them, and what they get you.


Stampcard Rewards

Essentially they’re four digital stamps you earn for completing various Prime tasks, which include

  1. Making a Prime-eligible purchase (minimum $5 purchase required)
  2. Streaming something on Prime Video (any video qualifies)
  3. Listening to a song via Amazon Prime Music (any song)
  4. Borrowing an eBook on Prime Reading (all Prime reading or Kindle Unlimited titles count)

Collect all four (in whatever order you want) and you get a $10 credit to spend on whatever you want. You have a whole year, 365 days, to spend it.

Apparently, the collection process started on June 16 and ends when Prime Day does on July 13.

Who’s Eligible?

All Prime members. However, beneficiaries of a Prime Household, Prime Business, and Prime Video-only members are not.

So if you’re not a Prime member, this is a great time to become one.

How to Activate the Stampcard Reward

In the Prime Day tab, Prime members will find an “Activate your Stampcard” button when you click the “Explore more, get $10” section. Below is a screenshot from a desktop, but if you use the app on your phone, you’ll see something similar.

Prime Day Find Stampcards
A screenshot of where to find the Prime Day tab and the Stampcards section from a desktop.

Other Ways to Save on Prime Day

But Stampcard Rewards are just one way to score promo credits. If you click the “Earn over $40 for Prime Day” section you’ll see offers you can explore and actions you can take to earn extra money.

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For instance, you can earn $5 for buying a movie ticket to either Lightyear or Elvis. You can get an extra $5 for buying any Lightyear merch. There are other tasks too, like visiting the Affirm hub (via the link on the “Earn over $40” section). That’s an easy $2 credit added to your account.

Or activate savings in the Prime Member Coupons section. They have coupons for all kinds of products in a variety of categories, including Home & Kitchen, Fashion & Accessories, Sports & Outdoor, Toys & Games, Pets, Automotive & Tools, etc.

For More Info

Check out Prime Day and Stampcard Rewards


Have you ever shopped Prime Day deals before?


  1. I haven’t shopped Prime Day deals before during this time of year. In 2020 when Prime Day was late in the year (because of the pandemic), I did do some Christmas shopping.:-)

  2. Author

    Okay, Priscilla, THANK YOU! You validated something I’d been wondering about. I thought Prime Day was some other time, not in summer. But I couldn’t remember. So that answers that! WHOOP! lol


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