Take a Haunt Jaunt to Waverly Hills Sanatorium

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Yesterday, after I applied Ghost Hunting Theories’ “Haunting Formula” to Haunt Jaunts, I realized Waverly Hills Sanatorium is now a Haunt Jaunt. Not that it hasn’t always been. Waverly Hills is a prime haunt to jaunt to for many paranormal investigators, but you used to need to get the owner’s permission before entering the property. (You still do, but it used to not even be available for tours.)

However, now it is, and that qualifies it as a Haunt Jaunt I can feature!


Charlie and Tina Mattingly are the proud owners of Waverly Hills. They’ve done a lot with it. Meaning, they’ve realized how interested people are in not only investigating, but in general just visiting, this creepy place that has been featured on numerous TV shows.  

They’re still pretty strict about their “No Tresspassing” rule, but if you make the right arrangments they’ll gladly let you come experience Waverly Hills for yourself.


The Mattingly’s give you several tour options:

  1. Half night (Friday nights for 4 hours) – $50/person
  2. Full night (Saturday nights for 8 hours) – $100/person
  3. Private paranormal investigations/ghost hunts – Call for price
  4. 2 hour guided historical tours – $22/person

Options 1 thru 3 are booked for 2009, but the historical tours are still available. They’re held one Sunday a month and start at 2:30 p.m. (This is the tour for you if you’re not interested in the paranormal side as much but like history.)

The number to call to set up a tour is 502-933-2142.


A cool feature on their site is the paranormal pictures they post from visitors. If you want to see shadow people, ghost faces, weird lights, they have a slew of pics to take a gander at.


Every Friday and Saturday night starting September 25 – October 31, 2009 Waverly Hills will be transformed into a haunted house –of the variety that crop up every October.

Tickets are $20/person. Proceeds benefit local charities as well as the Waverly Hills Historical Society.


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EXPLORE MORE:  Haunted by the "Harry Potter" Ghost of the Red Onion Saloon


  1. Man I for sure will have to check this place out sometime! I just got into investigating paranormal places and different haunts and would love to know of other great places to go! Thanks for sharing! Man, I need to look up more information about this place

  2. Author

    Thank YOU for stopping by with a comment. This is for sure on my list of places I’d like to see, even though I don’t know that i could stay there long. I think my creep-o-meter would be maxed out here quick!


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