Terror Trysts: Haunt Jaunts’ New Limited Facebook Live Series

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Terror Trysts banner

Starting today I’m launching a new limited Facebook Live series, Terror Trysts: where the crypt’s a rockin’ with chat from the coffin!

From now until the end of summer, I’ll invite different paramours (guests) to join me for a spirited hour of creepy conversation. Well…the subject matter will be creepy. Hopefully I won’t find my paramours creepy or vice versa!

Here’s some information on how it’s all going to work –because I’m not doing it like you’re supposed to.

The Trysts

I really enjoyed doing the lives I did for the Paranormal Day Paracon. I wanted to recreate that, but I wanted to add a different twist to it.

I mentioned it to my new found friends at Haunted Magazine. They’re actually the ones who helped me concoct the name for this new series and even created the amazing graphic!

Anyway, most regularly scheduled Facebook Lives are just that –regular. Same time and day each week.

That’s not going to be the case with Terror Trysts.

By nature trysts are a bit impromptu, right? Meet where you can, when you can. (I’m speaking like I have experience with them but I don’t.)

However, if I were to have a tryst, I imagine that’s how it would work and so that’s how Terror Trysts will be.

I might have one tryst a week, or a couple. Or maybe it’ll work out to only one a month. Time will tell.

It’s also going to depend on the paramours I meet up with.

The Paramours

I don’t have experience with affairs but I do have experience with a live radio show. They’re hard. Especially when they’re weekly.

I never really had trouble finding guests, but some guests that I really wanted to talk to couldn’t join me because they couldn’t make the time or the day. (Some had other shows on at the same time.)

I don’t want to be tied down like that or to limit my options.

A lot of shows pride themselves on nabbing the biggest names in the biz. I’ve even been lucky to talk to a few paranormal TV stars for the podcast and blog post interviews.

I’d of course welcome anyone who wants to join me, but I’m most interested in seeking out:

  • Tour guides
  • People who work at haunted places
  • Paranormal investigators (whether they have shows or not)
  • People who don’t necessarily have a blog, book, YouTube channel or Amazon Prime show, but they do have a passion for the paranormal and its haunted places and events.

There are so many interesting paranormal people out there. That’s who I want to talk to.

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The Viewers

Will people tune in?

I’m taking a gamble not coming on at a set time each week so they might not.

I hope they will.

I was late writing about it here for the blog, but Facebook allows me to post an upcoming live video announcement a week in advance. People can select “Get Reminder” from that post to be notified when it’s about to start.

Also, I’ll set up Events to let people know who’s coming when and share the video announcement with the get reminder link in the discussion there.

The nice thing is that even if people miss the lives, they can still watch when they have time.

But watching live with allow viewers to interact with real-time Q&A so I hope people tune in.

The First Tryst

Jeffrey Holmes of Strange True Tours New Orleans agreed to be my first victim –er, paramour on Tuesday, May 26 at 8 p.m. CT.

From NOLA ghost tours to voodoo, cemeteries, the LaLaurie Mansion and even American Horror Story Coven tours, Jeffrey has a tale or two to tell about New Orleans –and shares them during his Strange True Tours. His company was founded in 2011 and has received a Certificate of Excellence from Trip Advisor ever since.

There’s no telling where this tryst will lead, but join Jeffrey and I for a spirited hour as we discuss the legends, lore and ghosts of New Orleans.

Like Strange True Tours New Orleans on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StrangeTrueTours/

Website: https://www.strangetruetours.com/


Guest recommendations and requests are open so feel free to check-in below with yours!


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