The 9 Most Laughable Trail to Terror Moments

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Dakota Laden, Chelsea Laden, Tanner Wiseman, and Coalin Smith in Trail to Terror
Dakota Laden, Chelsea Laden, Tanner Wiseman, and Coalin Smith in Trail to Terror. Courtesy discovery+.

The Destination Fear documentary, Trail to Terror, allows fans to witness the maiden road trip that kickstarted Dakota Laden’s insatiable fear-seeking mission. Because there were plenty of scares in the doc, Dakota, Chelsea, Tanner, and Coalin all experienced fear. Some of their scary moments contributed to the most laughable Trail to Terror moments, like these nine.

1. Coalin in Ashmore Estates

Dakota, Chelsea, Tanner, and Coalin determined of the four scariest places they could each sleep in Ashmore Estates, the 3rd-floor hallway was the scariest. That’s the location Coalin drew.

As he heads there, he mumbles begrudgingly, “Dakota says ‘It’ll be fun,’ he says. ‘We’ll have a lot of good times,’ he says. I don’t think I believe anything that he has to say.”

Then when he’s tucked into his sleeping bag on the 3rd-floor hallway, he says into the camera, “I’m not a big fan of Dakota’s right now. I really, really, really, really, really am not a big fan of Dakota right now.”

2. Tanner in Randolph County Infirmary

Tanner drew the basement west hallway in the Randolph County Infirmary for his sleeping location. Dakota was down the way from him in the west hallway of the basement. A noise startled them both awake.

Well, the noise startled Dakota awake.

Dakota says he’s going back to bed after he lets Tanner know it wasn’t him who was moving.

Tanner asks, “What?”

Dakota repeats that he’s going back to bed.

“Fucking how?” Tanner asks.

“I’m going to try.”

“Are you legitimately trying to fall asleep?”

“Yeah,” Dakota says, but after a short pause adds, “No. I can’t.”

Tanner says something I couldn’t make out before saying, “I’m sitting up eyes wide open right now.”

The words are funny but coupled with shots of Tanner made this exchange highly laughable!

3. Dakota and  Chelsea in Hill View Manor

During the investigation, a voice spooked Chelsea so bad she screamed. But it got worse. She was so shaken up that not only did she cry but she refused to sleep alone and threatened to quit. They conceded to her demands to pair up for this location. She and Dakota drew the 2nd floor west hallway for their sleeping spot.

At one point a loud metallic sound woke them up.

Dakota said, “Hill View Manor is a bitch.” Then he immediately reconsidered his statement and, not wanting to anger any of the spirits, quickly added, “Oop. I shouldn’t have said that. I take it back.”

4. Dakota in St. Albans Sanatorium

It’s not often we see Chelsea lose her cool, but St. Albans tested her to the max and it happened twice. The first time was when they were picking where to sleep. She drew the bowling alley.

They’d had their biggest experience while investigating down there, and she was not happy about being the one who would sleep there.

She expressed her displeasure and said it wasn’t right to make someone sleep in the scariest spot two nights in a row.

Dakota replied, “Someone is going to get screwed and you did. Sorry.”

That was something else we rarely see: Dakota being stern and even a little insensitive.

Not that it was exactly funny, but reading the reactions to that moment on Twitter? Priceless!

The consensus among viewers was that Dakota was #SorryNotSorry.

5. Coalin in St. Albans

It’s not what Coalin said while he was in his spooky sleeping spot in St. Albans that was so laughable, but how he said it when he told his camera: “This is the worst part of this entire documentary. Sleeping alone by yourself in a haunted place is just terrible.”

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Or was I the only one who found his deadpan sincerity laughable?

6. Chelsea in St. Albans

Before I knew what St. Albans would do to Chelsea, I laughed when the same awful sound they’d all heard while investigating the bowling alley was what woke her up after she had the misfortune of drawing that location.

“I hate all of this!” Chelsea yelled.

When people are genuinely scared, but you know they’re okay, it’s funny. And we know she’s okay because we’ve seen her on all three seasons of Destination Fear.

However, I didn’t know what would happen soon after this. She screamed for Dakota, he rushed to her and as he escorted her out, he said something about needing to get the camera.

“Turn it off. I’m done with all of this!” she snapped.

Should I have giggled? Maybe not, but I did because it’s not often we see Chelsea lose it like that. It was so raw, honest, and real.

Although, this was the night she called it quits and abandoned the Trail to Terror.

But, again, we know she was okay and recovered because we’ve seen her since. Helps me not feel so bad about laughing.

7. Tanner in St. Albans

After Dakota safely escorts Chelsea out of the sanatorium, he goes back to get Tanner, who’s “sleeping” on the 3rd floor outside the suicide bathroom.

But Tanner doesn’t know it’s Dakota coming upstairs. He just suddenly hears noises and leaps out of his sleeping bag.

Sorry, Tanner. I laughed way too hard at your reaction.

8. Dakota After Hugging Chelsea Goodbye

Dakota was in the dumps when Chelsea left. He blamed himself for putting her through it and testing her too far.

Tanner literally snapped him out of his funk, or should I say spanked, when he did just that. Swatted Dakota’s bottom and told him to snap out of it, they had one location left.

It worked.

“Why does a spanking make me smile?” Dakota cheekily turned to the camera to ask.

Which I couldn’t help but smile in response to.

9. Tanner at Pennhurst State School and Hospital

Chelsea was no longer there to read the location history or activity with Tanner when they ended up at Pennhurst. Here’s what was in its dossier: “A visitor at Pennhurst today can expect a wide array of unsettling experiences from child voices, ghostly apparitions, slamming doors, poltergeist activity, and evil presences.”

And here’s how Tanner verbalized his thoughts after reading that: “Dude, I fucking hate poltergeist shit.”

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Have you watched Trail to Terror yet? If so, what did you think the most laughable moments were?


  1. I haven’t seen the show yet, but I LOL’d at the description of Dakota when he (thought he) had been rude to the spirits at Hill View.:-)

  2. Author

    I’m glad it even came across funny just in the re-telling of it. It was super laughable!


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