The Colorful Sea Creatures Lining Cozumel’s Rafael E. Melgar

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This week I decided to do something a bit different and participate in Budget Travelers Sandbox‘s Travel Photo Thursday. I’ve long wanted to share some photos I took of the fun sea creatures I encountered while strolling along Rafael E. Melgar, a.k.a. Cozumel’s tourist area main street. This seems like a good excuse.

Hope you enjoy this offbeat venture into not-quite-haunted territory.

When I saw this happy whale, Starkist commercials from my youth popped into my head.
Mr. Maracas Octopus
I do believe she (he?) is blowing a seashell trumpet. That's something you don't see everyday.
This one was my favorite because I love turtles. He obliged me by posing for my camera and giving me a big gin. (Yes, I know he wears a perpetual grin and this wasn't special for me. Let me have my fantasy, okay?)
An example of how the sea creatures line the boulevard's sea wall. There's quite a few statutes and they go for quite a distance.
Sea creatures aren't all you'll find along the boulevard. There's also statues of important Mexican dignitaries. (Unfortunately I was more interesgted in the sea creatures so I didn't note the figure represented in this statue.)
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  1. These certainly add interest and color. Love the turtle too! Glad you stopped by TPT.

  2. Courtney, these pictures are great fun! I didn’t see the Starkist tuna until you mentioned it. That is too funny. I think the turtle was smiling just for you 🙂

  3. How fun! The turtle is my favorite 🙂

  4. What a fun series of photos. Nice to have you part of TPT.

  5. Such fun pictures! We were just in Cozumel last month but we didn’t venture far enough down the boulevard to see these. We did find the weird Senor Frog’s mascot. My kids would have loved these! They look like they came from Disneyland.

  6. I like them all. Really partial to the mermaid and the turtle.

    Welcome to Travel Photo Thursday!

  7. I love the statues, they remind me of Little Mermaid’s world ^^ (I like the turtle one the best too!)

  8. Author

    Oh yes, Annie! The Little Mermaid. That IS what they’re like!

  9. Author

    I got a pic of the Senor Frog in Ensenada and Costa Maya. Too fun! And you’re right, they do look Disneyland-ish. (That’s why the kid inside me liked them.)

  10. How cute. They almost look glittery, but maybe that’s the sun! The octopus is my fave.

  11. Author

    Yes, I can see you and Justin posing with them and making all sorts of cute expressions like you two do!!!

  12. Author

    Juliet, you are CORRECT! They did have some kind of sparkle glitter paint on them. The octopus is cute. If I wasn’t so partial to turtle, that’d probably be my fave too.

  13. You have every right to think that turtle’s grin was just for you – why not? Fun post and pics.

  14. Author

    Lol, Cathy! I like your attitude! And thx for taking the time to stop by and say these were fun.


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