The Dead Files: New Look and Episodes Answers Questions

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Steve DiSchiavi and Cindy Kaza The Dead Files poster

Behold the “new look” for The Dead Files, which Travel Channel released along with the announcement about forthcoming new episodes. That answers questions some had after “Shadows of Death” aired, a.k.a. The Dead Files episode where psychic medium Cindy Kaza officially replaced Amy Allan. Namely, would the show be back, and if so, when?

Travel Channel took mercy on the worriers. Instead of making viewers wait months between new episodes, Dead Files fans will only have to wait until Thursday, September 7. That’s when The Dead Files returns with seven all-new episodes at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Travel Channel.

Not that a lot of people are happy with the change. Most are resistant to it. They loved Amy Allan and didn’t want to see her leave. They’re not shy about voicing their displeasure with the decision to bring in someone new rather than end the show entirely.

Others are trying to give Kaza, whose style is a little different, a chance. Partly because they also don’t want to abandon DiSchiavi.

Admittedly, it’s a tricky situation, but maybe with more time, those unhappy will warm to Kaza?

I don’t know. But even with the new look, The Dead Files format remains the same. Kaza and DiShiavi team up to help solve more incidents where destructive paranormal activity plagues property owners.

As he has for over the past decade, DiSchiavi utilizes his detective skills in each case. He researches the facts around each location, interviews witnesses, experts and historians about the hauntings, and digs into archives to better understand each property’s history. Kaza employs her gifts to communicate with the other side. She attempts to communicate with entities to understand why they continue to linger on site.

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In “The Butcher,” the new episode premiering September 7, Kaza and DiShiavi set out to help a woman named Donalyn and her family. Here’s the episode description:

Donalyn has dealt with the paranormal most of her life, but nothing ever felt threatening until her adult daughter, Regan, moved back in. Now in fear for her family’s safety and her life, Donalyn reaches out to Steve and Cindy for answers to the activity tearing her family apart. After their separate investigations, Steve and Cindy reveal their terrifying findings, hoping to provide answers to the onslaught of dangerous activity and a path forward for Donalyn and her family.

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What do you think about The Dead Files’ new look?


  1. Changes are hard. I hope people give Kaza a chance before passing judgement.

  2. Having watched Kaza on multiple other programs, she’s perfectly fine to take up the reins. The fans should give her a chance.

  3. Author

    Changes really are hard. A lot of judgment has already been passed BUT…I’m curious to see if people will soften as more episodes roll out come September. We’ll see… lol

  4. Author

    It’s definitely a tricky pickle, Maria. People sure resist change but maybe they’ll warm up to her. I think it makes it harder because they are so different. Might’ve been better if they went with someone entirely different.

  5. I welcome the change.

  6. Sorry to see Amy go but Cindy is an excellent replacement. I hope they will revisit some of the cases from previous “Dead Files” shows. Often when watching reruns I wonder what ever happened to these people? One in particular was a girl that a “shadow man” tried to pull through her bedroom wall leaving her badly bruised. And there were some where Amy believed they were being temporarily abducted by aliens, and many other bizarre cases. At the end of the shows a message appears saying something like the people are currently looking for a shaman or others for help. You know after many years they still can’t be just looking.

  7. Author

    Ooo, have they ever done that, Rebecca? Any follow-ups? If not, I’m surprised they haven’t. Sounds like an excellent addendum series or bonus episode or something….

  8. Agree with Rebecca, follow ups would be very interesting, I’ve often wondered what happened to some of the people on these episodes.

    I also think Amy knew what she was doing when she picked Cindy to take over from her. I have seen Cindy’s talents at work over the course of several shows and although her style is very different from Amy’s, she is a hugely gifted psychic medium.

    I am more than happy to welcome her to The Dead Files and to witness her effect on the homeowners as she interacts with them. She brings new and exciting dimensions to the show and I hope people accept her as a worthy replacement.

  9. Author

    Love this, L A! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave this comment. Thanks to you and Rebecca, I’m hoping maybe they’ll realize they could do some follow ups for the fans and create either a new show or extras to this one.

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