The Haunt Jaunts Podcast: A New Way to Jaunt with Us (if you dare…)

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Haunt Jaunts Ghost Suitcase Logo for Podcast
Come listen. If you dare…

Perhaps you’ve been jaunting with me long enough to remember when I had a Haunt Jaunts radio show on ParaMania Radio? That was a weekly live show. Every week I’d play a game, maybe share some sort of trivia tidbit, and I’d always interview a guest.

It was a lot of fun but also a big commitment. And hard when I started traveling more and more. It’s not good form to have a show that’s supposed to be weekly –and live– and not be there consistently.

I was at first. But towards the end I knew it just wasn’t going to work for me anymore.

It also took a lot of time. More than I had expected it would, because I’m a Virgo and when I’m in? I’m all in! So I put a lot of prep into it.

Plus, there was the Haunted Headlines videos, and books to get out. Still haven’t gotten the books done, and I’ve since also quit making the Haunted Headlines.

Hmm… there’s a bit of a disturbing pattern, isn’t it? Start something new, go at it hot and heavy, and then stop…

So we’ll see how long I stick with the podcasting. But for now…

Navigating the Learning Curve

I can tell you I have been wanting to start a podcast for a while, though. Ever since I quit the radio show. But I was intimidated to learn a new process so I put it off for over a year.

Then two ghoulfriends and I decided we wanted to make a podcast together, “A Haunt Mess.” I volunteered to be the technician since I knew I eventually wanted to create a “Haunt Jaunts” podcast. This would force me to learn what I needed to know.

However, in order to learn how to create a podcast for “A Haunt Mess,” I decided to practice by finally launching the Haunt Jaunts podcast.

The Format

The format will differ from the radio show. It won’t be an hour long show for starters. In fact, it won’t have a set time. It’ll sort of be like the blog, only audible.

That means there’s no telling what the subject might be each episode. I might talk about places or events, or I might interview people or talk about jaunts I’ve taken. I might even bring back the Haunted Headlines!

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It also won’t be once a week. It will be at least once a week, but I might post episodes several times a week. Speaking of episodes…

First Episodes

The first episodes are live. They’re based on two recent blog posts: “Proof of Ghosts or Wonky Tech?” and  “How Many Frankenstein Castles Are There?

I’ve embedded them below so you can give a listen.

There’s also a new Podcast tab in the menu. I’ve embedded a player so you can also listen directly from there. I believe it will automatically update when new episodes are available. (Not sure about that. We’ll find out when I upload the next episode.)

But if you don’t want to check back on the Podcast page, there’s a subscribe button (just like the ones on the episodes below) that you can use. That should notify you when new shows are available. (Again,  not sure about that. If you’d like to be a Beta Tester and tell me if it works, I’d appreciate that.)

Eventually I’ll also have it listed on popular podcast outlets like iTunes, Spotify, etc. I’ll write an update post when I’m sure it’s available in those places too. That way if you use those, you’ll also be able to tune in and subscribe that way.

So what do you say? Come listen. If you dare…


Are you a podcast listener? If so, what are some of your favorites?

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