The Inter-Dimensional Paranormal Museum to Open in August

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415 Howe Avenue Conti Building where the Inter-Dimensional Paranormal Museum will be
415 Howe Avenue Conti Building where the Inter-Dimensional Paranormal Museum will be. Photo by Alison Margo Photography Source: 415 Howe Avenue’s Facebook page

Even amidst the coronavirus crisis, new haunted life is blooming.  Specifically, a new paranormal museum/research center is about to be born in the United States. The paranormal investigation team Ghost Storm is set to open the Inter-Dimensional Paranormal Museum and Study in Shelton, Connecticut. The grand opening is scheduled for August 5, 2020.

Nick Storm is the founder of Ghost Storm, and also the proprietor of the museum. Or would he prefer to be called curator? Creator? Maybe I’ll just stick with the owner.

What better way to celebrate the museum’s opening, welcome visitors and show what all it has to offer than with a grand opening?

Here’s the description of festivities from its Event Brite listing:

The Interdimensional Paranormal Museum And Study is not only an exhibit of supernatural treasures but also a study lab where Ghost Storm and CT P.A.S.T.S. hold psychic experiments and make contact with the artifacts themselves. Nick Storm has actual footage of the artifacts creating paranormal phenomenon. Also take a walk through the hallways of The Conti Building and learn about its haunted/historical past. Nick Storm also has a contraption called “The Scry Master” Where you will most likely have an out of body experience and be able to view the spirit world. The Museum/lab is a perfect environment for people interested in ghost hunting as they are welcome to interact with the artifacts. We will meet at the coworking space and from there we will get to the exhibits. The exhibits have inferred cameras on them so you will probably get to see a paranormal anomaly. The museum will do events a few times a month or you can book private appointments as well. A private appointment is necessary for The Scry Master. The museum is in The Conti Building 415 Howe Ave Shelton CT.

Okay, I’m not comfortable traveling just yet, but as soon as I am? I definitely want to check out this museum. Especially the Scry Master. That sounds all kinds of crazy interesting. #MustKnowMore

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Might have to reach out and see if I can have a brief chat with Mr. Storm for either a Terror Tryst or just a quick chat for the podcast.

For More Info



Have you ever visited and/or used a paranormal museum/research center?

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