What does the photo look like to you? Eyes right? That’s what made me choose it. It kind of had an eerie/otherworldly sort of quality to it. Keeps in theme with the blog.
However, as I discovered, it’s not actually eyes. When I clicked on the image to download it, I read the photographer’s description and discovered it’s a lamp.
Which is actually perfect because it fits right in with what I’m leading up to. How things aren’t always as they seem.
I was watching an episode of UFO Hunters this morning. They showed footage captured by a man filming planes in Osaka, Japan. He captured a very odd UFO, one the plane looked like it was on a collision course with. Or that it was going to clip, but it didn’t.
However, the pilots saw nothing. The man with the camera noticed that he, too, only saw the image when he looked through the lens. When he looked with his naked eye to see if he could somehow get a better look at whatever it was, there was nothing in the sky.
Except, there was something there. When he looked back in the camera, he saw it. Eventually it vanished, but…it had been there.
What I liked about this episode that I hadn’t seen on any other shows concerning the paranormal or UFOs was an explanation about the light spectrum. They showed the very limited range that the naked eye can see. They then showed how some cameras and video recorders can capture a bit more of the spectrum. Both up and down from what the naked eye sees.
They further demonstrated the concept with an infrared light. They shined it on a plastic sheet, had a man hold his hand under the beam, but no light was visible. Then they had the man look through a lens. Suddenly he could see it, in the form of a purplish light.
They went on to explain that it was entirely possible that whatever was caught on film near the airport in Osaka, Japan very well may have been invisible to the naked eye. They deferred back to how some lenses on cameras and such can pick up more of the light spectrum and that’s why the camera caught it. And that possibly the UFO used infrared light to cloak it from being detected.
This was one of the best illustrations I’ve ever come across of this principle. There’s a lot of energy we can’t see. Microwaves, radiation, x-rays…and infrared.
For some of you experienced ghost hunters, you already get it. But this is one concept I’ve really struggled to understand before today. (How some energies, like orbs, mists, and sometimes even shadows show up on film even though no one saw them at the time. And, more importantly, why some cameras catch them when others don’t.)
But now…I get it. (Hey, I never claimed to be the brightest flashlight on the investigation!)
Real UFOs posted the video of the Osaka incident. Click here to be taken to the link. (Sorry, I couldn’t get the video to embed here or I’d just have done that.)
The Alien Casebook “Frontier” posted a blog about this UFO Hunters episode (called Aliens at the Airport). They have a lot of different clips from the episode, which also examined an impressive sighting at Chicago’s O’Hare airport. Click here to check the post out.
Courtney Mroch is a globe-trotting restless spirit who’s both possessed by wanderlust and the spirit of adventure, and obsessed with true crime, horror, the paranormal, and weird days. Perhaps it has something to do with her genes? She is related to occult royalty, after all. Marie Laveau, the famous Voodoo practitioner of New Orleans, is one of her ancestors. (Yes, really! As explained here.) That could also explain her infatuation with skeletons.
Speaking of mystical, to learn how Courtney channeled her battle with cancer to conjure up this site, check out HJ’s Origin Story.