Thoughts on A Ghost Ruined My Life and Its Misleading Title

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Eli Roth's A Ghost Ruined My Life poster discovery+

I have some thoughts after screening the first two episodes of Eli Roth Presents: A Ghost Ruined My Life. I’ve been anxiously anticipating it even before I knew what it would be.

Or should I say what they would be because the first I’d heard that Eli Roth would offer something creepy on discovery+ was when the streamer first announced its launch date back in early December last year. They teased that they were developing content with some of the biggest names in the horror genre, including an exclusive multi-project deal with the director.

I didn’t appreciate at the time what “multi-project deal” meant, though. But now we all know he also teamed up with Zak Bagans to create The Haunted Museum, another series that just launched on discovery+ for Ghostober.

The first two episodes of Eli Roth Presents: A Ghost Ruined My Life premieres on discovery+ on Friday, October 8.  However, I had a chance to screen “Portal to Hell” (episode 1) and “Dark Entity” (episode 2) in advance. But before I share my thoughts on the new series, let’s revisit what it’s all about.

About A Ghost Ruined My Life

A Ghost Ruined My Life makes it clear that Roth still has a deep affinity for horror and takes an entirely new approach to storytelling. The series examines haunting untold stories of victims of the paranormal as they try to unpack the unexplainable causes of their emotional (and sometimes physical) trauma.

Each show is unique and aims to reveal the ravaged relationships, lost livelihoods, and obliterated sense of self that has plagued the main subject since their first confrontation with a ghost, demon, dark entity, or poltergeist.

It’s meant to be equal parts horrific and evocative and exposes audiences to the real-life stories of people who were dragged through hell and back as they struggled to rebuild their shattered lives.

The episodes feature actor reenactment of events paired with interviews of the victims explaining their stories.

A Ghost Ruined My Life Episode Breakdowns

It was impossible not to feel sympathy for both Shannon Rogers and Candice Weston, each of the women whose stories are featured in the “Portal to Hell” and “Dark Entity” episodes, respectively. Even before they begin discussing what happened, they’re crying.

Uh oh. That can’t be good.

And it wasn’t. What they say they experienced with their hauntings sounds pretty disturbing.

“Portal to Hell”

Shannon rented a house associated with a couple of deaths that she didn’t know about ahead of time, including the tenant before her who had committed suicide. A psychic friend advised her that suicides can trap energies, both dark and otherwise. However, if they helped him move along, the others would follow.

Sounded like a good plan, but it didn’t work in Shannon’s case. When they attempted to close the portal they didn’t check to make sure everything that had come out had passed back through.

And I have to pause here for a second to comment on a great point Shannon made during the episode. She said portals don’t have filters. They let everything through. #Truth

Okay, so back to her story. She and her psychic friend tried to close the portal, which maybe they did, but something either got left behind or decided not to go through before it closed. Something that still remains here to this day.

Whether it’s still living in that house that she has since vacated or is trying to keep stalking her, though…well, that’s why she was anxious about doing the interview. She didn’t want to reawaken it.

She now lives in an RV and is living in different places while she tours the country and hosts paranormal events.

“Dark Entity”

Candice had a similar story. Except her haunting didn’t start with a move into a new home, but when her father-in-law died. Apparently, he’d had some troubles with the paranormal.

It wasn’t clear if Candice knew this prior to his death or not, but she definitely found out after he passed. It seemed that whatever might’ve been plaguing him and had latched on to her.

She and her wife at that time and their daughter started having some incredible issues, including Candice and her daughter both seeing a scary, threatening entity.

It led to Candice and her wife breaking up, but now Candice is also very entrenched in the paranormal.

Thoughts on What’s Wrong with A Ghost Ruined My Life

I wasn’t even halfway through “Portal to Hell” when I had a hunch about Shannon. I was willing to bet she had strong ties to the paranormal. Suspicions that would’ve been confirmed if I’d just watched until the end of the show. She explains exactly what she does.

However, I wanted to confirm my suspicions right when they cropped up. So I Googled her name along with “A Ghost Ruined My Life” and the episode title and quickly got a hit on Facebook. Her friends at the Haunted Olde Park Hotel in Ballinger, Texas, shared how she’d be on the show and encouraged folks to watch when it launched.

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Well, that was a bummer. Not because the Haunted Olde Park Hotel had shared that she’d be on the show. That’s what good friends do. They show their support. It is exciting when your friend gets on TV.

However, I was hoping for a series that showcased regular people telling their paranormal survival stories. Something more akin to the TV series I Survived.

I wasn’t halfway through the first episode and it felt more like a platform for individual brand promotion. Meaning, a way for someone to establish their legitimacy for being an “expert” in the paranormal realm and stand out. Because increasingly that’s what it’s all about these days. Who has the better, bigger, worse scarier story.

A Ghost Ruined My Life is just the newest vehicle for folks looking to claim their ticket to paranormal fame. That’s what people do. They see how it might lead to bigger and better things for them —or what they perceive as bigger and better— including paracon invites, guest speaker opportunities, and perhaps even their own show one day.

Because let’s face it. You don’t go poking the bear. Meaning, if you’ve ever dealt with an actual stalker or psychopath, you avoid further encounters at all costs. You don’t actively seek them out. The main reason folks want on these sorts of TV shows is for the attention.

That’s likely going to piss off a lot of people. Especially anyone who’s friends with either of these ladies or who watches their episodes.

Which is why I’m going to make it perfectly clear where I stand on this. We live in an age that’s all about brand recognition and doing what you feel you have to do to be noticed. If that’s what you’re all about, you do you, boo. I’m not judging.

Nor am I in any way, shape, or form trying to diminish their stories. Their tears were genuine. Their pain was palpable and authentic. I’m sorry they both had such horrific experiences.

But did it ruin their lives?


Happily Ever After

The show’s title is misleading.

Shannon now earns her living from the paranormal. Candice has a day job, but is also a paranormal investigator with a  few groups, including being one at the Haunted Old South Pittsburgh Hospital. She’s also an event manager/stakeholder in Paranormal Adventures Event Management.

They both claim their experiences are why they’re in the paranormal today.

For me, this was a turn-off. It was pretty obvious the show’s producers had put out a casting call to a certain segment of folks.

The show should be called A Ghost Helped Change My Life.

Or maybe the remaining episodes will prove it’s titled correctly? Maybe not all the victims are paranormal investigators and enthusiasts? We’ll find out…

A Ghost Ruined My Life Rating

My personal thoughts aside, is A Ghost Ruined My Life good entertainment?

Yes. The reenactments are terrifying.

However, here’s a warning to those who suffer from arachnophobia: episode 2 is loaded with spiders. Even if spiders don’t normally bother you they might give you the heebie-jeebies this time.

And regardless of how I felt about any ulterior motives for appearing on the series, the two women featured in the first two episodes draw you in. I can only surmise that will continue for the other episodes with other camera-friendly victims.

It’s also a very well-put-together series. It’s similar to shows we’ve seen before, most notably Paranormal Witness. So if you liked that, you’ll probably dig A Ghost Ruined My Life too.

But for me, it was only a three out of five skull show.

Three skulls


What are your thoughts on people using shows like A Ghost Ruined My Life to advance their own agendas? Do you think it’s copacetic and that’s just all part of the fame game? Or does it set wrong with you too?


  1. Hi. I am Shannon. I had no idea the full direction the filming was going until the day we filmed. I was very awkward about standing in front of my vehicle with my car magnetic. Now I am getting a lot of people ask for help because my number was on it. The crew and producers treated me so kindly. We talked for almost 6 months. It got to where I would email the producer I was working with because she gained my trust. I was broken down before I started speaking outside of my circle about it. It was very therapeutic. I was in the Metaphysical realm before entering the paranormal right about the time I moved into that house. I would be more than happy to share my whole story with you…..without Hollywood. No matter the direction of the show, it helped me cope. My friends in the field absolutely support me because a lot have become part of my family and they remember what I went through. They know by our consistent contact who I am as a person and how scary it was for me to come out and trust a show to tell my story. I also have another son who wasn’t on the show. My children were absolutely effected. They are proud of me and that matters to me. I care about others. I have even backed off doing events for the most part to have more personal experiences. I don’t have a brand. Just a journey. You found my Facebook page already……please find it again and shoot me a message. I am more than others portrayal of me ??

  2. Hi. I am Shannon. I had no idea the full direction the filming was going until the day we filmed. I was very awkward about standing in front of my vehicle with my car magnetic. Now I am getting a lot of people ask for help because my number was on it. The crew and producers treated me so kindly. We talked for almost 6 months. It got to where I would email the producer I was working with because she gained my trust. I was broken down before I started speaking outside of my circle about it. It was very therapeutic. I was in the Metaphysical realm before entering the paranormal right about the time I moved into that house. I would be more than happy to share my whole story with you…..without Hollywood. No matter the direction of the show, it helped me cope. My friends in the field absolutely support me because a lot have become part of my family and they remember what I went through. They know by our consistent contact who I am as a person and how scary it was for me to come out and trust a show to tell my story. I also have another son who wasn’t on the show. My children were absolutely effected. They are proud of me and that matters to me. I care about others. I have even backed off doing events for the most part to have more personal experiences. I don’t have a brand. Just a journey. You found my Facebook page already……please find it again and shoot me a message. I am more than others portrayal of me ??

  3. Oh and I don’t earn a living from the paranormal. I have 2 jobs. I was hosting events to break even so being able to investigate didn’t cone out of the money for my family. I haven’t had an event since June. Please research a little better before you base assumptions of ones character. That’s only fair.

  4. Author

    Hey Shannon! Thanks so much for sharing your perspective. It’s good to know the producers were as kind and compassionate in real life as they seemed during the episodes. And it’s also good to know you are getting a lot calls since your episode aired. I’m also sorry for all you experienced. I know a thing or two about trauma, and from that I’m also keenly aware it can often be very hard for others to relate who have no frame of reference/shared life experience for what you’ve endured. So the fact this turned out to also be therapeutic for you is fantastic. And if others watch, reach out, and you can help? That’s even better. And your kids should be proud of you. You’re obviously a tough lady. Best of luck to you in your healing and your journey.

  5. Author

    I stand corrected. They showed the part where you said you eat, sleep, breathe the paranormal and how you host investigations around the country right when you stood by your truck. I interpreted it that that’s how you earn your living.

  6. It’s ok…..can understand how that might have been taken that way. I appreciate your kind response. Very much so…..thank you. ?

  7. Author

    You betcha. Thanks again for stopping by and setting your story straight!

  8. What gets me is that in episode one, Shannon tries everything to rid the house of anything paranormal but doesn’t try to exorcise the demon in the house she rented. I find that very strange.

  9. Author

    I may be confusing it with another episode, but didn’t she want to try, but as she was trying to fight back she gave in and realized she couldn’t do it? Now you’ve got me wondering! I’ll have to go back and watch the end of the episode because I think she talked about that there. How she wanted to get rid of the demon and set out to but realized it was more powerful. BUT…A Ghost Ruined My Life and The Haunted Museum episodes are blurring together so I may have stories crossed somewhere…

  10. I agree that the title of the show is misleading. I enjoyed episode one. Episode two, not so much. My uncle had schizophrenia and a lot of the things Candice described are things that he had happen to him. I’m not saying that she is mentally ill, but I hope she’s been evaluated.

  11. Author

    Christa, I was SO tempted to write more about episode 2 because sadly like you, I have relatives with mental health problems, as well as substance abuse. NOT saying Candice had substance abuse, but she did remind me very much of ma relative too, particularly my schizophrenic cousin who has struggled with meth, crack, and opioid addiction. I felt so very much the same way. More that I hoped she never had to endure any of that but that it had also been ruled out. Ep 2 hit too close to home and made me sad. I’ve only watched up until ep 3. The reenactments are scary but it’s the title… it’s ruining my enjoyment of the show. Although, the 3rd ep was scary. Anyway…THANK YOU for your comment and I’m so very sorry to hear you have a family member with a mental illness too. But it’s interesting you saw it from that perspective too.

  12. I just finished watching Ep 1 and it honestly felt like I was watching The Amityville Horror. It was just like a horror movie. But the only thing I kept thinking was…Why would someone stay in a house with such horrible paranormal activity going on? She said she couldn’t afford anywhere else to live. Really? You’re renting a beautiful gothic mansion yet you can’t afford something else? And then you get away from what supposedly ruined your life and you jump right back into the paranormal feet first? I don’t buy it. I’ve encountered the paranormal before, and as a Christian, I simply called it out. It has no power over me through the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior. Plain and simple. If you know there’s evil, then you have to know there’s good. And the good comes from God. How experiencing anything this horribly savage could keep you from calling on Him is beyond me.
    I just read all of the comments and saw where Shannon reached out to you, the OP. I’m still not impressed. She obviously knows the danger dabbling in the paranormal can bring, yet she apparently continues to reach out to the “metaphysical realm” as she calls it. That’s not only dangerous, it’s downright ridiculous. As long as she allows the paranormal to be a part of her life, she won’t get any peace.

  13. Watched the latest episode with “Claudia” and sure enough she’s an influencer and a psychologist. Yet she’s has some kind of podcast or her own show where she uses her psychology for the paranormal? This show is ridiculous.

  14. Author

    I really appreciate your observations, CatChick. It’s nice to know someone else out there is on the same wavelength about this.

  15. Author

    LOL! I would’ve had an easier time buying the ruined lives if they weren’t all entrenched in the paranormal. Thanks so much for stopping by and expressing your thoughts on it too.

  16. If in S1 E1 they live in an RV now and travel around to avoid the evil etc, how does the young son go to school was my question? Is he home schooled or gets no education whatsoever? Anyway that was the thought that came to my mind after watching. If anyone knows, please feel free to let me know as I am curious.

  17. Author

    That’s a great question, Heather. Shannon may receive notifications of new comments on this post and might see it to answer for herself? I sensed she really loves her son and does want the best for him so it may be she’s homeschooling him? I’m not 100% on that though so I’m hoping perhaps we’ll luck out and she’ll answer for herself.

  18. I have always felt that it is best to avoid large houses (not that difficult in the UK) and live in ones without any history. This is based on the premise that if nothing ‘evil’ has taken place in the house and no previous inhabitants have died from anything other than old age etc. Am I barking up the wrong tree? I wish you all the best for peaceful lives untramelled further by undesirable paranormal activity.

  19. Author

    Seems like a very good premise, Richard. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and that beautiful wish.

  20. Ok so the bit that puts me off and the reason I’m commenting here is in the first episode when Shannon is on camera and talks about her phone going off even though she had just turned it off. Like, for one thing, how are demons making spam calls? The mental gymnastics I have to perform to make that make any sort of sense is exhausting. For another, wouldn’t it be so easy to make an alarm on your phone go off and refer to it as some sort of phenomenon? It feels so performative to me and not very well investigated if it is legitimate. I would like to believe her story, I’m open to the idea of paranormal experiences, but this moment in the show feels like a (poorly) calculated effort to cement her claim that there is something still haunting her. Does anyone else have thoughts on this?

  21. I just saw the first episode. The whole thing seemed like such a scam, not the fact that she had experiences (shannon) but she didn’t even get the demon out from her own home and now has her own company to “help” others and cleanses them??? She’s trying to “help” others meanwhile she couldn’t help herself and is traveling the world. Yeah makes a lot of sense… *eye roll*

  22. Author

    Oh Matt, thanks for the chuckle about the mental gymnastics and the demons making spam calls. Hilarious. Also, “performative” was such a good word. It’s been a while since I saw this episode but I remember it was lacking in legitimacy. Like you, I want to believe but some stories are harder to digest than others. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts about it all.

  23. Author

    Well, I once again totally missed the obvious. GREAT point about how can you help others if you can’t even help yourself, Lavender. Thanks for taking the time to share your insights.

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